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Posts posted by Slip

  1. 6 minutes ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

    That R word again !!!!!!

    An Employer would be concerned about being accused of being a racist if he asked an innocent question and the black employee accused him of being a racist, and thus he may not employ them in the first place 

    and thus would prove him or herself a racist.  Someone said before that you don't seem to understand what words mean, and I'm starting to see their point.  Hilarious as always, so thank you.

    • Like 1
  2. 1 hour ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

    It will also have  a detrimental effect on Black people .

    Business owners will be concerned about employing Black people  after reading stories like this .

       One wrong question out of place , even if meant innocently, could mean serious consequences and it will lead to people not talking to Black people and ostracizing them for fear of upsetting them and getting into trouble

    Racist business owners will be concerned about...

    Fixed it for you.

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  3. 55 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    A battle lost doesn't mean the war is lost.

    Only need to look at Britain beginning of WW2, Disastrous retreat to Dunkirk and almost the entire army captured, but rebuilt over next 3 years to defeat the Germans.

    IMO some posters read far too much into too little.

    One has to look at which side can last the distance in a long war. If the NATO countries currently sending arms decide the cost is too high, and stop- what then for Ukraine?

    If the current financial situation deteriorates, will taxpayers continue to accept spending billions to support a war they are not even fighting in?

    I've seen some Russian (presumed propaganda, but still) commenters saying there will be a big Russian push after the New Year.  I have to agree that the message (also presumed to be borne of propaganda) that Russia is on the ropes is dangerous and counter-productive.  Plus the other concerns you raise are real and ongoing.  


    This agreeing with you seems to be happening more often- are you softening or should I be worried? lol.

  4. 53 minutes ago, FarAngMoh said:

    As a non-Asian minority who has lived in Asia for over half of my life, I have had plenty of opportunities to be offended, but always chose not to.

    Thank you for calling me a newbie, I see you are just calling it like it is… I am new to this forum and take no offense to it.

    Since the woke thing happened long after I left the Western world, I probably have more of an Asian view. No offense intended.

    Thanks for a thoughtful response, and perhaps I should apologise for the 'newbie' comment- but they put it right there in your blurb at first, so I always think of it as being a bit of a rite of passage.  All the same sorry if it made you feel remarked upon.


    I agree with your view on not getting uptight about the small stuff, and as a middle aged white male I haven't had much to worry about, but for sure many others have, and to them racism or such is more immediate.  This is the thing I feel we are all duty bound as decent people to be mindful of. 


    I also left before 'woke' was even thought of, and I don't know how to go about it or deal with it now.  Happily hiding out here has been effective so far 55.

    • Like 2
  5. 1 minute ago, placeholder said:

    That really doesn't square with what you've claimed before viz..

    "G.P's are a thing of the past these days , you either go directly to a hospital or you call the medics and they come and visit you at home or you go to a walk-in medical centre .

       You get seen immediately , rather than having to wait a few days for a doctors appointment . G.Ps and doctors appointments are old fashioned these days and from a bygone era"


    "They have medics on call these days who drive around visiting patients  on the day you call them, much more convenient that going to a G.P"


    "You yourself decide whether you are ill enough to visit a G.P and whether you need assistant immediately or whether you can wait to  visit the G.P in two weeks  or if you are able , you can visit a hospital for daily aliments ."



    I'm disappointed but certainly not surprised to find that a post I originally thought useful and informative to be disingenuous. Thanks for spelling it out.  

    • Like 1
  6. "Assault rifles", specifically the AR-15 if that's what it's called, have become weapons of domestic terror (or more specifically, weapons wielded by domestic terrorists, who it seems these days tend to be right wing at least if not full Maga).  That is why any right-thinking society would have banned them in America's position.  

    Arguments about the relatively low statistical prevalence of deaths by percentage sit well with 'don't wear seat-belts as people sometimes die when they are wearing them, most people die of cancer so we shouldn't bother with other diseases', and 'it's not as bad as it used to be' style arguments.

    • Thumbs Up 2
  7. 42 minutes ago, vinny41 said:

    And its an election that will only give you a true result not some poll which are normally based on data modelling or data manipulation

    and are only even published if they meet the requirements of the sponsor

    Would we ever see a poll published that was sponsored by Brand A and they were expecting the poll to provide results that Brand A is the best thing since silced bread but the poll came back that the  majority of people that took part in the poll prefered Brand Z no we wouldn't

    Here's a poll run by pro-brexit Caroline Coram and GB News which seems to fit those criteria, so I suggest the answer to the question you posed is 'yes we could'.  Notably they are running the poll for a 2nd time because they also lost the first one.  Of course it's only a twitter poll not a properly administered government one like the yougov mentioned earlier, but apparently that's all we need these days



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  8. 18 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

    Everything about Trump is fake, including this ‘run for the Presidency’.


    But he can’t accept failure and he certainly will not pass his supporters off to the eventual GOP candidate.


    The question then arises, will the slavish followers of Trump, vote for anyone else, or will they sit it out?


    If the cult of Trump got the vote out, does the vote show up when he’s no longer the candidate?


    What a mess the GOP have chosen for themselves.

    I won't link it here as not sure if it's allowable but Seth Abramson on twitter has an interesting take on this.  He seems to think Trump has the GOP over a barrel and will win any primaries comfortably or destroy the party if they oppose him.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  9. 4 hours ago, Spock said:

    All this nonsense you read in here about a flower (@700 baht a gram) being slipped into food that is probably cheaper than the flower placed in it! Just astounds me how dangerous a tiny bit knowledge can be in the hands of the uneducated, including boomers who obviously failed to boom but should still know better. If a leaf or two had been slipped into anything, the imbiber would be none the wiser, but no one is going to waste an expensive bud sticking it in the food of some consumer. Why would they do it? What would they hope to gain? 

    Once the punters get hooked on all the reefer pills in the food, they will be chucking up flowers willy-nilly.  Replacement theory suggests they will be back for the devil's pad kapow lettuce (kai dao) again in short order.

    • Haha 2
  10. 55 minutes ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

    People who left the U.K to live abroad now trying to advise people who are  living in the U.K what would be best for them and the Country ????

       Here in the UK it is all done and dusted and the Country has moved on and not much has changed , the only noticeable difference is the lack of young Europeans , backpacker/digital nomad types , (similar to the Kao San Road mob) roaming around looking for accommodation and jobs and generally making the place look untidy

    You had time to post but not to respond to the excellent points made by JohhnyBangkok that ripped your broad brush generalisations to shreds.  Do you have no reply to him?

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