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Everything posted by talahtnut

  1. 1. Money is the root of all fiddles. 2. Theres a woman at the bottom of everything.
  2. if they were to try that in the UK, the nations economy would collapse overnight...[a girlfriend told me].
  3. Humanity sacrificed for a image of a theory. Undoubtedly interesting, but wastefully arrogant.
  4. An absolutely incredible project, cant wait to see the info. Follow the progress: https://jwst.nasa.gov/content/webbLaunch/whereIsWebb.html
  5. Here is our destination, from which you can clearly see the waypoints charted and happening before us: Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature. Guide reproduction wisely – improving fitness and diversity. Unite humanity with a living new language. Rule passion – faith – tradition – and all things with tempered reason. Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts. Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court. Avoid petty laws and useless officials. Balance personal rights with social duties. Prize truth – beauty – love – seeking harmony with the infinite. Be not a cancer on the earth – Leave room for nature – Leave room for nature
  6. I drive better pithed, I can see two of everything so I can't make mistakes.
  7. What foreign buyers have left of England is for sale £50 or offers.
  8. 40M baht to convince Thais that they don't like opera. To be sure, my missus puts the washing on if I play Wagner.
  9. Used to be, then I crashed my bicycle into a Thai gal, then married her. Its been more fun looking after her than you could believe.
  10. We used to feed the angriest, tattiest, mangiest old soi dog you could ever find. We were terrified when it crept through the gate, but continued feeding it. Soon to become a most lovable part of the family. Named 'Gnasher', and still can eat motor cycles, falang. cats, and burglars.
  11. Happy to have unpopular viewpoints and take insults, definitely not happy to meet others.
  12. Thank you for a brilliant post. Heres the kicker...Would you do it again?
  13. I was about to reply to you post, but i'm wondering if already replied earlier. What was it about?
  14. I would have to ask the missus if its worth my getting a marriage extension.
  15. Tut tut, you forgot to mention the mask whilst swimming, as recommended by Dr. Hillary on national TV, in UK. How did we manage before C 19, as covid virus has been around since the beginning of mankind.
  16. Left a London firm after 4 yrs for self employment, specialising in disaster failure, at which I am still working at successfully. Retirement is not an option as there is still plenty of fluckage up to cause. Love my work.
  17. 'Die Hard' would be more suitable for Easter, although in exceedingly poor taste with its childish violence. Give me Wallace and Grommet's The Wrong Trousers, The Warerabbit, A Grand Day Out, etc. Sheer creative genius.
  18. Hes gonna have his dream, shes gonna inherit the whole kaboodle. Everyones happy, mind your own biz.
  19. They will ban everything, they will install a chip in your nut, already tried on pigs and monkeys, this is our future world. Definitely no smoking, no beer, no wimmins, prepare to be bored stiff.
  20. What authorities, and what test determines its omicron? Love to see the science involved in that.
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