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Posts posted by talahtnut

  1. On 12/17/2017 at 8:56 AM, tomacht8 said:

    To put it more simply: In the past 30 years, uk politicians in particular have blocked progress on social justice in the EU.

    To blame the EU for social injustice in the UK is simply wrong.

    And you know that.


    Yes, I have not blamed the EU for SJ in UK. I was merely pointing out that SJ in the UK has worsened during the 44 years of the EU membership, so how would Grouse assume SJ would improve if we remain...I have simply been hastily misread.    The UK gov. has never liked SJ.

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  2. 16 hours ago, oldhippy said:

    Some of your fellow brexiteers do seem to understand what I mean.


    Now tell us more about your views on the democratic nature of referenda.

    What exactly did the brexit referendum mean: soft or hard brexit, remain, or was it just meaningless?


    Bertrand Russell: A statement can be either true, false or meaningless. Now that's what I call usefull philosophy!


    If you can remember Bertrand Russell you are an antique.

    [Like me]


  3. 16 hours ago, tomacht8 said:

    Britain maintains an opposition culture with a long history. Blockage on social issues In 1984 Thatcher negotiated the British rebate ("I want my money back"), with which the United Kingdom gets back 66% of its net contribution to the EU. The British are still not a member of the Schengen Agreement, they vehemently block a financial transaction tax and just because the islanders (and the Czech Republic) did not want to join, the fiscal pact outside the EU structures had to be signed. So far, so well known. However, it is less well known which social policies were not supported by the British. When ex-EU Commission President Jacques Delors stated in the mid-1990s that the common internal market must also take the social dimension into account, various minimum standards were introduced in the EU: Great Britain in particular had a great need for improvement, such as maternity protection or parental leave. However, the British did not agree. At the beginning of the 1990s Britain - with the Conservatives in power - locked itself as the only country against the implementation of a "social charter". This laid down non-binding fundamental workers' rights, such as vacation entitlement and a right to leisure and recreation. Only in the late 1990s, the Labor government under Tony Blair drew in and signed. In 1993, the EU Commission drafted the Working Time Directive, which, in addition to other safeguards, required a maximum working time of 48 hours per week. Most of the countries already had higher regulations and voted in favor of the reform. Great Britain, on the other hand, had no upper limit and wanted to block the draft. However, the Commission invoked the area of health and safety, which allowed the European Council to pass the law by majority vote - which then happened. The Tory government, on the other hand, complained to the European Court of Justice, but the latter did not share the reservations. In 1998, Great Britain followed Labor under Labor and passed labor laws, but these provide all sorts of loopholes for working more than 48 hours a week. The average working time in the UK is higher than in most other EU countries, there is a culture of overtime, and almost half of all managers do unpaid extra work one day a week.

    Thats a big post, but is it about distribution of wealth, opportunities, and privileges within a society, ie. social justice?

  4. 4 hours ago, oldhippy said:

    And what makes you think that the EU is to blame for that?

    Could it be that your hiso have brainwashed the loso to be so patriotic that they put "the country" before the majority of the people?

    Was the House of Lords invented by the EU?


    (apologies to Palin):

    How did they become Lords?

    I will tell you how they became Lords.

    By hanging on to outdated dogmas that perpetuate the social and economic exploitation of the working masses.

    That's how they became Lords.



    Grouse imagine that social justice will trickle down to us if we remain.  I was merely pointing out that in 44 years it has become worse.  I agree totally that we are exploited by our lords and masters.

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  5. 15 hours ago, taipeir said:

    I don't think we should let all those poor British into the richer EU states. What's good for the gander and all that.A lot of Britain and British are classified as poor according to the stats.


    And stop all your geriatrics leaching off the Spanish and French health systems!


     A nice fat visa fee for entry to the continent to enjoy some decent weather or skiing will cheer all you moaners up no end.






    You wrote:  A lot of Britain and British are classified as poor according to the stats.    After so many years in the EU..so how will it improve if we remain?

  6. 17 hours ago, oldhippy said:

    Ilostmypassword is clearly a prominent member of a conspiracy.

    That's my theory.

    We can not trust him.

    He might actually be a member of several conspiracies simultaneously.




    Ah.. another Russian spy influencing the forum..thats why its solved nothing.

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  7. 15 hours ago, Kadilo said:

    My girlfriend can wear what she wants whenever she wants when she's with me. If she wants to wear a short skirt then that's her perogative. She wouldn't have her tits hanging out regardless if I was here or not, it's not something they do in the village. I've never had any problems with any of the locals here or anywhere we have been on our travels. I can't imagine any foreign guys trying that anywhere other than Pattaya, certainly does not happen up here in Issan. 


    As for the rest, im not sure what that's got to do with a woman dressing sexy. It's more about a sex pest who can't control himself. 


    Do be honest talking about the possibility of blokes "grabbing her body parts" etc you do sound insecure. 

    Sadly rape does occur, it may be wise for young lady, not to advertise her attributes.

  8. 15 hours ago, StreetCowboy said:

    When you're woman has lasted as long as your Massey Ferguson , you'll look after her and make sure she's fine, even if there's a bit of smoke out the back end on the winter mornings.  Every man needs a good woman, though only farmers realise they need  a good tractor.

    A squirt of Easy Start in the morning will get 'em both running and smoking.

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