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Everything posted by talahtnut

  1. Buy numismatic gold coins, no tax, unlikely to be confiscated by governments. [as per USA exec. order 6102. 1933]
  2. I like dodging police check points.
  3. These are not helping, but are man made miscalculations based on greed, corruption and deception, a war that will be lost for the weak Western powers that coveted Russia's resources.
  4. Brexit is not important, its all about energy, which drives economies. Boom days are simply over.
  5. The entire Western economy is going down the pan. Oil is the key and its getting scarce. Expect the world popuation to eventally fall as we go back to 18th century energy technology.
  6. His best bet is to try and stay in the Thai Nick, UK was minus 4 last night, if you live in Oxfordshire you must not travel more than 15 mins from your home unless you get special permission. 'Climate lockdown' and freeze.
  7. Its already weak, the best thing they could do is go on strike themselves, like the brand new battle ship, conked out on maiden voyage.
  8. Yes, Bach was far too cocky. and no idea of a chune.
  9. Private Frazer, Orwell, Huxley, knew many years ago.. so did the UK government. We is well Fd.
  10. Not feeling too cocky this morning ?
  11. Yet another nail in the coffin of the once mighty Dollar. Thailand goes for QT, they're not messing about, while taking a step towards CBDC following the master plan of the NWO total control. Its not looking good for those with heaps of cash.
  12. There is little to no real economic value created by the business. It’s just investors giving their money to existing investors, thereby creating the perception among participants that they are in a real business, even though they are creating no real value. It’s a pyramid scheme that will not last because the FED doesn't like it, they plan their own digital Coin. I'm sure FTX collapse was engineered..go figure.
  13. I own 100 billion dollars, I hope you are all impressed. [However its an old Zimbabwe dollar note, possibly enough to buy an egg. Theres a lesson there somewhere.]
  14. The Biden bunch are going down the pan for sure, too much evidence from 'unapproved sources', but which the Republican side certainly do approve of. Their worst crime is what they have done to the American people. I know because I was sent to an approved school in the UK.
  15. I was a door to door cucumber salesman, progressing by demand to door to door vibrators.
  16. I'm starting new crypto coin, called Turdcoin. Dont get left behind, buy now, £50 each.
  17. BTC = Putting all you cash on the Black, and keep doing it. I prefer playing Monopoly, on borrowed money, always skint, live frugally, but what fun.
  18. Not to worry, its cash they need to eliminate. For now.
  19. Yes, QT is ongoing in UK too, withdrawals in some banks down to less than 2k at a time. CBDC is the plan, ie. total control. Just keep enough cash in your bank to pay bills, otherwise they'll incinerate it.
  20. Btc will soon be more expensive to mine than its worth. The coming recession will bury Btc under the fake carbon footprint, and the imaginary Dollar.
  21. Bought a G-Wiz leccy car 20years ago, range 50ish miles. Travelling to work and back going up a long steep hill brought the range down to 7 miles with bicycles overtaking me, used to carry a generator in the back, and an electric heater under the batteries in the winter, electrical malfunctions finally sealed its fate. My faithfull old Isetta bubble car wins hands down.
  22. The two party system, invented years ago by the real governing power, is a diversion to keep you busy arguing with each other and to believe you have some democratic power. In fact your vote has 0.001% effect on the real government decisions.
  23. Racism is a most evil word used by elites to impart division and conflict to the masses where critical thinking is banned.
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