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Posts posted by Slip

  1. 1 hour ago, Bday Prang said:

    I 'm well aware of what he is implying         they are all the same     

    At least you understand the difference between 'inferring' and 'implying' which is more than can be said for the poster your are replying to.  Perhaps you were right about sticking to one syllable words, but I'm afraid it appears that the people who would benefit are the ones agreeing with you.

  2. 7 minutes ago, Bday Prang said:

    If I had used the word "some" as opposed to "certain" would that have been easier for you to understand?

    I'll try to stick to single syllable words for you

    Well if you just used your words correctly as you suggest, then that would be ideal.  Don't worry about the number of syllables; I've got you there.  'Certain' implies a commonality that you didn't explain.  'Some' is much better.

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  3. 17 hours ago, candide said:

    It's quite interesting to see that Brexiteers, who are supposed to be proud of the British democratic system, have no problem when other countries, such as Hungary, trample underfoot the basic democratic principles that UK brought to the world, such as the independence of the judiciary and the media.

    Brexiteers have no interest in democracy.  Why else do you think they delivered the UK into the hands of the ERG?  Why did they allow Putin to meddle in 'their democratic process'?  Why do they cheer as the citizens' natural assets and rights are stripped from them?  I know you know this already Candide, but how can they worry about the democratic principles of europe whilst their own emancipation is being stripped from them?

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  4. 23 hours ago, SunnyinBangrak said:

    I am saddened that 9 months after the military operation started that the left still refuse to accept there are 2 sides to this(and indeed every) story. We really are doomed when arrogant chest beating squashes any desire to understand what is actually happening. There is never a situation where one country is 100% right and another 100% wrong. Propaganda is used just as much in the US as Russia. If this dogmatic stance keeps up we are heading for nuclear war and an end to life on earth. 

     To help understand some background to this conflict, this article is useful.





    2 sides?  It's 3- you forgot BLM!

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