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Posts posted by talahtnut

  1. On 05/06/2017 at 7:02 AM, fatdrunkandstupid said:

    Retirement extension fee...  1900 THB


    Compulsory insurance...   36,000 THB


    Getting to stay in a country where you are despised...  Priceless...

    I'm a pensioner, looking at your situation from 'Old Blighty', you have a bargain.

    The UK would do well if it adopted similar border controls to Thailand as the NHS

    is on the point of collapse. Try the waiting list, and the bed in the corridor, after

    paying in all your working life..Hope you don't get Dr. Shipman.

  2. 1 hour ago, soalbundy said:

    Oh dear, back to the history books. Nothing like being used by your country to facilitate growing up. My father served in the navy in WW2 afterwards they tried to recall him for the Korean war, he threw all his medals and the call up papers on the fire then had to go to the police station to say the dog ate the letter.

    Your Dads a good man, my respects to him.  I'm sure I would

    have done the same..Bloody wars.

    • Thanks 1
  3. 1 hour ago, bristolboy said:

    I stand corrected about a "couple"

    And you didn't state it as a guess or an estimate.

    Here's the relevant portion once again:. 

    Why worry about brexit..in a few decades the UK will be

    under Muslim control, the whitey will be in the minority.


    It is not a guess or estimate, England will be a Muslim

    State, and it is being handed to them by the UK gov.

    Personally, I believe Muslims will make a better job of

    running the UK.


  4. 8 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

    Maybe when you're in a better mood, you can explain the mathematical reason that let you to extrapolate that in a couple of decades the Muslim population of the UK, which now stands at 5 percentof the population will be more than 50 percent in 20 years.

    Here's another take:

    Muslim population of the UK could triple to 13m following 'record' influx

    Yhe Muslim population of the UK is set to triple in 30 years, according to projections from the Pew Research Centre. 

    Under the model which assumes median migration levels, the number of Muslims in the country would rise from 4.1m in 2016 to 13m in 2050. 

    The US-based think tank says that the UK has been the major destination for economic migrants coming to Europe, while Germany has been the top destination for refugees. 


    I did not say a 'couple of decades'. I said 'a few decades'.

    A few decades means its not mathematical, its a guess.

    No one can predict with certainty..but its on the way.

    Even your Telegraph uses the word 'could' which means

    its a guess, and not a mathematical certainty. I doubt if

    white flight was considered in the Telegraphs estimations.

    You can't rattle me anymore, I'm on the plonk now.

  5. 1 hour ago, sandyf said:

    Reminder of what?

    My point has only ever addressed your statement  - nothing else.

    "I use my vote regularly in the UK to vote for officials from the Prime Minister down to local community representatives."


    Just choosing to avoid the the fact that the Prime minister selects the commissioner to the EU.

    Keep on side stepping.

    I admire your voting diligence, but its really a waste of time,

    as we can only get what we are given. Why else would we

    end up with such low calibre politicians, and government.

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