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Posts posted by talahtnut

  1. 17 hours ago, Khun Han said:


    Being serious for a moment (not easy with you), journalism is 80% bs, 10% talent (in select cases, otherwise add the 10% to the former) and 10% luck. We (or rather future generations) are lucky to get something close to the truth fifty years after the event most of the time.

    Nice one Khun Han,  From the day one is borne in the UK, the fraud begins.

    • Like 2
  2. 15 hours ago, Grouse said:

    You picked the wrong man to bandy words with. I find Rees Mogg has a limited vocabulary! 


    Now, if you really want to discuss neuroliguistcs, great, but PM me. ( I worked in neural networks and machine learning)


    Now, I reassert that The Economist is famously unbiased and if you only read this esteemed organ you would be better informed than most here ?

    Neural networks and machine learning has nothing to do with neurolinguistics.

    Put simply its a method of mind control..without you realizing it.

    If I were to discuss it with you, I'm sure we would argue. LOL. Best to read up on it.

  3. 15 hours ago, Grouse said:

    Disingenuous again


    The Rothschilds have a share 


    so do Cadbury (chocolate)

    and Agnelli (cars- Fiat, Alfa, Ferrari, Chrysler, Lancia)

    and Shroeder


    Has anyone claimed of bias? EVER?


    If not, back off and try reading a thoroughly good publication.

    Good morning Grouse, The bias is hidden in the sophisticated neurolinguistics.

  4. 15 hours ago, nontabury said:

    The only thing this small survey shows,is that most people are unhappy with the proposed sell out to the E.U. Thypical reporting by the Independent.

    Media reportings powerful bias can make people believe anything.

    Prepare to remain in the EU.  UK democracy is an illusion.

    • Like 1
  5. 15 hours ago, Grouse said:

    The EU have handled the issue brilliantly without wheeling out the heavy artillery 


    It seems to me that they are treating May and friends as recalcitrant teenagers.


    As good parents know the idea is to let teenagers come to the correct decisions themselves and not be swayed by the unsavoury types who try to influence them.


    No sensible people think Brexit is a good idea now. As Cable says break Brexit and spend money on the NHS. Best for EVERYONE except the Komodo Cons.

    Good evening Grouse,  'unsavoury types who try to influence them'. Thats interesting..I think we know where we get 'facts and figures' from..but why would you believe the BBC and news media?  all controlled by big corporations.

    Independence make you strong...or perhaps you would like to pay me for making up silly rules in your house.


    • Like 2
  6. 19 hours ago, bazza73 said:

    You can bet they would be dressed differently if they were going to their local temple to make merit.

    So if they show some leg, they are not dressed respectably? They certainly aren't flashing any boobs. Sounds like you'd be more at home with bloomers and bustles.

    You lot are depraved.

    As for the bloomers and bustles, I can't get 'em on any more.

    • Haha 1
  7. 17 hours ago, Grouse said:

    I am aware of the status quo thanks. Take a look at other EU countries and tell me why they same happier than us? You think it's the EU? ?

    I would imagine EU countries are overjoyed with:

    Excessive debt.

    Excessive regulation.

    Excessive taxes.

    Slow growth and high unemployment.

    Iceland, not in EU, is the happiest.

    UK is never happy cos' its always had a crap government.

  8. 16 hours ago, Grouse said:

    Has it really never occurred to you why all the Komodo Cons are so keen to leave?


    Low corporation tax

    Relaxed animal welfare standards

    Relaxed employment regulations 

    Relaxed environment standards

    Reduced pensions

    Relaxed building regs


    Shall I go on?


    Do you think all these Dyson and Bamford types are philanthropists at heart?


    Some people need to wake up ....

    Good morning Grouse, Always a pleasure.

    Did you know, we already have most of the items on your list coupled with a dollop of austerity.

    I would imagine the benefits of 'remaining' would go to big corporations, BBC, News media, Banksters, and government.

    Whilst small businesses, and workers suffer from VAT on fuel and

    thing like stupid vegetable regulations.etc.

    'Tough Talk' is an example of media hype..negotiations are easier when there is good will on both sides.

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