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Posts posted by talahtnut

  1. 15 hours ago, jenny2017 said:

    But sorry. These aren't girls for rent. They're all hardworking girls and all of them have a functioning brain. None has a Hello Kitty sticker :shock1: if you know what I mean. 


     Please have a look at this "Thai jewel", no gram too much and she knows what a real man wants. Enjoy !!! And they're everywhere, at the market, in shops, in front of shops, next door and and /././/

    Noi from Kalasin.jpg

    Facial expression is a big 'put off'..

    • Haha 1
  2. 17 hours ago, oldhippy said:

    I admire you - I try too, but at my age I leave it mostly to the younger generations.

    Just tell me, you do not believe that brexit is part of living off grid... it is only a different grid....



    In or out of EU, not important to me.  I have a free trade agreement with nature.

    • Like 1
  3. 15 hours ago, Srikcir said:

    From the perspective of the UK how is it "farewell democracy?"

    The majority of UK voters indicated Brexit.

    May proceeded with Brexit under royal perogative but the court said its for parliament to decide.

    The parliament majority voted Brexit.

    When May has finalized Brexit terms & conditions with the EU (the so-called soft Brexit), a parliament majority will be required for concurrence. If rejected Brexit will probably be "hard."

    Seems like a democratic process.


    Its meant to seem democratic. perhaps you didnt see nontaburi's comment on the last page.

    I fear Brexit may need to be refought all over again


    • Like 1
  4. 15 hours ago, oldhippy said:

    You can not say farewell to something that never existed.

    The UK loso have ALWAYS been oppressed by the hiso, as they have never escaped from the 19th century.


    PS. I assume that your farewell democracy refers to the brexit vote?

    That was NOT a democratic vote, as the choice was: stay (= clear) or leave ( = nobody told you people what that meant, as a matter of fact, the UK government is still arguing amongst themselves as to what brexit means).





    democracy has always been the deception. Agreed.

    People knew  what they voted for..The government debates are bogus..as is the

    government itself.


  5. 16 hours ago, oldhippy said:

    He's good....

    I'll give him that.

    Not my style of stand up comedian, but he's good at it.


    And he understands that the UK will go for the Norwegian approach: The UK will be IN (but will be allowed to call it OUT, and pay 40bn for that privelege ).

    The UK will continue to follow all rules & regulations, but will no longer have a say in them.


    This is what a honest PM has to say about the Norwegian approach:


    Solberg, who is 55 and has been prime minister since 2013, said this arrangement forces Norway to act like “a lobby organization” in Brussels.


    The Norwegian parliament adopts five EU laws for every day it is in session, without having much say in how those laws are formed.


    source: https://www.politico.eu/article/eu-referendum-look-before-you-leap-norways-pm-tells-brexiteers/


    Anyway, the problem is solved, exit brexit.


    Farewell democracy.  

  6. 16 hours ago, oldhippy said:

    "WE" - as in Brexiteers?


    Thalahnut I asked you before:

    That implies that your brexit vote was not based on economics.

    Please tell us what your vote was based on then?


    You avoided answering by replying:

    Hello oldhippy,  I did not vote.  I would if there was something worthy to vote for.


    Are you playing games talahnut?

    May I slightly change my question ?


    "That implies that your brexit support is not based on economics.

    Please tell us what your brexit support is based on then?"


    Hello old hippy, I neither support nor oppose Brexit. We the peasants of the UK will still feel oppressed either way. Human philosophy, sadly lacking in the government, would be the way forward.  But I know it is impossible to get away from the greed and deception of UK life.   However, Thailand and the Buddhist philosophy suits me mate.

  7. 15 hours ago, simoh1490 said:

    I do not think the UK is doing great but it's important, I think, to remember/learn the framework within which the UK economy operates and is reliant upon. The causes of economic easing, money printing, are rooted in the US hence they are out of the control of the much smaller UK economy.


    And it was me who mentioned the abyss!


    You're sensitive, I shall not add to.



    You are excitable. Dont mention American finance or I will be excitable too.

  8. 15 hours ago, oldhippy said:

    That implies that your brexit vote was not based on economics.

    Please tell us what your vote was based on then?


    Hello oldhippy,  I did not vote.  I would if there was something worthy to vote for.

    If General Preyuth was in charge, perhaps I'd have pop.

  9. 15 hours ago, simoh1490 said:

    Financial modelling is a very skilled art that requires two things, sound economics modelling skills, which the UK has in abundance, and, an audience that understands the outputs, in which the UK is in deficit, you are the proof of that.

    If you think UK is doing great..thats your opinion, I'm ok with that..I'm just stating my opinion.   No need for the insult.

    • Like 2
  10. 15 hours ago, simoh1490 said:

    As far as I can see, the only people to make any attempt at modelling economic behaviour before and after Brexit, was Treasury and that was labelled project fear, despite the fact that much of what was predicted has come true subsequently, albeit some things later than thought.  But how can it be that those things are project fear and not project reality when there is nothing to compare them against, who is to say those things are scaremongering and not accurate modelling and prediction based on fact. The Brexit approach to these things seems to be, there's a car coming, better get out of the way.....if it hits me I'll believe you, until then, you're just trying to scare me!

    I'm hoping our economists do not make any economic models because they are never right,  If those economists were any good, the UK wouldn't be printing tons of worthless notes.  Someone mentioned in an earlier post 'dark abyss'...the UK has been in a government engineered one for ages. Gypsy Rose Lee would be better.

  11. 15 hours ago, oldhippy said:

    I do not doubt that some EU regulations are over the top - and some are not.


    As for the cucumbers.

    Let us for a moment assume that what you say is correct.

    Do you think that after brexit (soft or hard), the UK will be allowed to export cucumbers with a gradient of 11% to the EU? Will the UK perhaps install different production lines for different customers?

    And Parma ham from Manchester will be allowed into the EU, to be sold in the Aldi in Parma?


    Yet those "ridiculous bureacratic" product specifications were 1 of the pro brexit arguments.

    The UK will still have to follow the rules, but now without having a say in it.




    The government department for cucumber angles will be double busy then,

    and funny shaped potatoes don't stand a chance.

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