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Everything posted by talahtnut

  1. Once fully injected I suspect you will need booster injections forever until you are the size of a sumo wrestler,
  2. Economy improves after lockdown....How did they do that?
  3. Ramp up the ridiculous fear with idiotic rules. Some travel thousands of miles to find 1920s prohibition. Not me!
  4. Thailand has joined the international covid club, it will never be the same again, unless people wake up and push back against this nonsense.
  5. I tried to take a photo very quickly, and it mistakenly rang an old GF who told me to get stuffed. I prefer the old dial, press button A, or B to get your 2p back.
  6. Critical minds that don't follow the narrative. And the plot to blow up Essex.
  7. Your 'smart' phone is the key to future transhumanism, allowing you to upload the contents of your brain and exist in an ideal virtual world. You will become Droidbot. See Meta. I tried to upload my brain already, but was stamped 'rejected'.
  8. We have an old Soi Dog, not fussy, eats rats, cat, humans, and motor bikes. Lovely old dog though.
  9. I ran over mine with my bicycle, been paying damages now for 23 years. Scared to use the bike again.
  10. Many Thais fear their government more but cannot speak of it.
  11. Go home, and turn the heating up, theres more fun in an Essex village. At least, you can have beer in the pub when you want.
  12. Cheap transport, but beware of the exhaust pipe.
  13. Is it advertising something?
  14. I'd take an f in chance on that mate, in spite of my age.
  15. Have you a live transation app. plodding along in the background?
  16. Facts will be available after 10 years.
  17. The only thing here worth investing in is a Rubber Stamp factory.
  18. Its no good getting uppity with a Thai, eat there every day and get to know him well like a friend, then you might just suggest turning the volume down a bit, [the customer is always right] we hope.
  19. Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium, NPK, in a suitable ratio for your particular plant. Use plenty of water to start root production.
  20. As a lover of high quality, I had the choice of a Bentley or a Rolls Royce, But I didn't have any money, so it down to a £60 banger which is loveable, and still goes. Never mind quality feel the economy.
  21. The Doomsday Clock. To: Leaders and citizens of the world Re: This is your COVID wake-up call: It is 100 seconds to midnight Date: January 27, 2021 Just enough time to have a quicky with the missus and down a Leo.
  22. From 8 years old to forty, I had always wondered what women looked like without their clothes on.
  23. Many folk want more, but you have the best attitude to life possible. Well done Sir, keep happy and have fun.
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