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Posts posted by talahtnut

  1. 46 minutes ago, adammike said:

    The 17m represents roughly 25% of the population and they are dying off guesstimates up to 1m? already gone,by the time Brexit pans out in a couple of years another 2m gone that 17m will be down to say 13m doesn't look good for your longed for revolution,plus the useless Jeremy will be history and with the Tory party  disintegrating and splitting the right vote it will be wide open for the left to fill the vacuum.Careful what you wish for.

    I wouldn't be surprised if the remainers died off in similar

    numbers, quite upsetting to think of really, he he.

    • Like 2
  2. 7 minutes ago, Grouse said:

    I think a Malthusian catastrophe is unlikely. Birth rate drops as economies improve. 

    Economic improvement will not affect the majority.

    Perhaps you've heard of the UK austerity, in the 5th.

    or 6th of the richest countries in the world.


    The world birth rate is approx 2.4 per family.

    Birth rate drops when food is scarce.


    A simple example: When bugs on an isolated petri dish

    have consumed the nutrients, reproduced millions

    and, oops, reached the edge of the dish.

    What happens?   Answer: They are b=ggered.



    • Haha 1
  3. 10 minutes ago, mommysboy said:

    We now have a totally different set of conditions. Most frightening is the threat to world peace that global warming will present; we've already had a small taster this year with extreme weather conditions. The fact is even if we as a world stopped carbon emissions tomorrow, the world we know will face an existential crisis.  I can see pandemics, and plagues. I can well see population reduced to millions, if any at all.  I've always regarded Brexit as a sideshow.

    Spot on.  By 2050 the world population reaches 10billion

    and food becomes a problem.   One child per family,

    like the Chinese did, leading to self sufficiency economy,

    recommended by Rama 9. 

    I expect the Americans will handle most of the population

    culling, it is they that made the Georgia Stones.  



  4. What have we got here:

    Disgusting Conflict of Interest: Theresa May’s Husband’s Investment Firm Made a “Financial Killing” from the Bombing of Syria

    Headline from GR.


    With the thought of the EU army, Mrs. Mays nipples must be on stalks, with the expectation of hubby flogging his load of lovely missiles.

    So lads that's the outcome..Looks like Brexit, quacks like a Brexit,

    But it ain't.

    • Like 2
  5. 52 minutes ago, Dumbastheycome said:

    I wish the UK well.

    But I have a feeling that it will be a  hard  hard place to be for many in  years to come.

    Not that it will be  alone.

    There is a change in international attitudes that despite the platitudes is increasingly regressive in terms of core social and humanitarian outcome.

    Having  sucked  the lemon dry where now to find the source of........?



    Good point, the worlds resources are limited, things will be

    more expensive due to diminishing returns of acquisition,

    plus environmental care will require economic contraction.

    The UK will be in a bad place as it is not able to support

    itself now.   Land of hope and forget the glory.

    Keep sucking that lemon buddy

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