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Posts posted by talahtnut

  1. 5 hours ago, tropo said:

    So due diligence would be: Don't even think about renting a condo. There are too many variables and unknowns beyond your control. If you start complaining to a Thai tenant - that's when the sparks will start to fly.

    Yeah, Condo building near me has some big swindle problems with the management.

  2. 50 minutes ago, tropo said:

    I've read on forums. You may save money, but you can probably get a better deal looking around for fire sales from people who jumped in too fast.

    Hi Tropo, Do you mean people who have jumped off too fast? But seriously, when I visit my mate in his very nice condo  I find it very clostrophobic and insular, and I feel relief on leaving. I'm wondering if that is a common reaction amongst Condo dwellers.

  3. 17 minutes ago, tropo said:

    So many debates are "won" this way on TVF - by declaring a win and offering nothing in return. If only battles were won that way.

    Nice one Tropo.  Harmony is achieved when each child thinks he has the biggest portion of...[dare I say it]...the icecream!         Anyway, it worked on my three kids in UK.

  4. 3 hours ago, EvenSteven said:

    You've opened with a straw man, which you've admitted yourself in the second sentence, followed by the first of nearly a countless number of ad hominem attacks in your verbose response, which is confirmation of who lost the argument.  Btw, I don't know where you get the idea that I am miserable.  After all, not everyone is Candide.  This is a public forum and criticism is part of a healthy discussion.


    Of course, but you've taken this discussion out of context.  It's not a dissertation.  Again, this is a public forum where lively and sometimes heated debate is healthy.  But to get back on topic, what do you find unfair, biased and unreasonable about my criticism of Thailand in this thread?



    Another straw man.  To be a little more formal, a critique may be a commentary or critical discussion of a topic.  Your glaring lack of charity nullifies your argument.


    Btw, I gather your berating, admonishing and name calling of others who seem to annoy you is done in humour, albeit in rather poor taste.  Otherwise, the hypocrisy is enough to send the meter needle off the scale.



    Buddha, Confucious, and Aristotle would not be impressed with this disrespectful farang brawl.

    Give peas a chance?

  5. 31 minutes ago, Tchooptip said:

    Follow by they ennemies The "I- have-the-right-to-criticize-and-now-I-am-waiting-for-the-first-comment-from-the-if-you-don't-like-here-go-back-home-brigade" brigade :smile:

    Goose stepping gingerly behind the 'Enemas of the state, give peas a chance brigade'.

  6. On 08/10/2012 at 7:06 AM, chiangmaikelly said:

    Army 2 or more Corps 100,000 to 150,000 Field Marshal or General Corps 2 or more Divisions 25,000 to 50,000 General or Lt. Gen. Division 3 or more Brigades or Regiments 10,000 to 15,000 Lt. Gen or Maj. Gen. Brigade 3 or more Battalions 1500 to 3500 Maj. Gen, Brigadier or Col. Regiment[2] 2 or more Battalions 1000 to 2000 Col. Battalion 4 or more Companies 400 to 1000 Lt. Col. Company 2 or more Platoons 100 to 250 Captain or Maj Platoon (Troop) 2 or more Squads 16 to 50 1st Lt. Squad 2 or more Sections 8 to 24 Sgt. Section 4 to 12

    You forgot Dads Army.

  7. 19 hours ago, tropo said:

    Do you have any idea of how many foods have been claimed to cure or prevent cancer? Too many to count.

    OK, how many processed foods are proven to give you cancer or obesity?  Your turn to count.

    But if I see you in Big C we'll have an ice cream together.  Temptation is more powerfull than sence..LOL.

  8. 7 minutes ago, Golden Triangle said:

    They rang my doorbell the other day, strange people.

    I invited in once, sat them down, made them a cup of tea, asked them what they wanted to talk about..they replied, 'we don't know, we have never got this far before'.

  9. 6 hours ago, Naam said:

    right you are! it's my ignorance and personal attitude that enables me to tolerate the big number of weepers, whingers and Thai bashers who think they can compensate their frustration pertaining in most cases to a sh*itty life by using this forum as a wailing wall.

