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Everything posted by 2008bangkok

  1. Thats not true, you dont do any of that, you turn up, apply for a passport, from that moment on you cannot use it to travel, once you get the new one they clip the corner.and give it you back. So depending on the timeframe of them renewing it, you cannot leave the country where you applied. Also no express service, i asked
  2. In such a pickle at the moment, 6 weeks ago i was married 2 kids. Renew visa in June all good, that all changed. Mrs left, wont help renew visa, slowly but surely kids sided with her. With only 2 pages left on passport as i didn't think i need to renew passport for another 1 year as its 1 year 1 page and not enough time to renew it before visa finished, I find myself in crappy situation of perhaps having to get a 30 day visa exempt in thailand, packing my stuff and lóoking at a Vietnam while I wait for a new one (takes 60 days apparently in Thailand and after applying you cannot leave the country) which puts me in overstay range. I ancticipate no help from the wife but stupid UK rules state once you have applied for the passport you cannot use it again till the new one arrived, so that would of even worse. So i am looking at options of vietnam, order a new passport, come back, What area is cheap but ok, qnd stuff to do, im thinking Ho Chi Min but would like to research. Budget of 1000 UK per month if possible. And of course, can you apply for a renewal UK passport in Vietnam. TIA
  3. Was a good.man on the forums, gave me good advice many times over the years on this forum RIP
  4. Cheers for the advice. I actually got lucky, couldn't find the passport but i did find the original affirmation which was also translated in Thai, old work permit from 2 months after marrige, and my birth certificate. The women said with these and if the signature on the secondary marriage document matched whats in current passport they will allow that. So lucky and all sorted now.
  5. I went today to get divorced, cut a long story short as we have been married 16 years the current passport does not match the one on the marriage cert, iv been told i need to get this verified by going to embassy then translation Im from UK i figured this could be done in a day but my german friend says it took him 6 weeks. Does anybody know if this will be the same for UK or csn get the paper on walk in?
  6. If the article is correct rear ending somebody is definitely doig something wrong or are you not up to scratch on rulea of the road and safe distances. I presume you know what rear ending means?
  7. Cheers for advice. My understanding is that 1.. if you agree.on everything the kids cn be sorted out also at ampur But more importantly 2. They wont issue an extension if when divorced I don't have sole custody of at least 1 child, at the time of renewal, which is soon. Im not yet 50 but close lol Kinda sad really the immigration do this but that's what i understand
  8. Not at all, i disagree that is not my daughter's surname so why change it. That's like saying if she got remarried change the name again to another mans surname, then should she get divorces again, change it back again.
  9. I have been married to my wife for 16 years, we are soon getting a divorce at the ampur. She is forcing this on me because she will not help in renewing my EOS. So my understanding is the only way to renew my EOS thus staying in Thailand is to have full custody of at least one child, which for me is just a formality to stay in the country. She is saying out of spite she wants full custody of our second child which is a girl (first is a boy), so basically im being forced into this. To show the nastiness and this is my question her plan is to then change the last name of our daughter to her maiden name after she gets full custody. This has never been her name always mine Is she able to do this because it would hurt me alot I am the biological father, on the birthday certificate and married at the time of birth Seems
  10. I am in the same pickle only 2 pages left, but like others say you must get an evisa because if not stamp out Thailand, a full page laos visa on arrival then the tourist visa and stamp back in then that's gonna be full and you be replying on getting a renewal (if you plan to do that) in 60 days and and sometimes but not all they taking longer than 2 months especially if your from UK with the strike on they will probably have a back log
  11. Not sure if right sub forum but... I will renew my UK passport next week, i wanted to get my kids there first UK passport at the same time. I have all the supporting documents and translations but the only thing I don't have is the wife's birth certificate as she doesn't have one (as from the village and they dont see them as important only I.D card ???? ) I do have her I.D card so I would like to know would that be accepted as an OK supporting document aswell as the other stuff, my full birth, kids, translated birth certs, (no need for marriage anymore if born after 2006) so would that be OK?
  12. Yeah, and save me the hassle of getting a.new passport right 4his sexond with the strikes Thais love money lol
  13. Isnt the xriver meant to lower his forks after putting a load on the truck
  14. Cheers man for links. I always get jumbo sized passports, lol, this new one will now be my 4th in Thailand. Back in the day when i was going to Laos for my 1 year Non O that's whats done it, Laos visa, Thai visa, then every 90 days Cambodia visa. Do that a few times and it quickly fills up. Since Covid i have EOS based on kids thats not so bad as only 1 page per year.
  15. Thats excellent, hope thats the same for me, although with these passpprt strikes coming up i bet another backlog will be incoming, hopefully passprts from anroad will miss that and go straight to printers. Did you notice if they did a fast track service?
  16. Dude you clearly havent read the post correctly 1. My passport is not expiring i have 2 pages left 2. The wife is the problem because if she co operated i could extend the visa for another 1 year as that takes 1 page so would have a year to renew my passport as i would only have 1 page 3. I cannot do a border run because that would take up 2 pages, thus after 30 days i would have 0 pages so couldn't do another border run so i would have to leave the country if a new passport hasn't arrived.
  17. Im from UK, so not sure enough time
  18. Yeah, Seems my only option, iv never had a home visit, probably because we of similar age and can see from photos and kids age its legit But whats the betting when you dont want them to come they decide.to.
  19. Thia is the problem, as i only have 2 pages left in my passport i cannot do a border bounce as it will require a 1 page visa and stamps which will fill the passport and not enough time to get another passport. I didn't anticipate having this issue as 1 more renwal, 1.page left so plenty of time to renew my passport Im not old enough to get a retirement visa but ironclically enough i will be if i can get this renewal as i am 48 now soon to be 49 so 1 more extension i will be 50 when it expires.
  20. Me and my wife have seperated (although still married) after 18 years, married for 15 of those with 2 young children. During the 15 years i have always had some kind of either marrige visa or the last 3 years visa based on my thai dependants children. Problem is that now she is becoming a bit unstable and 1 minute she is OK and can get on but 9 times out of 10 she just ignores me, phone calls, chats anything even though i try to talk about the kids. Even worse though is that she has completely turned the kids against me and they are currently staying with her. So basically in a nutshell i doubt she is going to help to renew my visa as i will need copy of her ID, house book etc. So if the situation stays like this what are my options in renewing my visa i Thailand as i cannot leave the country to get a visa as i only have 2 pages left in my passport. Thanks
  21. Not saying it isnt but seems a bit far fetched, no going to the police or nothing Also why not sleep in one of the tour buses rather than a petrol station or go to a temple
  22. Wow, thats a bit abusive isnt it. Caling people a liar because they happen to.mention a story and you dont like it What you having done at hospital, ingrowing toenail pulled out, never paid more than 300 USD inc meds, now that's a joke
  23. Unfortunately Thai hospitals have no compassion, its money on no treatment. I remember my next door neighbor dying on the toilet, i got him off an laid him on the floor, when the ambulance arrived and they couldn't find his passport they just left him lying there until the morgue van came in the morning.
  24. I would imagine this is the UK embassy fault not the Thais. Isnt normal protocol to find.out the nationality then contact the relevant country embassy and they deal with it?
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