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Posts posted by talahtnut

  1. 15 hours ago, strewth mick said:

    They are trying to say that Thailand is more developed than people give it credit for. They talk about the fact that many Asians now partake in tourism to Europe. Whilst demographics are changing I disagree with a few things this person says. The reality is that a huge chunk of the world are living on very small incomes which means they can't afford luxuries such as travel. This includes China and Thailand. They say there are more hookers in Europe than in Thailand....I disagree with this too.

    Well done Mick, I got the message too.. certainly better than my Thai attempts here.   BTW I believe hes right about pros in UK,  but as there are legal complications,  its normally  a discreet occupation..with enticing rewards.

  2. 15 hours ago, Petchou said:

    Ignorance in its splendor.   What are you doing in country of peasants?   You are probably living on their money or with meegre money and you are useless back home.

    He is maybe, doing what some of the greatest philosophers that ever lived did.

    Quite a few in the west chuck their high status jobs and turn to living off the land.

    There's nothing like ploughing you own land and watching your food grow.



  3. 15 hours ago, bwpage3 said:

    Thai women think ALL white men are rich.


    The white man is the Thai woman's lottery win in their minds.


    Thai women can never assimilate with their own society of rich and poor.


    They are so poor in Isan, common sense left them a long time ago as they have dreamt of marrying a farang and being rich?


    No matter how many times they are told otherwise, they refuse to accept and believe the truth that all white men are not rich.


    You are white and you are in Thailand, you must be rich.


    Lack of education and mindset is a dangerous thing.


    Moving off to farangland with new rich husband!


    Did she ever visit Germany to see what she was getting herself into? Probably not.


    Married the great white hope in Thailand and off we go to the Thai Soap Opera mega-rich lifestyle of the white farangs in the west.


    Must be true if it is on a Thai Soap Opera, right?


    It sounds so absurd, however, that is exactly what some Thai women believe.


    I am not sure, even if a decent, good hearted farang with good intentions tried to explain how they would be living in his home country, if the woman would actually believe him or not?


    Probably not, because in their minds they won the lottery and got married with a farang, who must be rich.


    How a person can get married, and think she is going to have a maid and all the other luxuries of the rich and famous is a break-down in communications. Either the farang never was honest and showed photos and evidence of where he lived or else he did make that effort and she just did not believe him until she saw it with her own eyes.


    Anyways, it is interesting how the news always finds ONE odd story about 1 Thai woman and tries to stereotype into ALL Thai women that marry farangs are screwed if they move to the west.


    Never seem to have any good stories about Thai women that married farangs and moved to the west and have a splendid life.







    I read in a UK paper that 95% Thai wives introduced into the UK end up in the divorce courts.  It doesn't seem wise to take a happy Thai to another country from which, even you, would like to escape from.

    • Like 1
  4. On 2/2/2018 at 6:47 AM, mommysboy said:

    Rarely post on this subject these days.  Just feel the need to point out this is panning out in the worst possible way many of us predicted from day one.  This Brexit issue is merely about a totally incompetent government ignoring real issues, trying to embroil us all in its own argument to deflect from the fact that it is utterly impotent.


    That a Tory administration seems oblivious to national economic interests simply defies belief!

    Its not only a Tory problem..its any party's problem. Groups of very bright people can be collectively stupid (a phenomena Irving L. Janis called "groupthink")‐‐whereas very ordinary or dull people can,under the right circumstances, generate real wisdom, in UK governments we have "thinktanks" etc., ..sounds impressive, but has merely created an unsustainable economy, and a divided society.


    • Thanks 1
  5. 16 hours ago, Laughing Gravy said:

    Also clowns who spout on about how great there privileged grammar education should realize that the people voted to leave not remain, in any capacity.


    I would suggest it is time to grow up Grouse and if you are trying to get your point across which shown you were totally incorrect on education level and what people voted for in the referendum, you are not doing it well.

    Yeah, the way they talk to us....well I wouldn't talk to my gamekeeper like that.

    • Haha 2
  6. 17 hours ago, altcar bob said:

    It is tantamount to this.....car has a clunking sound coming from the engine,take it to a garage,mechanic gets his diagnostic tools out,pores over it for a night,comes up with the conclusion  he knows nothing,cannot fix ...and shoves you with a bill of 35000 , same -same white coated shyster in hospital ,in no short order both would be told to fkuc off .

       Now I know the OP was a bit prissy one particular  subject, perhaps that was what caught him out

    Thats an interesting analogy..A dizzy cap for a Rolls Royce is the same as a Rover V8..but price is much higher. Its a fact of life that we are all being ripped of every day in some way or other.

    Might do better seeing a vet!

    • Thanks 1
  7. Your UK doctor will probably be Indian, Pakistani, even Thai.

    You will have to wait, and may get a bed in the corridor.

    No doctor knows everything, looks like you need a specialist..as the Thai Doc recommended.

    If you need to sell your stuff quickly..see an auctioneer..some can handle the legal side too.

    Eat a healthy diet, and good luck for the future.

  8. The Thai traffic regulations are: The more wheels on your vehicle the more right of way you have. The more powerful your vehicle the more right of way you have.

    And it is illegal to go up a one way street unless its the shortest route to your destination. Finally, Thais and Elephants have right of way over everything.

    So you can see, farang cyclists have sod all rights in a Thai law court.

    If you see the old girl again you must apologize humbly.

  9. 18 hours ago, hyku1147 said:

    Most women over 50 are great people; however, they do not turn me on. :sad:

    Therefore, operation babe becomes requisite.:smile:

    I'll have to agree with that..probably been through the mill, knows the game, a bit more sensible, and better company.

  10. 15 hours ago, JAG said:



    This chap was often seen riding his bike around Chiang Rai. The other side of his helmet has the SS runes, and the front a swastika.


    I snapped this picture at some lights. He got quite excited and swore at me in German.


    I haven't seen him for a while - I do hope he hasn't fallen off his bike and hurt himself...

    Might have been shot down or captured.

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