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Everything posted by talahtnut

  1. We are not having turkey this year, so I'm hoping Chicken Run will be on.
  2. Thank you for that, but Reuters and all MSM globally is owned/funded by the same corporations that includes big pharma, along with Pfizer. Which means that quoting stuff from any MSM is naturally biased toward the vaccine.
  3. Yes, agreed, I can see that, but what about a younger age range, this graph is from the UK Office of National statistics.
  4. Fair enough in US, but UK death rate is higher among the vaxed than the unvaxed, a puzzling and somewhat ignored problem.
  5. I've only got one question. If these vaccines are working, why aren't they working?
  6. It good to hear you are using plant based remedies. You cant go wrong with plants, unless you happen to grab the stinging nettle leaves.
  7. Dear Americans, I know why you have a potato in the White House. If you know the reason, you will understand the root of your problems.
  8. Start your research by finding out who owns everything. Once you know that, everything becomes clear, and your beliefs and conceptions will be shattered.
  9. In the 'old days' if things went pear shaped, you could give your wife back to her father. Happy days.
  10. If my missus won that, my bum would be hitting road outside pretty sharpish. I've always discouraged her from buying the tickets.
  11. Pandemic of the vaccinated. Read 'The Lancet' 1st December 2021.
  12. Crafty Thai wiring dicovered in the missus's crib, picking up strange x ray signals from Sagittarius A. Do not be surprised at anything....
  13. Failing all else you could fit a new switch, sometimes they can give funny problems with leds.
  14. That sounds like a novel bit of fun, could do it sitting on some pastry?
  15. The Lancet Regional Health - Europe. December 1st 2021 Successful vaccine rollouts have failed to stop Covid transmission, with new data showing the prevalence of the virus increasing in fully jabbed individuals, according to a medical study.
  16. Have you ever seen a Thai making a snowman? The missus and son loved the UK snow, and want to live here permanantly. Yes they're nutters. But...
  17. Six months UK, six in Thailand worked well until covie nonsense. Hot shower UK, cold shower Thailand. Log fire UK, air con Thailand. Cat in UK, dog in Thailand. Wine in UK, beer in Thailand. Peace in UK, wife in Thailand. Must have serious domicile disorder syndrome and aversion to decisions and bridge burning. Make the best of it wherever you are.
  18. I revelled in the Thai culture, loved the natural flow of reason and humour. A group of Thai friends declared me a Honorary Thai, after several beers. Its the miserable Western Culture thats got it wrong.
  19. Omicron from the Greek alphabet, derived from the Phoenician letter 'ayin', 'The all seeing eye' Omicron virus announced 666 days after the the original covid announcement. 666 the number of the Beast. Spooky or what.
  20. Thai Virologists 'Think'..... Mmm no data lads, better cook some up like other countries do to continue the fraud, so we can flog the left over quaxxines.
  21. Omicron: What we know about the new Covid variant.. It spreads BS with lightning speed!
  22. I'm warning the Thai government that I wont be going to Thailand if they continue with this bollo's.
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