    'Wailing wall forum'... Thats the No.1 quote of the day mate..sheer nectar.

  10. 21 minutes ago, tropo said:

    There's quite a difference between the human race surviving and an individual thriving to a ripe old age. The human race will survive even if people die young, as has been the case in many civilizations throughout history.


    Having said that, before modern farming techniques that remove essential minerals from the soil, a lot of the produce that was eaten was far superior to what you find today. I've recently found a very cheap one to cure my arthritis, so they're not always expensive.

    The latest farming is organic and self sustaining.   The white man is a dying breed, it has lost it fertility..and its common sense.

  11. 5 minutes ago, EvenSteven said:

    I'm glad to hear you think that the justice system is fair and that pedestrian safety are irrelevant issues in Thailand.  They just happen to be the most talked about grievances of most non-Thais in Thailand and Thais themselves.  Carry on your merry and delusional way.

    Grievences in Thailand must be less than the grievences where you come from, or you would go home.

    No health and safety here, just take your own precautions, and I'm sure you will survive ok.

    Enough of grievences...look at what you have here.

  12. 5 hours ago, billd766 said:


    It may be where you live, but out here in rural Thailand the reality is there are few if any clouds of smoke, no screeching ladyboys, few if any fake smiles, and from the Thai ladies and men I know calling me a hansum man make all of us including me, laugh at the joke.

    My wife calls hansum man, and sexy man too...hearing this, I start to worry about whats comming next.

  13. 39 minutes ago, tropo said:

    I spend a lot of money on food. I'm amazed that anyone could live on that little per month, but then again, some people eat more than others... and I also buy quite a bit of imported foods.


    I buy a lot of supplements as I don't believe in the theory you can get what you need from food, so that adds a lot to my monthly food bill.

    I can't understand how the human race survived before the invention of expensive suppliments.

  14. 8 hours ago, The manic said:

    Rats are everywhere. The illusion of hygiene in supermarkets and posh hotels is just that: an illusion. Supermarkets are for smuchs and brain washed westerners who are not well travelled or experienced and need the comfort and illusion of home. 

    Yeah, there was a bloke employed, in the Savoy Hotel in London to remove cockroaches from the food lift.

    Only God knows how many  rats and cockroaches lurk in the back of a supermarket in Thailand or the western world.

  15. 15 hours ago, tropo said:

    Healthy eating is nearly impossible to define (so many theories), never mind actually achieving. Fanatically healthy eating would be very expensive in Thailand. If your idea of healthy eating is getting your daily veges and staying away from processed food, sure, not so expensive, but what's in the produce you're consuming?

    Since the advent of processed grub, refined sugar, and strange fats, cancer is having a beano.

    Cures for cancer and other problems can be found in natures grub.

  16. 14 hours ago, EvenSteven said:

    It's not expensive to eat healthy.  Fads - and foods are just one of them - are nothing more than a marketing scheme targeting the flavour of the month club.  This month it's "superfoods", last month it was "non-gluten food", and month before Justin Bieber, ad infinitum.


    Btw, to return to the OP, I don't know why others would want to live on the cheap in what is essentially a third world country.  If it's to get laid, what a price you have to pay.

    With all the mess in the west, I find it amusing, that someone thinks Thailand is a third world country.

  17. 4 hours ago, JSixpack said:


    Oh, it's very much a matter of whether I like Pattaya or not. And I seriously do. Take today, for example. It's a great day to be in Pattaya! :tongue:



    "Too many." :biggrin: Does anyone care, or are you merely talking to yourself? But since this has inevitably turned into a Pattaya-bashing thread, why hold back? Let's get it all out there, man. Then maybe we can all go home.




    But we got more. It's never-ending, really:




    Yep, I advised the membership years ago to RUN! NOW! I think the bashing is just too enjoyable, however. Or even when they do leave, as in the case of one of our most prolific whingers, they still bash from afar.



    Everywhere is different but the same..Find the best evil for yourself.  As they say, 'Life is what you make it'.

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