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Everything posted by talahtnut

  1. For decades overpopulation has been a problem, ever more urgent, so how would you solve it? Historically, famine, pestilence, and plague did the job, add state control to the mix, what could possibly go wrong? Klaus Schwab books are a great read,
  2. Two thirds of us will follow government orders. Get your jab. One third of us will rebel and ask questions and do research. Milgram summarized the experiment in his 1974 article "The Perils of Obedience",
  3. We've got an old Soi dog, made a hell of racket in the middle of the night and ripped a bit of cloth off an intruders trousers, we hung the piece of cloth on the gate, but nobodys been back to claim it. Lovely old dog but can be deadly if upset.
  4. Not really hard to understand, as we are all ignorant until we know the results at the end of final trial period. So far Government published figures of vaccine deaths in the West are not encouraging.
  5. An act of sheer stupidity or ignorant blind faith. Use you kids as guinea pigs!
  6. Contary to some of the negative posts here, Kids can be the best investment you could ever make.
  7. Wouldn't worry mate, you won't find any woman that likes skintflints.
  8. Its the other way round, tourists and sex addicts are the vulnerable ones that can loose their entire wad with a 'bye nye'.
  9. Visit Thailand for a day, spend all your money, and don't wear out your welcome.
  10. The Irish route worked well for a friend who had difficulties with UK Embassy, but that was 10 years ago, but it must be worth your time researching.
  11. Good taste, but mines an old workhorse, not very showy is it, the inside looks like rubbish tip. My favourite is an old 2cv, also looks like a skip inside.
  12. That goes for tickets from UK to Thailand too, theres always a risk of another scaremongering, Besides, Thai rotten Airways still owes me.
  13. Advert in Salvation Army magazine: 'Pensioners Coach trips to sunny Eastbourne or sleepy Pattaya bookable in UK. Please note: Bingo not available in Pattaya yet'.
  14. The posh, important Thais in charge should heed the old English saying, 'You cannot polish a turd'.
  15. This has been fact checked for mis-information by- British Army 77th Brigade and Ripleys Believe or Not.
  16. I'm conspiring to get my son to do some work this morning, he is conspiring not to do it. It seems conspiracy has been the human condition since time began. We are all guilty, aren't we?
  17. Wisdom for humans - too many are indoctrinated into fearing/serving the wrong entities.
  18. Simples really, send the money to the missus' bank, let her do all the legal stuff, you sign nothing, keep away from paper with funny writing on it. Done it twice, its easy, but remember, be nice to her or else! With luck she'll put you in the Tabienbahn.
  19. Its the plan to introduce negative interest rates and expiration-day money, to control demand in the economy and make sure nobody can save their way out of slavery. You get your tokens and you spend them all at the company store by the month's end.
  20. I'm frightened of offending someone, so I think i'll have a flounce and a Leo.
  21. In Pattaya I used to miss going into my Essex pub and ordering a Brown Split followed by a Boiler Maker, at weekends after payday I was rich, it would be a Black Velvet [stout + champagne]. All in the best possible taste, sheer nectar of the Cods.
  22. What does Thailand have to offer the rich? An unstable military regime, Heaps of paperwork, Incomprehensible language, xenophobic attitudes, Corrupt officials. On the plus side, there are knock off Nike trainers, Rolexes, and substandard Chinese fireworks.
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