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Everything posted by talahtnut

  1. Read Charlies 'Black Spider' letters, proof that he is 'sticking his royal oar in'.
  2. I like to stay out late in bars, one day the missus said that she missed me, normally thats good, but she was reloading.
  3. My missus makes me work all day. I deliberately put shelves up in the kitchen at 10 degrees off level, and all the plates rolled off. She called me a stupid C. But I can have a rest now.
  4. 1/ Buy an old car, cheap and easy to fix, 2/Buy an older wife, cheap and easy to please, Inflation beaten!
  5. Oh no it isn't.. Oh yes is.. Its politics panto for the masses with Boris in the rear of the horse, Starmer as widow Twanky. If you voted a chicken in as PM, the result is the same.. Destruction of the UK.
  6. Good plan to stock up on heaps of cheap Chinese substandard fireworks, tools, and knock off trainers.
  7. Virus Boris, The worst conservative PM ever. Anti-British europhile, socialist globalist and traitor! Soon to be replaced by another globalist system puppet.
  8. Whichever party you vote for, you will get the same result. Parties are an illusion for the plebs, democracy is dead, conveniently replaced with a ditatorship of lies and deception. Have you noticed that every time you vote things get worse?
  9. The FPN is of no importance, what is important is that, with 16 or so parties they showed no fear of covid while everyone else was in lockdown and the economy ruined. What would you conclude?
  10. We hope he will be convicted for crimes against the British people and the Ukranian people.
  11. Always cover your asse. Never trust pretty wimmins.
  12. Banning smoking will do nothing. To save the environment 90% of human life must be eradicated
  13. The PM suggested that the removal of vehicle brakes should speed up traffic.
  14. I'm OK, I'm achimptomatic. Symptoms: craving for bananas and throwing your poo about.
  15. What can you buy with a $ now, compared with a year ago? I would love to be mistaken, but there lies the thieving, inevitable fiat plughole.
  16. Smokers are the nicest of people, they don't grumble and are thinkers, from Jimi Hendrix all the way to Albert Einstein. Governments don't want you to smoke because you might start thinking.
  17. If I had spare cash I'd be buying Russian RUBS, while the $, £, and Euro are still circling the plughole.
  18. Unfortunately for us, they know exactly what they're doing.
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