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Everything posted by talahtnut

  1. I plan to break Essex [H] away from the UK and become the King of Essex, whereupon i will immediately declare war on the American government and replace it with a regime of sanity. The rest of the world will be my allies.
  2. Indeed my sympathies. You have nothing to loose by studying GcMAF. My friend, stage 3 cancer bought a juicer and went on a strict diet of vegetables and a little bicarb of soda. Could this have cured him, one cannot say, but he is alive and kicking 5 years on. It is well known that cancers feed on sugars/glucose. It is also well known that vegetables are boring and horrible but good for you. What do you think?
  3. Sticking a 20Baht note to your forehead is usually adequate stimulation for most interactions with a Thai lady.
  4. One could research government published data on adverse reactions and deaths before criticizing the unvaccinated.
  5. All the money sent to Ukraine for a senseless conflict could have helped the growing number of American homeless. Instead the needless death toll of Ukrainians increases daily.
  6. Not usually much pressure so I can grasp my nuts and twist them off. Try it.
  7. Are you talking about small bubbles or big bubbles? If you had bought that chicken in 1992 you would have 14.000 eggs today.
  8. This is something you could google yourself, but be aware you will find government statistical figures based on a basket of goods, which will contain something like carrots, turnips, milk, and perhaps, rhubarb. This is how they falsify inflation figures. We are living in a total illusion. Hang on to that gold as long as you can. And the chicken.
  9. I don't know about US prices, but in the UK your gain would have similarities with the increase in gasoline prices. You would have been better off investing in a chicken.
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