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Everything posted by 2008bangkok

  1. The only cards she holds is she is Thai. In an ideal world we could sit down for a coffee and discuss why he is doing this and what we can do to resolve this for his best interest but she won't, so that then becomes an issue. For example he turned up in-between this post the other day, and he done another runner when I asked him to have a shower and go to sleep, he refused then ran off, I assumed after trying to find him he gone back mum's, 4am she said he isn't back so where he gone, it's this thing that then becomes a danger to his safety. But still no anwser Kinda strange but I thought police are there to uphold the law
  2. I have asked, but get the "I'll do it 2mw" , I leave it for fear of this exact thing happens.
  3. Thanks for all the advice good and bad. I would like to say this. 1. I have a visa so that's not a problem, the people who write it's all about a visa are just cruel. 2. I do not go to the school as that would be a problem which I could get done for if anybody complained, I have been speaking to the teachers, director and police and it's obvious through dialogue they are not 1 bit interested. 3. It's very easy for me to just go Arr sod it let him do what he wants but than then sets the stage for worse to come. I have full legal control and that should be regonised by authorities but it's not. 4. I have said many times it's not about what I want, it's about what's the right thing to do, at 14 you are not allowed to just do what you want that's why there are laws specifically saying that, so while my son wants to live with his mum and I fully understand, he cannot do, nor can the mother do what she is doing, but as everyone knows the police are somewhat sloppy nothing gets done unless you fight for justice.
  4. Living standards.ok..id say
  5. Yes , I agree, so stick it in
  6. Man, I know what I'm doing after all I'm the Dad
  7. I'm casual wirh muppets
  8. Let me explain for the norms, my daughter will phone me ask for an new ipad, I say no, I'm gonna just start handing out ipads when you being naughty, then just gets a cob on.for 5.days and won't answer the phone, then literally phoned me a min ago and asked for 500 baht to get snacks, ok , it's in. It just doesn't seem.to resolute how naughty they being, it's like let try Daddy again.
  9. Probably rebellious lol
  10. Thank.you sir, shows some.get it
  11. Rant is cool, but again I'm skool, your mum is setting an example making her bed, it's not your space is yours and mine is.mine. It's sloppy, now I agree when I was 14 I didn't see that but at 49 I see the importance of cleandiness on all levels, as the great jocko.wilko.says, make.your bed in the morning starts you off to a good day, don't make your bed your lazy all day
  12. I have it coming, crap loads of paperwork 3 weeks ago which was just me and my son , last week of consideration, dunno why you need 30 day consideration but how it is
  13. A bicycle ???? Ride probably better word, sorry
  14. This is not really your normal situation Dr Jack, at this moment in time me and her live not far although I don't know where but my son has to drive past the soi to get to school, he could go back there every night on his way home and have his tea, could even stay there every night if he asked no problem, but the base must be with me is all I'm asking. It's not clear cut, right you take her I'm having him and never the 2 shall meet, or you won't see him again.No Also they are getting to the age 15 soon and 13 where they get on each other's nerves, I'm pretty sure living in a studio is actually getting on mum's nerves with both lol, but she is so stubborn she trying to one up me. It was only last month we signed the papers
  15. Common practice when both want full custody of both, what they meant to do, meet in the middle.
  16. But the ones that do my kids will get 5x because it's automatic assumed they ain't thick as
  17. I stupidly throughout I could get some advice off people who have been In similar situations, but that would be to easy, so I got to dust off the battle armour
  18. So why is it that if it got to the point of child court as you couldn't agree, the judge would always recommend the daughter stays with the mother and son stays with the father. That well documented
  19. Exactly, I wouldn't expect to understand what my daughter going through lady wise at 13, not my job either
  20. I don't have anger issues, I take offence to people critizing my integrity as Dad instead of just responding to the actual post I wrote. So far the only 2 people have actually given me any advice after like 3 pages is Kingkenny and Richard, everyone else just like "leave the 14 year old to do what he wants" No I ain't gonna leave him to do what he wants, it is my way and that's it, no other way. And also as IV stated 2 weeks ago he was fine, so stupid comments like you cannot force love is just irrisponsible posting
  21. I have done all that, I'm 3 days away from getting the actual passport back after the 30 day consideration
  22. Let me tell you this smarty. I didn't learn Thai because I wanted the whole family to speak English as they will get there results when it comes to work. As a result of always speaking English to my kids since birth, if you met them and was speaking Englishyou would be gob smacked to even think that there mother tongue is Thai, not even a hint of tinglish or Thai accent in there English, just pure natural English like I speak, all while being brought up in the Thai education system not private. So that my friend is why I decided not to learn proper Thai, just get by
  23. Your just a breath of fresh air you are
  24. I hear ya again, You know unfortunately I hate to say this but it also comes down to a Farang v Thai mentality. Let's just say I go "you know what sod it, I give up, stay with your mother" then I believe I'm letting him down because he doesn't know the opportunity he has with me, mould him into a good man, decent morals, etc, at the moment he is a sheep, he is nearly 6ft 85kg yet wouldn't say boo to a goose, even my daughter bullies him for his money, only a dad can bring that confidence out of him, show him who he is, show him his potential as a man. with his mother who is from the village (and nothing wrong with that) but she doesn't have any of that, can I eat, can I sleep that's it, I gave up trying to have any news related conversations with her years and years ago, so then that's his life then and I can see this as plain as I can see my hands. But maybe I should stop fighting and wait until it's to late and hope that at some point when he is older he comes to me and says sorry Daddy I was wrong, which will never ever happen because by that time he will have a full blown Thai mentality
  25. Excessive, taking your washing out the basket walking 10.meters, pressing 2 buttons then an hour later hanging them out, at 1 month short of 15 years old!! Sorry, I appreciate and listening to your advice but I don't agree with that. When I say tidy your room, I mean i let it slide until it literally becomes and with no exagerationa tip, I have attached example where my tolerance levels snaps.
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