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Everything posted by talahtnut

  1. I revelled in the Thai culture, loved the natural flow of reason and humour. A group of Thai friends declared me a Honorary Thai, after several beers. Its the miserable Western Culture thats got it wrong.
  2. Omicron from the Greek alphabet, derived from the Phoenician letter 'ayin', 'The all seeing eye' Omicron virus announced 666 days after the the original covid announcement. 666 the number of the Beast. Spooky or what.
  3. Thai Virologists 'Think'..... Mmm no data lads, better cook some up like other countries do to continue the fraud, so we can flog the left over quaxxines.
  4. Omicron: What we know about the new Covid variant.. It spreads BS with lightning speed!
  5. I'm warning the Thai government that I wont be going to Thailand if they continue with this bollo's.
  6. I let the missus handle legal and dealing stuff, she got the price down and seller to pay taxes, she turns into a gorilla when moneys involved. I expect most Thai wimmins are the same.
  7. Yep, Followed by the Thai alphabet, betcha. Until all survivors are on the 'Green Passport' database, the key to absolute global control. Phase 2. the collapse of currency. Klaus Schwab has already told you, 'You will own nothing and you will be happy about it', read his book/plan. The Great Reset.
  8. I know what wimmins want, simple really, security and status, Thats why I kept getting dumped, eventually I found the answer, just lie to them, promise them the world and they will love you too big.
  9. Have you read all the adverse reactions published by health authorities in UK, US, and EU?
  10. Be it ever so humble, theres no place like home, and a bag of traditional fish and chips, in the ambience of an Essex seaside town.
  11. Give the poor little chubby gal behind the reception desk a little tip to cheer her up. Key Visa experience worked good for me.
  12. How it woks, the missus get out and talks, and hands go in pockets close to the side of the vehicle. Smoke without fire?
  13. I went bollistic ape sh.. when I dicovered £6k vanished, but a red faced missus eventually owned up, and I had to apologise to the Kbank, they must have thought, 'gawd, another stupid farang'. They could be right.
  14. Everyone understands your passion, its a honeymoon period, only time will tell. Will you get bored flopping about on the beach? its great I know, but it did my head in eventually.
  15. 2 years ago taking my dog for a walk along Sukhamvit main road, the old dog peed on a post holding a traffic sign, there was a loud bang and a cloud of steam coming from the post. the dog and I looked at it in disbelief. Thais don't seem at all concerned by electrics as long as the bulb is working.
  16. My first winter in the UK for many years, doing whatever pleases me, no injections, no fiddling with forms, no anxiety, no certificates, no covid pass. Now I can only pass wind thinking of the hassles.
  17. Its very unlucky to get a dud quartz mover, try again and make sure you get a good quality battery, Nice watch, personally I would not wear that in Thailand unless for special occasions. Thais love gold too mutt.
  18. Heres another ignorant response: Take care to study the new 'US Infrastructure Bill', The US Internal Revenue Service and Treasury Department will be able to set tax reporting rules for cryptocurrency transactions starting in 2023, pending final approval of the massive US infrastructure bill. Looking long term regarding New World Order, expect the worst imaginable? Stick to gardening!
  19. Check monthly statements, I found a ten pound irregularity, went to bank in person and questioned a teller, she said 'oh thats a mistake, everyones got that'. I wonder how many they caught?
  20. Large white men, large white wimmin is a bigger problem.
  21. Rural Essex man, done a year in Germany, all I can remember is studying German beer a Blackforest gateau, never got used to driving on the wrong side of the road and upsetting German drivers. But left Germany with no small regret and great affinity for the German folk and all things German. By quirk of fate '98 found myself Pattaya, bigger quirk, found I was married to a Thai, am now skint. Lifes tatty tapestry. But its been fun.
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