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Posts posted by Slip

  1. 1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    From what I see on google, the GOP have 3 seats almost called. If so and the number confirmed is 98 they don't need Georgia, though a 2 seat majority would obviously be better.

    I'm not sure where google are getting their figures.  CNN show arizona: 51.7% to 46.1% in the Dems favour with 80% counted, Georgia: 49.6% to 48.3 to the Dems (runoff expected) with 99% counted,   Nevada: 49.0% to 48.0% to the GOP with 88% counted.  Reuters also  show Arizona: 51.7% to 46.1% (80% counted), Georgia 49.6 to 48.3, also 99% counted, and Nevada: 48% to 49% (GOP) with 88% counted.  The Grauniad differ with 49.4 to 48.55 in Georgia (99% reported).

    • Like 2
  2. 1 minute ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

    The British public are aware that it was the British people who voted for Brexit and it wasn't the Conservative manifesto . 

       The U.K has moved on from Brexit and the popularity of the Political parties will depend on their current  performance 

    In your opinion presumably?  Don't give up.

  3. 1 hour ago, brewsterbudgen said:

    Of course not, but MPs could have done it has there been the political will to do so.  Calling the referendum in an attempt to unite the Tory party was the mistake that Cameron will regret to his dying day and will never be forgiven for.

    Agreed.  It's starting to look like this craven decision may have been the touch paper that leads to the destruction of the Conservative party for the foreseeable future.

  4. 1 minute ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

    It is on topic and how about you stop telling me I can and cannot say ?

    IMO Both Kim and Trump took the talks seriously , but that is something that cannot be proven , unless both of them are asked directedly . 

      I can indeed claim that

    You got there in the end. Well done.

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    • Haha 1
  5. 1 hour ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

    You keep asking for evidence .

    What do you expect me to do ?

    Can you show any evidence that Kim didn't take the talks seriously ?

    Those are things neither of us can provide evidence for 

    You made a claim (they both took these talks seriously),  Place holder asked you to provide evidence for your claim.  You couldn't or wouldn't and then somehow expect him to prove your claim untrue.  This is hardly the first time.  Please stop it.

    • Like 2
  6. On 11/2/2022 at 3:21 PM, Mac Mickmanus said:

    Here's another hotel which is closed to paying guests and free for asylum seekers , been closed for 17 months now . 



    Couple's wedding reception cancelled because hotel is being used to house migrants


    The Home Office has said it had no choice but to book hotels for migrants despite weddings having to be cancelled, it has been reported.

    It comes after reports that a bride and groom saw their wedding reception cancelled 11 days before so a hotel could house migrants.


    According to The Times the department has paid out large sums to block book rooms to cope with an influx of people crossing the Channel.


    <photos snipped>


    Why are you quoting me with this?  I have made no comment on whether or not hotels are closing to normal customers due to housing immigrants.  All I said was that I haven't seen anyone on here denying that is true and asked you to provide me with an example, which you can't or won't do on the basis that it is somehow 'commenting on moderation'.


    For the record I have no problem with your suggestion that local councils are booking out entire hotels to house asylum seekers.  I only said I hadn't seen anyone on here denying it as you claimed.  You won't support that claim.  Up to you.

  7. 17 minutes ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

    That is a false allegation . 

    I have never made anything up .

    Do stop lying .

    The forum which it broke, I am not allowed to comment on that 

    You say it's false.   You say you didn't make anything up.  You call me a liar,  but you won't give an example to prove your point that you didn't make it up.  You even go as far as to claim you can't say which forum rule would be broken by giving an example because that in itself would break some mysterious forum rule.  Laughable. ????

  8. 2 hours ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

    It would be against the forum rules for me to reply to your request

    How so?  Specifically what forum rule would you be breaking to offer evidence for a claim you have made?  Regardless, as you are unable or unwilling to back up your claim it will have to be filed in the rather busy category of 'stuff Mac Mickmanus just made up'.

  9. 1 hour ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

    Local UK Councils have been booking  out whole hotels, four star hotel to house asylum seekers , that has often been denied on here .

    Four star hotels in prime locations 


    <snipped for brevity>

    Often denied on here?  It's the first I've seen of it.  Can you provide any examples?


    Meanwhile the local Tory MPs have been steaming in and quashing those deals in short order.  (In their own constituencies at least).

  10. 4 hours ago, Bkk Brian said:

    So where did you base your analysis of this claim?

    He made it up, as he usually does.



    “Elon now controls twitter. Unleash the racial slurs. K---S AND N-----S,” said one account, using slurs for Jews and Black people. “I can freely express how much I hate n-----s … now, thank you elon,” another said.


    Racial slurs were posted rampantly. One single-word tweet, showing a single racial slur in all capital letters, was retweeted more than 700 times and liked more than 5,000 times. It was tweeted Thursday night and remained online more than 16 hours later.



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  11. 3 minutes ago, nigelforbes said:

    The way that you interpret the implications of something is hardly my fault! Look, I'm very much afraid that if the debate is going to be held at this level and descend into an interpretation of English language usage, rather than anything of substance, we can't play together any more. I can't be much clearer on these things than I have already set out in my earlier post. 

    It's a (fundamentally dishonest) rhetorical device.

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