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Posts posted by talahtnut

  1. 38 minutes ago, tutsiwarrior said:


    reminds me of this one recorded with similar...give it up to sex and sensuality, struggling has no use...writhing in a sea of bodily fluids...(whew, tutsi!...where'd ye get that one?' 'just listenin' to the juke box, babe...')







    Yeah love that track..love 90s music..got expelled in 1990 divorce..went clubbing every night

    ..absolutely brilliant!


    Gave this cd to old GF in 98 and she buggered of 2 days later,  2 weeks later I went to Thailand

    and opened Pandora's Box!    Many thanks Ultra Nate.


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  2. On 6/24/2016 at 3:28 AM, williamgeorgeallen said:

    well i guess they are all the same the world over. thai men seem to be better at handling thai woman however. never thought i would ever be able to stay with a woman long enough to raise kids but i have had the same thai girl for 5 years now and we have 2 kids. the kids seem to keep her busy and she relies on me for financial support. co dependence is about as good as you can hope for really.

    I'm thinking same as you, co-dependence is the key to a relationship, with mutual respect,

    its a winner.

  3. 39 minutes ago, Andrew Dwyer said:

    10 days ago I was in the hospital cursing everyone and everything within earshot as the pain of a kidney stone was kicking in !!
    Today an ultrasound at aforementioned hospital showed that the medication has worked and, unbeknown to me , the stone has disappeared !!
    Sooo, as a small commemoration to this there is only one song ( AFAIK ) that fits the bill !

    I am............

    You got yer rocks off

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