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Posts posted by 2008bangkok

  1. I think that True have the rights to UFC in Thailand, i was watching the GSP v Dan hardy last week or the week before on Sopcast and i went to the ufc website and they must have geographical advertising because there was a big Truemove banner on the UFC homepage, even now if you go to the UFC website and find 'how to watch' it lists True for Thailand.

    Im not sure why True are not advertising it though surely if they are a UFC partner then they are going to show it?I hope they get it sorted before the end of MAY as the Rampage v Rashad is gonna be a absolute belter,

    If true do not show it then download sopcast www.sopcast.com and do a Google search or go to myp2p.eu and there will be loads of people showing it not the best quality but good enough to watch if you cant wait a few hours for the torrent to appear.

  2. This is not so either, you can only apply for a work permit with a NON-O visa if you are married to a Thai national otherwise you will need to have a NON-B visa if you would like a work permit.

    The best thing to do is ti get a letter of employment sent to you from the employer and get the NOn-B visa from your home country if possible they are alot more leniant and will likely give you a 1 year otherwise if you come to Thailand to do it then you will only get 3 months from a local out of country embass

    If you get NON-O, then you can accompany your husband visa and with this NON-O, you can't work (coz your spouse is not Thai). So I think best you get NON-B coz I think you will get your Work Permit ok and it's not hard to change here from NON-B to NON-O so if you don't get a work permit, then just accompany your husband visa.

    Not so. Either Non-O or Non-B visa can be used to support work permit application. It has nothing to do with the spouse not being Thai. In the Op's case I would go the Non-B route if the employer can provide letter etc to support visa application outside the region. It is only possible for a dependent to obtain extension of stay piggy backing the main applicant if the main applicant is already on extension of stay. It cannot be done if the main applicant's permission to stay is based on non-immigrant visa entry.

  3. This seems to be common with external USB drives, i have 2 sitting here which have the same problem, if you plug it in/out a few times then it should work but this is a sign that the drive is on its last legs, at least as far as using it for usb goes, if you fail to get your data then take it out the case and attach it directly to the PC and then this should work

  4. All these boosters that claim to boost your speed in my opinion are a load of crap, at best some of them may make your browsing speed a little bit better but none of them will give you better speeds for downloading.

    The claim that edge can provide 450 kpps are very unusual and not normal mainstream speeds, you would have to be practically on next to the cell tower to even think about them speeds.

    Around 100 is normal for any edge..in short its <deleted> and should only be used for emergency browsing and email pick up..

    I hear hutch have just released there 3g upgrade via a USB dongle its advertised all over BKK that might be your way forward if you need mobile or cannot get anything else

  5. Whatgggg

    Why uninstall Firefox? Just disable all addons via Safe-Mode (start Safe-Mode, then in the dialog window choose the option to disable all plugins upon next start), takes 5-10 seconds, and you're done. Enjoy your refreshed and lightning-fast surf experience.

    During the next hours/days, when you miss any feature that one of your addons has previously provided, I mean if you REALLY miss it and can't live without it, re-enable that addon.

    If you can live with Google Chrome you can surely live with Firefox and a reduced set of addons.

    I agree that Firefox' selling point as well as maybe its downfall is the number of addons that make Firefox both feature-rich but sometimes also unstable and sluggish.

    So it's up to the user to no go crazy on installing addons.

    I don't have any problem with Chrome, and it's Javascript engine is surely superior to Firefox right now, but comparing a Firefox bloated with addons with a (nearl) non-expandable Chrome is not fair.

    Of course that assumes that your Firefox troubles were really due to a large number of addons.


    What about the Problem with IE ?

    I dont like all of the ad-on's, I just like to Keep it Simple but every time you up date FF you get more add-on's.

    What i woudl do is open firefox in safe mode then got to tools addons then extensions and disable all of them.you shoudl then be able to open firefox normally then enable the extensions one at a time so example enable 1 extension then restart firefox, enable one by one until you find the cuplrit and delete it.. the first place to start is google toolbar which crashed my firefox everytime so i uninstalled that extension and it was fine.

  6. You get it from the social securuty office if you've been paying in to your socisal security for at least 6 months prior to birth.

    You will also receive 350 baht per month per child so long as you are paying into SS as well.

    Would i still qualify if i had a 2 month break in nov dec when i changed jobs but been workinf for 15 month in 2 jobs

  7. Hi,

    Pretty sure it was from tax department, i dont have any compulsory health insurance only pay 750 baht month like everybody else does but even 12 months of that woudl only be 8k paid so they wouldn't give me 12k for that and i went a picked the money up personally from the place i think was soi 2 silom road government building near the big Kbank

  8. Hi,

    A couple of years ago when i had my first child i got a tax rebate from the revenue departmen of 12k in cash but my company sorted the forms out for me, now i have left that company my newe company has never heard of this so i wil have to sort it out myslef becaue i ham having a second baby shortly.

    Anybody know whatforms i need and documentation and also does all tax get paid to the same revenue department in BKK in silom road?

    cheers in advance

  9. Maybe im getting a bit confused here.

    Is withholding tax the same for people who have a work permit and for people who dont? Maybe i wrongly assumed that withholding tax is only for people who dodnt have a permit yet and when you do then it changes from withholding tax to income tax or is it the same thing?

  10. Hi Guys,

    I have recently started work witha new employee and am waiting for a work permit, meanwhile i am paying witholding tax and if my permit isnt recived before it is time for me to renew my marrige visa will this still count towards the 40k per month requiremwnt.

    When i orignally appled for my marirrge visa in my old company then actually wanted to see the tax reciept and a stamp form declaring that i have paid tax on 40k per month for the last 3 month so do they actually pay the taxman this withholding tax ?

    On a seperate note how long in advance can i renew marrige visa



  11. Hi,

    Long story short i have had a extension basedonmarrige since june but have only reported once then i completely for got and have left it and left it..what are the chances that i can just turn up and fill in a piece of paper and they dotn notice..or what are the consequences is it a 2k fine only and finally does it affect my application in the future for when i apply again>

    Cheers for advise in advance.

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