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Everything posted by 2008bangkok

  1. Just out of interest OP, how did you manage to apply for a new.passport already. can you do it online or is that just an email to get an appointment for a new.passport? Thanks
  2. Bit of a long story but basically it was for small company, i had a WP etc but after about 7 years they decided to shut the company down completely with zero discussions and then said you can continue to work for us on a digital domad type basis so had me over a barrell Thus the obligation for full severance pay is no longer needed.
  3. I have had a Credit Card for about13 years with 100k limit which for ages has always been maxed out. I have never missed a payment but this month lost my job due to ill health so currently am unable to make the monthly minimum payments and given my current condition im not sure id find another job till my issue is fixed. My question is what are my options and is it a criminal offence to not make these payments and if I left the country to go home to seek treatment with the intention of returning would i have a problem leaving or returning. Thanks
  4. I have been married my wife for 15 years, have 2 kids 12 and 14. Currently i have a EOS based on Thai dependents (kids). Every year we renew i have to show family photos, marriage certs etc. im under 50 Unfortunately me and the wife dont see eye to eye anymore, she has left, and typical thai mood wont even anwser the phone. My question is..What are my options to renew my EOS as she wont be helpful and probably divorce wont go through by renewal time. Thanks
  5. The mote you read stuff like this the more you realise what a place. Gorilla in a cage in a shopping centre and nobody can do anything about. Im surprised you can legally own a gorilla
  6. I don't think you have any rights if you wasnt married at the time of birth, silly rule but it seems to be the case. Its annoying and frustrating because they likely to send the kid up to the village with grandparents and then go off to work somewhere. Im going through similar although I was married and named on birth certificates. Best option, keep on side as nothing like an upset Thai women, perhaps offer her bit of money each month for child support, money always brings a smile to Thais. Good luck????
  7. Im currently located in Pattaya, iv been using the Bangkok Pattaya Hospital
  8. Iv recently been diagnosed with DVT after a scan in the left leg under the knee. Iv beem taking Rivoxan 20mg in the morning for the last 2 months but they dont seem to be working for me as pain is about a 6 or 7 all the time but then at times the leg and foot blows up probably twice a week then it goes to a 10 Iv spent loads on hospital but seems everytime you go they are not really listening. If anybody (and i hope not) is in a similar situation and has a recommendation for an alternative tablet id appreciate it.
  9. Yeah but media will sensionalize everything to get click bait to get ad revenue even it involves being insensitive to victims and family
  10. Someway to divide the country getting everyone to grass on each other.
  11. Yeah no earth probably, they been having electric fences in Uk for years to deter animals with a slight buzz from getting out, doesn't kill them
  12. 54 and cannot even fly home, jeez
  13. Snti theft is one thing, strong enough volt to kill someone is another, jeez.
  14. Yeah man, get a 3 month one for a 6 month trip rather than a 12 month one.
  15. They always got to come with an extra weird rule like provide your financial status, none of ya business im a grown ass man that my financial status.
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