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Posts posted by talahtnut

  1. 12 minutes ago, possum1931 said:

    If Thailand really does get rid of all these illegals and overstayers, surely they should do the right thing and make things easier for all the decent expats and tourists instead of making them jump through these unnecessary hoops. 

    But when does Thailand ever do the right thing?

    Thailand does the right thing for Thailand, pity the UK cant do the same for the UK.

    • Like 2
  2. On 10/5/2018 at 11:56 AM, bkk6060 said:

    "Sexual slavery". God that is pretty far out there.

    Sadly, you seem to lack a general knowledge and observation of your own people and country.

    I can spot a Brit male in London from a mile away.  You can't??

    Their culture, appearance, dress, mannerisms are pretty specific.

    I am sure the black girls are also street smart enough to figure it out.

    So, sorry if you cannot see this and you took my post "maybe" personally....

    You might be able to spot a nice brit lady wearing something like this..

    on sale priced at £19.99..



  3. 10 hours ago, Mac98 said:

    It began in the '60s when Social Services were denied to any family with a man in the house. It was argued that children were better off being raised by a single mother. Feminist groups provided the arguments. As men were denied their children, they didn't qualify for housing aid. The homeless population boomed! The crime rates in poor areas soon skyrocketed. Could having no father in the house have contributed to this. I might be hanged for asking.

    It seems that the goverment has taken the role of husband, and women prefer that.

    • Like 1
  4. Sounds like an old uk joke, 'Yeah I'll sell my Rolls fo £200', punter gets excited,

    'Then we can discuss the price'.

    Seriously, I hope he meant deposit.. speak to the move ins

  5. 2 hours ago, GinBoy2 said:

    Mrs G has a theory on this.

    She says Asian women are all young, until they sorta fall off a cliff and are suddenly terribly old, with little in-between. 


    I’m waiting for the cliff edge with dread! LOL


    Dont forget, you will go over the cliff edge with her..so you wont notice any change.

    Me and the misses hit the bottom of the cliff..and its still as good.

    • Like 2
  6. 2 hours ago, Andrew Dwyer said:

    Yup, in my youth and up to... well I don’t really remember when....Asian girls would be last on my list, they just didn’t appeal at all.

    In ‘88 I worked in Singapore for a month and that was the first contact I had with an Asian girl but that didn’t change me much.

    After that I had a black ( Brazilian) gf but contrary to popular belief I did revert back to white girls afterwards.

    But now !!

    I’m thinking to myself “ look what I’ve been missing all these years “.

    IMO Asian girls/women have retained their femininity and that is the greatest appeal to me right now.


    Sure, It’s me that has changed over the years, or is it Asian women retain their girlish features and figures much longer than their western counterparts ?? Or is it just down to availability ??

    Not sure what the answer is but I am certainly appreciating the Asian beauties a lot more than I ever did ( probably more than is actually healthy !! emoji51.png)


    A story I can relate to..its more than healthy..its the holey grail..know what I mean?!

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