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Posts posted by talahtnut

  1. 19 hours ago, SheungWan said:

    Peter Shore? Progressed from being labelled as Harold Wilson's lapdog to Wilson saying of him 'I over-promoted him. He's no good'. Just another second-rate politician in a long list of second-raters promoted to heroes by the Hard Brexiteer brigade.

    Wilson's opinions..produced another tax raising period of austerity.

  2. 16 hours ago, Grouse said:

    The open door is on the other side of the closed door. Which explains why he invented the telephone. (Would have been better if he had just re-opened the door)

    Is the door on the other door closed or the door closed on the open side which is opposite to the other side?  Grouse's quantum door theory,

  3. 16 hours ago, Happyman58 said:

    I dated a lady once in Australia Yeah old ugly me  She was very very pretty Blonde hair blue eyes big boobs nice legs you name it The problem was that i had was when i took her out i all of a sudden i had so many friends i did not know i had that many Wonder why? We use to go out and they were like sharks forming a circle around her while i sat by myself No jealousy I knew i was out of my league dating her and after 2 nights she rang and said she had another appointment :cheesy: Now i got this 52 year old Thai Not bad looking  loves sex  I dont have problem here because most old guys want the younger version ladies  and my Thai lady is thinking Hey i am 52 better stick with this old bugger because soon nobody wants me any more Best part is she is self sufficent so no problems here

    She IS very old, ...mines only 50,  always happy, and loveable.

    Young pretty girls can be a little boring after a time.

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  4. 22 hours ago, SoulWater said:

    A thread that I suspect will continue for much longer. As a British person I blame the British people for digging our own grave we don't appear to know what we want. Firstly we vote to leave the EU which may have worked with some form of momentum then we had a general election then voted for the muppet that wanted to give everything away for free but didn't appear to have a clue about anything else - if any country was ever in need of a coup it is my own. In the meantime the exchange rate is almost the opposite of the bitcoin rise!

    Sent from my SM-J710F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

    The UK government lie, cheat, and murder to keep their privilege and power.


  5. 16 hours ago, Grouse said:

    Actually, I would not be at all Surprised. Would you say Brexiteers are more in the Pol Pot style or the French revolutionaries? They were both against their intellectual superiors. Cake anyone?


    That's a strange analogy! What is your point? Is general Houston your Tusk?

    A fool thinks himself to be wise, but a wise man knows himself to be a fool.  Shakespeare.

    Did someone mention 'Cake'?  

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  6. 15 hours ago, Khun Han said:


    Interesting read on this subject here:




    Like I've said before, the 'Russian threat' is a tool invented by globalists to help them overturn votes that don't suit their agenda.

    Russian navy took  a short cut home through the English channel.

    UK media warns public of imminent threat, Air force scrambled.

    Front page pics of warships, dads army prepares to defend the fish and chip shop.   Centre page, an article on celebs tits.

    We are indeed inundated with BS.

  7. 15 hours ago, Grouse said:

    Indeed but I don't think it's linear. Where there is risk the opportunity needs to be substantially greater. I'm not going to risk losing one pound for the chance to make one pound! Make the upside five pounds and I'll think about it!

    Bigger the risk, bigger the gain..come on Grouse have a flutter..get that old pound note out of the safe.

    You risk your nuts off every day driving here.

  8. 17 hours ago, Grouse said:

    No, it is an intrinsically and demonstrably stupid Idea ?

    They said that about the first car, airplane, and tons of other things.

    My dear old father said the same when I bought my first house.   

    Brexit can be an opportunity from a crisis...as the Chinese say. 

  9. 15 hours ago, bkk6060 said:

    Thai women can have their issues like any place.

    But, American men are in dire straights.  The place provided me with a good retirement, but the women attitudes and and all this sexual harassment crap is going way overboard.  I think the right girl here is much more loving, giving, and less demanding then them US B's.  Not to mention for older farts much prettier and younger.


    The white western male in western countries are a bunch of scaredy cats.  Just afraid.  Mostly begging for some occasional sex.Very sad No thanks!

    Ever heard of MGTOW?  

  10. 15 hours ago, transam said:

    Weeell, l do find it ludicrous when folk trash a nationality when l for one cannot think of one perfect one... Just wish these folk would tell us where their perfect one was....

    Easy really but they never reply....sad-face.gif.4a3af4d5c02401ed393e9b577d0a8e50.gif

    You trashed Clacton. The government  trashed UK... Nowt's perfect.. 'cept,  perhaps your Pontiac.

  11. 15 hours ago, Grouse said:

    Look at my earlier post. Our European friends are MUCH better off than us (and happier; even allowing for the Muslim hoards)

    If you want happiness, forget uk and eu. nip off to Iceland.

    With an honest decent government UK could be the same.

    But, not going to happen is it..This g

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  12. 18 hours ago, Grouse said:

    No, not at all. Quite the reverse.


    My point is the current mass dissatisfaction and unhappiness will not be cured by leaving the EU, it will be exacerbated.


    The causes of our very real societal and economic problems are found in our own governments


    Bingo Grouse.    In or out, slavery will get worse for Brits.

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