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Posts posted by talahtnut

  1. On 12/21/2017 at 8:01 PM, GarryP said:

    So a man can "dress up" but a woman can't. A man "dressing up" would not be seen as provocative, but a woman "dressing up" would. Perhaps chador is the way to go then!!!!!


    One can be both intelligent/kind and attractive. Everybody should be confident in the way they look and if you happen to be attractive/handsome, it should not detract from the fact that you are also intelligent/altruistic or whatever. If I am handsome or beautiful why should I not dress to show it if it makes me happy. 


    When I see a beautiful "provocatively" dressed woman, I do not instantly go, "Oh she must be evil and thick".  I do not make assumptions about people based on the way they dress.



    When you see a beautiful 'provocatively' dressed women...I bet you WILL make assumptions PDQ..   I would also bet a Leo, you would need a blast proof wallet to keep her interested. 

  2. 20 hours ago, SheungWan said:

    Better to hang out on the Conspiracy Theory loony websites where the economically illiterate can have their ignorance placed on a pedestal.

    Some people can not see what  is going on around them, blinkered by government deception.  Can any sane person believe that the government is truthful?

    Who was it that said, 'Lies, damned lies and statistics'....?

    As for the UK economy, it needs to be put on your 'pedestal' of unsustainability.

    Personal insults reveal character shortcomings of the person issuing them.



    18 hours ago, nauseus said:
    19 hours ago, SheungWan said:

    That's because it appears all some Brexiteers ever wanted was nothing more than the UK passport to be changed to colour blue instead of red.

    Plus me two front teef.

    You,ve been talking to the toof fairy again.

  4. 16 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

    This article was written 16 months ago. See how wrong these experts can be? Amazing. The US economy is not doing nearly as well as the government would like us to believe. On a macro level it seems to be faring well. But, unless you are in the top 5-10% of the economic food chain, you are not seeing much of anything within the US. And consumer confidence is incredibly low there. 

    When I hear the word 'Expert' I know what follows is either stupid or a lie.

    And when I hear the word 'Economist' coupled with 'Expert' I know it means debt.

    World governments seem to be catching on fast to the art of defrauding its electorates.   It can only get worse.

  5. 15 hours ago, soalbundy said:

    people have been predicting the demise of the EU and the Euro since their inception and they are still here, yes it has its problems but so has just about every country in the world. The EU and the Euro will still be here when my children are old and will probably eventually include Russia (and the UK) to make Europe the most prosperous place to be in the world while America will have grown old and decline before its time and the only competitor for Europe will be China. Nostradamus is sh1t compared to me.

    All empires and world powers collapse. The EU is next.

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