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Posts posted by 2008bangkok

  1. Skype should not be a problem, as it uses port 80 to connect. Silly question, did you register for GPRS/Edge services on your phone ?

    It uses HTTP port 80 but somehow it is lockin all chat software,chucked my Mrs Dtac in their for a test and it works fine..seems liek as they are a telcom company they dont want you usin other stuff...

  2. Hi,

    Iv just been looking at a post in the job vacancy section from a poster who offered to click on ads to earn money, one of the particular companys was offering $10 per click which obviously;y is some kind of scam when other sites are offering $0.02 nobody is going to pay you $10 per advertisement you look at and a little more investigation confirmed that this site was indeed a scam site but it got me thinking..

    Do you think that there is a genuine way of earning a decent enough monthly salary to live on per month like 50k if you were to put the necessary hours in?? i would be interested to hear as i personally spend alot of time on the internet and if there was a good chance of earning good money id be interested.


  3. Hi guys,

    Im trying to connect both Skype and Ebuddy on my Nokia 6300 with True sim and am having connection errors even though i can use the web browser so it occured to me that maybe true are blocking access to chat on mobile phones?

    Anybody else having similar problems with True Sim cards and chat?

  4. Im not to sure where you are at the moment but if you are in your home country you will have far more look gettin a NON O based on marriage in your home country if thats where you are... im not to sure if they will issue a 12 monther at Laos but only 3 months but others will tell you for definate..

    Have you thought of the extension of stay option you will be able to get that in Thailand providing you produce all teh documents they ask..its been covere many times on TV so do a search if your not familiar with it

  5. Hi guys thanks for the advice.. i treid both of you ideas and they both send you to different places to pick up[ the streams and sometimes they are not working etc.. i wen with livetv4ever.com and must say for 150baht a month it excelland value..all the streams you can view right from their site its like just turing the channel over..very easy..definitely recommend it..all supersport channels aswell

  6. Hi I am looking to get a subscription for online sports streaming and have come across thgis one www.livetv4ever.com and for $5 a month looks a absolute bargain, i have never used a service like this before so was wondering if any body has and would share there feedback on quality etc or recommend a particular services..

    Cheers in advance

  7. I would install it again ot see if the installation was corrupt and maybe it will include an installer this time, or just delete the folder and get a good junk and registry cleaner to clear the crap away i use advance system care they do a free version which will suit your needs..

    By the way have you tried setting the compatibility mode to windows xp?? right click the exe file then compatibility mode>> iv had a few programs that wouldnt work under 7 but will do it compatibility mode

  8. Back up all your data ..put the win 7 disk in and start fromscratch when it asks you to pick a partition tpo install then go advanceds and format the drive and do a nice fresh install.. as 1 poster has already commented you cannot upgrade from 32 to 64 bit, it look like you already have 2 installs already so this will make it another 1..

    I have 64bit win7 installed and must admit it is noce to have the full 4gb allocation

  9. I just started using Magic jack. You plug in a regular phone that plugs into the usb port. It is $20 u.s. for the year. You also get a phone number with it. So far it seems to work great.

    Yes but you only get cheap calls top the other person who has another magic jack..completly pointless

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