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Posts posted by talahtnut

  1. 15 hours ago, Srikcir said:

    It may have been just the reverse:

    Group behind £50,000,000 cannabis farm jailed for 90 years. Ringleader Michael Corcoran, 51, his 13 fellow gang members, including his son Michael Jay, 28, cultivated potent strains of ‘skunk’ worth millions of pounds in specially-constructed two-storey wooden sheds in seven factories across Kent and Norfolk.




    15 hours ago, Srikcir said:

    Group behind £50,000,000 cannabis farm jailed for 90 years. Ringleader Michael Corcoran, 51, his 13 fellow gang members, including his son

    Police broke into local teachers house in the village and found him lying on a sofa, completely stoned, upstairs they found half a dozen pots of weed.

    The 'leaf' is already taken.

  2. On 11/18/2017 at 8:59 AM, Gruff said:

    I know a few Vietmanese in London, rescued and taken care for in UK by 'Maggies' dictate  They were lucky not to die in the sea, they  are incredibly grateful to this day and have made a great contrubution, Business mnded, successful and highly self sufficient. Deserving Brits ??  how many are sitting on their far backsides all day long in council houses because they are too ................... lazy to work !!


    On 11/18/2017 at 8:59 AM, Gruff said:

    I know a few Vietmanese in London, rescued and taken care for in UK by

    I agree, the Vietnamese are doing very well in London with their 1Billion pound cannibis farms.    Perhaps we should take a 'leaf' out of their book.

  3. 20 hours ago, George FmplesdaCosteedback said:

    Not much it seems.

    It has been going on for a very, very long time, since well before Magna Carta (sorry I need to check dates)  from the royalty to the rich and intimately is just a shift of power.

    Like you say 'same same' as Thailand but a long time before, 900+ years or so.

    Yep, the "elite" still want to ignore the majority of the people to feather their own nests.

    We have MPs ignoring their own constituents, the people that voted them in right now.


    Hay ho. Such is democracy.

    You get a vote in a democracy, but the problem is who are you able to vote for and under what system.


    Chinese seem to be doing well these days?





    Democracy is the illusion, vote which way you like, you get the same sh!t.

    Tyranny is in control.


  4. 16 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    Again, faith is nothing to do with religion. IMO no one that has seen the things I have would doubt that something exists that is outside the physical environment and is amazing. I just can't believe that all there is is what we can see. That doesn't mean I believe in an old guy in the sky listening to everyone, or that he made the world in 6 days etc etc.


    Survival instincts- sex, food and water, sex, shelter and protection, sex, fire, sex. :stoner:

    Scientific discoveries like the God particle...the Higgs Bossom.

  5. 15 hours ago, SheungWan said:

    If forum Hard Brexiteers lives resembled anything even vaguely sounding like a symphony it would be something pompous and avowedly self-referential played by the Portsmouth Sinfonia.


    On the other hand,  this reminds me of the idiots in Brussels


  6. 15 hours ago, oldhippy said:

    If the IOC ever recognizes whining as an olympic discipline, you will be a top candidate for 2 gold medals - summer & winter games.

    Try living in the UK, say Grimsby, Bognor, Scunthorpe, Eat free at the local foodbank. I bet you start whinging PDQ.   Dont forget to take plenty of cash for the fines, and a nice suite for court appearances.  Try not to look happy..it makes people suspicious.

  7. 16 hours ago, TheMekon said:

    Stupidly high income tax and continual punishment of hard working and responsible people.

    Wasting that tax on the lazy, feckless and foreign

    Council tax - a family of two pays the same as a family of ten in same sized house - Services are poor and over complicated (sorting rubbish into 5 types of container and only having it collected every other week.

    Massive tax on fuel

    The failure that is multiculturalism

    The left and the whiny self entitled

    Minority interest promoted ahead of the majority

    Adverts and TV programs filled with unrealistic representations of minorities and "alternative" types

    Crime - especially youth and gang crime

    LGBTQ stuff promoted in schools and in the media - Over representation of a tiny minority.

    Begging adverts on TV and unsolicited begging phone calls from charities

    The same old faces on the BBC for years

    The joke that is the House of Lords

    The joke that is bloated civil service and local govt pensions when compared to the average working mans

    The joke that is football players and celeb salaries when compared to teachers, doctors, police, ambulance and firemen's pay 

    Football every 8loody day :(

    Immigrants from Africa, The Middle East, Pakistan, Afghanistan etc given housing and cash ahead of more deserving Brits..


    I could go on ... But after 30 years overseas I do my best to ignore the terrible mess that the UK has become. 

    My yearly pilgrimage to visit my elderly parents just reinforces my thought that leaving was the best thing I ever did.

    Dan Dare would be proud of you mate..so would the Treens.

  8. 15 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    Not so. Science will never be able to say what created the building blocks of the universe in the first place. One can either believe in a power that created the building blocks of life and science itself, or that it all just happened somehow ie it came from nothing, which is scientifically impossible.


    I think you are mistaking not attending organised religious events for an abandonment of faith.

    Faith is fundamental to life and is hard wired into our genes whether we follow the men in funny hats or not.

    Faith is nothing to do with religion.

    Religion was invented by men in funny hats so they could get rich and tell other people what to do.

    I can't underestimate science, what it has discovered in the last few years is amazing. Imagine the next 1000 years. I prefer to put my faith in science and the ten commandments..[as far as I can anyway].

  9. 22 hours ago, George FmplesdaCosteedback said:

    I enjoyed that thanks.

    I know what you mean, but check the details:

    Mark Carney is Canadian.

    London Taxis are owned by the Chinese too.

    Although the owners are foreign, the UK now produces more cars than ever before.

    Who do you suggest we sell the government to, never mind the opposition? Corbyn might be a cheap replacement for Kim Jong-un...

    All European monarchy has been a mishmash for hundreds of years.






    Damn it,  your right, London taxi, Chinese since 2013, buggers belief.

    Yesterday I tried to sell the Government Corporation UK to the Chinese for 1GBp...They wouldn't even negotiate.  Same result with the royal family.

  10. 23 hours ago, oldhippy said:


    They have zero control over EU citizens coming in, so they have to be stricter on non-EU citizens.


    Yes that makes sense.


    To be clear:

    They have zero control over EU citizens (Polish plumbers and brick layers) coming in, so they have to be stricter on non-EU citizens (our Thai wives).




    I can add, No control of criminals.

  11. 23 hours ago, oldhippy said:


    They have zero control over EU citizens coming in, so they have to be stricter on non-EU citizens.


    Yes that makes sense.


    To be clear:

    They have zero control over EU citizens (Polish plumbers and brick layers) coming in, so they have to be stricter on non-EU citizens (our Thai wives).




    Where is there fairness in so called civilized countries?

  12. On 11/15/2017 at 6:39 AM, Thai Ron said:

    Yeah maybe if you lived in some shithole like Blackpool but there were a lot more than 7 balmy evenings every summer in London, mate.

    My roadster got plenty of usage....with the roof off


    On 11/15/2017 at 6:39 AM, Thai Ron said:

    Yeah maybe if you lived in some shithole like Blackpool but there were a lot more than 7 balmy evenings every summer in London, mate.

    My roadster got plenty of usage....with the roof off

    Could you be more polite referring to Blackpool..turd receptacle might sound better

  13. On 11/14/2017 at 11:51 PM, sanemax said:

    I do think that you place too much emphasis on having a woman , its like you need to have a woman , next to you  holding your hand .

    Eureka! Some men have 'no eye deer' of what its like being free and in control of their life.

    I'm surprised you didn't get some 'forum stick' for that comment.

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