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Posts posted by Slip

  1. 3 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

    Or end up getting suspended from practicing law... because of their fraudulent efforts on his behalf....


    To paraphrase the most dreadful politician in the history of the U.S:  These republicans who turned up weren't bringing their best people:


     They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.


    Also gun nuts, racists and traitors unfortunately.

  2. 20 minutes ago, Elkski said:

    I'm so confused on Thailand's pot rules.   I think you can now grow 6 plants are home but it has to be under 2% thc so who would smoke that?  You can get a medical permit.   Is that who they refer to.  In Colorado since they made it legal you can smoke in your front porch.  I told mom we need to expand her southern sunny porch. 

    Most outlets of information seem to suggest that most of the rules have gone by the wayside.  The % thing applies only to extracts by most accounts, including some official.  Smoking on your porch could fall foul of the law due to specific public nuisance issues.  I can't remember if there is still a limit on number of plants or not, as everything is changing so quickly.  Retailers are openly selling really quite potent pot by all accounts, but it doesn't look cheap.


  3. 8 hours ago, SunnyinBangrak said:

    How many times can these guys cry wolf? This is beyond ridiculous. Jan 6th was a protest. An unarmed woman was shot and killed by authorities. If anyone should be whinging it's the protestors.

    Haven't you watched the first televised hearing?  I can't believe you have and would call this anything other than it was- at minimum an extremely violent and nasty riot.

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  4. 9 hours ago, Loiner said:

    Which part? I can’t be expected to attend to every piece of nonsense you post. Was it something important you needed guidance on?

    Too busy posting utter drivel yourself.  The day you have any useful guidance to offer will be one to note.  It was a response to some tosh you posted about the bbc being biased.  So that is 2 questions you have now failed to answer.

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  5. 3 hours ago, Yellowtail said:

    Again, do you have anything that support what you said? Clearly no one in your links has suggested the state mandate teachers carry guns.



    He didn't claim that anyone suggested that the state mandate teachers carry guns.  He references "the call for school teachers to be armed.  You added the rest as a strawman.  In case you have forgotten, here is the exchange.  Your words start at "I do not believe..."


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  6. 20 hours ago, Loiner said:

    Kuensberg /Johnson love fest?? You jest. Perhaps you didn't notice her constant anti-Boris anti-Brexit tirades after losing the referendum?

    Davie was an internal appointment by the BBC Board not Boris. He was supposed to introduce some balance to the left riddled and biased Beeb. We are still waiting for some of that.

    If the BBC is "left riddled and biased" as you claim, can you (or any member of the Gammonati) explain why they edited the video of Boris getting booed to hide the booing and made no reference to it in their censored version?



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  7. 20 minutes ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

    OK, if the 2 PM-5 PM no alcohol are there to stop Children from buying alcohol on the way home from School , the laws would begin when Schools close at 3.30 PM and ALSO , there are blanket rules to stop Children buying alcohol at anything time  , so Children cannot buy alcohol before 2 PM or after 5 PM anyway .

       Children cannot buy alcohol anytime of the day , so why the need to have another rule stating the same thing with specific times ?

    I know, it makes zero sense.  TIT though!

  8. 5 hours ago, baboon said:

    Brexit doesn't help of course, but from what I have been hearing, the airlines used Covid to get workers off the books. And once business picked up again, to rehire under worse pay and conditions. 

    'Great' in theory, but the problem is for them now, their former staff are telling them to go #### themselves, so recruitment is taking time.

    But aren't those just the sort of behaviours we can increasingly expect from corporations as a direct result of brexit?  P&O's disgraceful recent actions spring to mind.  Boris has got to go.

    • Like 2
  9. 22 hours ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

    Its nothing to do with school kids .

    Its a law to stop  ADULTS drinking all day .

    Its a law to stop adults having a lunchtime  drink and then drinking all day long

    I was going to weigh in on you for being wrong again, but to be fair you are absolutely right I suspect.  The authorities certainly have not enacted or presented it in that way though.  The rhetoric about "protecting children from the evils of drink" has been strong in all of my time here, and the laws have followed suit in both spirit and letter.


  10. It was interesting to see Bojo getting a good Brit booing not once but twice today, and the humiliated look on his mug and bearing shortly afterwards.  Also interesting to see how the beeb doctored the footage to squelch out the obvious and very loud boos, and the tory press made up a load of rubbish about it being directed towards Harry and his wife.

  11. 5 hours ago, placeholder said:

    Nonsense. What the continuing failure of the Durham investigation shows was the validity of the finding by Inspector General Horowitz that the FBI investigation had sound predicates for investigating the Trump campaigns connections to Russia.

    As you clearly don't recall, and maybe never knew, Barr had been insinuating that the FBI had participated in a conspiracy to bring down Trump. It was a ridiculous idea since the FBI had actually kept the investigation secret until after the election. When Horowitx completed his investigation that there was no such conspiracy not just Barr, but Durham also posted public notices that they disagreed with the findings. This kind of behavior was unprecedented and clearly unethical. That said, here we are about 3 years later and guess what, Durham's case against Sussman was not that the FBI conspired against Trump, but rather that it was duped by Michael Sussman. Just the opposite of what he was contending.

    And what you don't seem to understand is that for the charges to stick, there would have to be 2 assertions that needed to be proved:

    1) That Sussman lied

    2) That the lie was material to the conduct of the investigation.

    So even if Sussman lied, that wouldn't be enough. And the jury would be asked to believe that the FBI would not factor Sussman's employment into account when he shared evidence with them.. That would be a remarkable example of naivete. 

    And by the way, the only conviction that Durham has gotten so far was based on evidence that came from the Horowitz investigation. And the offense for which that DOJ lawyer, Clinesmith was convicted, is a very minor one.


    Does anyone besides me remember how right wingers were claiming that scores of high ranking government officials were going to be tried and convicted for conspiring to illegally undermine the Trump administration? So far the score is one lawyer at the bottom of the food chain. It is to laugh.

    Thank you.  The alt-right on here can be exhausting and irritating, but as long as we pull together to show the lies they tell, we can maintain an environment where the truth is key.  

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