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Posts posted by 2008bangkok

  1. Alternatively you can do it yourself for free.

    To unlock first you need to "jailbreak" which is a small modification that allows 3rd party software not authorised by apple.

    Second you "unlock" which allows any operators sim card to be used.

    How you jailbreak depends on what version of firmware you have on the phone. Plug it into itunes and see what version it says (3.x.x)

    3.1.3 is currently tricky to unlock due to changes made by apple.

    I recently unlocked 3.1.2 using the "blackrain" software

    Google "jailbreak 3.x.x" replacing the x with your firmware version and you will get lots of guides.

    Once jailbroken, unlocking is easy.

    use spirit to unlock all of them its free and you can get it from http://spiritjb.com but not sure if it unlocks it aswell

  2. Hi,

    Im looking for a good VPN to use so i can watch BBC live, im currently using HideIPVPN but doing a speedtest im getting 200kbs off a 4 mb line so that is slow..does anybody have any experience and can recommend a good fast VPN


  3. Cheers again for the advice, its kind of buggin to lose my marriage status its a luxury i love to have, not only do i not have to leave the country it works towards a resident permit so i heard 3 consecutive marriage visas and you can apply i heard.. any confirmation lopburi?

    Iv already had 2 60 day extensions the first was advice off the forum, the second was when i had the wrong paperwork for the original EOS and they felt sorry for me with a baby in toe, now have a second but surely cannot repeat the trick?

    cheers again guys

  4. Hi Guys,

    Thanks for all the advice, just to confirm I am already on a marriage extension so I am looking to renew it, I also have a tax ID number from my previous 2 jobs so but maybe paying the tax without a WP is not so good an idea, is the 400k have to be in the bank for a period of time i heard it was 3 months are they strict on this or can I put it into my bank 2 weeks before, and would I be able to get a 12 month if i went to Laos.

    I understand that I am working illegally but at the moment with jobs being scarce I have no alternative..

    One more are your guys saying that it is no longer a combined total for family salary so the MRS earnings doesn't count anymore

  5. Hi,

    Wonder if someone who knows about these things can give me some accurate wife.

    I currently have a extension of stay based on marrige which expires 1st week of June, iv been working for a company for about 5 moniths and altough I was promised a WP they seem to have problems in getting me one!!! Anyway I spoke to the outside compnay accountants who deal with all salary, wp, visas etc last month and told them that the first week in May I will be needing the last 3 receipts to prove I have paid tax for the last 3 months which is a requriment for renewal, no problem they said email me first week in May, saw him last week and long story short even though they said they had they have not been paying tax for me because I dont have a WP.. this is not good as i need to renew my visa but dont have 400k in the bank , this is a nightmare as i dont wanna lose this visa status and have to go back to visa runs etc.. my questions are..

    If they pay the tax on my behalf will i need to show a WP when i renew or are they just interested in seeing these tax last 3 reciepts

    What are the chances that if the company say my MRS is working instead of me and pay the tax for her that they are actually believe this and not bring it up in the interviews that we both have to have, thinking about it who is gonna believe that my MRS who had our 2nd child 2 week ago is working and earning good money and I am not working!!

    What other options do I have?

    Finally what happens to this withholding tax for the last 5 months? Surely once the WP comes they dont give it to the tax man and say here is tax for 5 months when he didnt have a WP?

    Cheers in advance for ay accurate, and please lets not turn this into a rant about not having a WP..

  6. LOL quality haha always farangs fault... never mind the drunken no light no breaks crappy bike he will go into work today and tell every1 that he/she was called out because farang guy crashed into a bike.. my Mrs told me that a bike vs a car it is always the cars fault

  7. I'm planning on coming to Bangkok in about a week. Can you keep us updated on the situation there? Is the BTS open?

    As always its nowhere near as bad as the news make out, i had to walk through the red shirt camp with a 3 day old baby to take her home from the hospital last week so im sure that you will be cool...

  8. 'backup source files' ??

    I take it that you are referring to pirate software ? I don't think that forum rules permit giving advice as to where to obtain illegal goods and services.

    If you are looking for a copy of a legal version of something - it is not normally possible. When you buy an item of software, you buy the license for that particular disk so if you lose it, just like if you lose your mobile phone, you would need to buy another one.


    Can you read??

    The post clearly says backup souce files and for your info I have a genuine Windows 7 netbook and no disk and i need to do a reinstall

    You are right you are not permitted to talk about pirate software so you shouldn't do it and try and ruin a perfectly reasonable post

    If you are looking for a copy of a legal version of something - it is not normally possible. When you buy an item of software, you buy the license for that particular disk so if you lose it, just like if you lose your mobile phone, you would need to buy another one.

    So if you purchased a copy of Exchange 208 or 2010 which could be well in excess of 10k and the disks become unreadable then you are saying you need to purchase it again.. come on man get real

  9. Hi nice n easy one, do they sell backup source files for Windowes softwar in Seacon Square like they do in Pantip, ireally canot be arsed with the de tour from the red shirts


  10. You can use it only to phone other Dtac customers, yuo do not have to have any credit on the phone to do this either.

    You cannot use it for any other services liek SMS only call Dtac customers

  11. If you go into the network connections on your pc, right click network connection on desktop then properties in your dial up you should have 2 dialup connections your ADSl and your normal Dial up if you right click the ADSl then you should be able to select use this as default, this should then mean any app or browser that wants to use the net will dial that connection

  12. richard1808 is correct,

    Create a 2nd user account from control panel and user accounts and then logon using that account providing you make the 2nd account a standard account and not a administrator account then any attempt to access yuor user folder will result in access denied and a standard account cannot take ownership...

    the other option is to install www.truecrypt.org which you can then create a encrypted file as big as you like and store all the private stuff in there

  13. really not sure what the big problems is, looking at the OP's own posts it seems that sarcasm and shooting people his his bag until he wants to ask a stupid question then its ok...

  14. It is most probably some kind of virus, this only comes up when a second person is also logged onto the machine, if somebody was also using your wireless connection then they would be attached to your router and not the PC,

    I guess what Cuban meant was to check if somebody else is connected to OP's wireless router then this person might also have tried to connect to his/her PC, causing said issue.

    This messgae can only happen if the person is logged on to the machine locally or the machine is a server if somebody tries to logon to the machine by remote connection then the pc screen would go blank when the person is connected

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