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Posts posted by 2008bangkok

  1. If i was you i would act now rather than wait fo ryou r other vidsa to run out, if you are ok wiht your employers now then tell them your situation and say to them that you want to change over your visa to a marrige visa now while you are still working, all you need to do is show 3 months of previous tax transactions which show you have been earning 40k and all teh usual stuff and you ewill get a extension..

    Otherwise you can get a 60 day visa to visit your thai wife /baby which ever applys..

    When i originally went down to apply for my extension based on marrige the company hadnt supplied me with the right docs(they gave me 3 tax documents when you needed the last 3) as it was the last day of which my NON B visa was going to expire they gave me a 60 day thai wife extension and they said that wqas alos ok to work on!

    Maybe worth checking, if you can get this changed over while your currently working then your gonna have alot less problems when you finally find another job!

    Good luck

  2. With all dues respect the Op seems like she has a attitude ... lets not forget thsi is a open forum and if you want to a write details about this problem then expect others to have there say aswell..

    This is obviously a sensitive subject so maybe you would be better using a search engine and typing 'counselling Thailand' or something to that effect, and not post on a forum if oyu dont like the replys

  3. dont give it large please..there is no way that eatin nuts in the day and havin a msiive meal 4 you sleep gonna lose you weight..tellc us

    if ya gonna mention the diet why dont you tell the forum b4 and afters on you r personal experience.ie how much fat you lose??

  4. has anyone ever tried standing their ground & reverting to the culture & country they come from & not paying a dowry?

    obviously if you are marrying a girl from Thailand & she is marrying a guy from where ever, there has to be consideration for all cultures!! you are both mixing cultures by marrying so why not try the good old idea of marrying the girl or guy of your dreams just because you love him or her?

    I most interested to hear the comments! by the way I am marrid to an english girl living in Thailand & if i had been asked for a Dowry or prenuptual I would never have got married 24 years doen the line will are still in love & happily married. (marry in haste repent at lesuire(

    J BP

    Jokin apart I didn't pay a dowry when i married my wife nor did he family even expect one, dont even contribute to hetr family unless its desperate my attitude is i have a dad at hom ewho is on the sick and if they is any spare cash then he gets it and not somebody who i barley know.

    On the other hand a thai male is still expected to pay a dowry but it will not be anywhere near what a farang would pay.

  5. You can do it for free if you want and here i show...

    open my computer on the file menue go to tools>>folder options then view click on show hidden files and folders>>

    Double click the ipod in my computer then go to hidden folder(i think its called ipod control) in their should be a music folder with weird folder names like f12 f3 etc that i s your ipod music so copy that back to your hard drive....

    If you want to get the folder and file names back to normal then create a new itunes clean database to do this then change the old itunes folder to itunes1 then reopen itunes this will create a new itunes database go to preferences>>advanced make sure the keeps itunes organised is ticked then add the whole of the music folder you just copied this will rename all the folders and files back to the originale name in the actual folders itsslef..

    Once you have done this close itunes go back to music folder and delet the new itunes folder making sure that the music has been copied to another location rename the itunes1 folder back to itunes and open up itunes again and it as was b4 you started..

    Vey long winded way but if you dont want to spend on software then here is a solution

  6. You aint gonna get that here...edge which claim to be 250kb+ but you wont get anywhere near that is available with one2call,dtac, hutch do a 153kb dongle which they laughbly claim is mobile broadband internet,. although if you live in their testing areas then they do have faster speeds, same with true intermitent gprs/edge but they have 3g services if you live by the BTS or you live in HUa hin......

    there is nothing available to my knowledge that will give you medium speed broadband on the move and believe me i have researched it as per previous posts..

    good luck

  7. If you have 4 gb ram then you should use 64 bit software simple, you get 1gb more memory to use as 32bit can only handle max 3gb ram even with the updates (vista sp) on 32bit then windows only shows that the system has 4gb ram but still is only uses 3gb ram..

    So for that reason alone if you have 4gb ram then use 64bit

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