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Everything posted by Slip

  1. This thread is an utter train wreck. Have I stumbled into Bedlam? (Thought it was defunct). Thanks all for the entertainment. Some of our best trolls are on here battling it out for guts and glory!
  2. The magat's comments age like milk in hot sun these days. Baseless accusations and whining, but at least most have realised their position is ridiculous lately and post mostly in the word game/ favourite movie threads alone. Fair play to them I say. Even if they can't admit it publicly, they have gained some sense. The ones who are still active are laughable.
  3. But not among the frothing Daily Fail readership!
  4. Oh dear, this is continuing to go badly for the straw-clutching republicans.
  5. The ULEZ boris himself brought in and Shaps or whatever his name is (this week) pushed on? Life is a sitcom.
  6. Apologies- I had not grasped your earlier point. Well met and agreed.
  7. A number of the claims made in this tweet seem to have been proven to be correct already in this thread.
  8. Not free- but cheap (170 baht) and has a limited free version I think. Having failed to learn to touch type in university classes, I found this really useful when I had another dig in my 30s/40s. Takes some of the drudgery out. https://store.steampowered.com/app/3450/Typer_Shark_Deluxe/
  9. Surely this is just gamming the lips. They are going to disband MF anyway soon- the PT/MF alliance will be crushed at that point. SSDD.
  10. Oh dear. The republicans just keep ending up with egg on their faces. I don't know if it's funny or sad: https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/denver-riggleman-hunter-biden-laptop-data-b2373161.html?mibextid=jf9HGS Mr Riggleman said he and his team have obtained proof “based on the 1s and 0s that we have found” that the people involved, including ex-Trump adviser Steve Bannon, ex-New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani, and others, were “manipulating the data”. “We have people like Steve Bannon using words like ‘editorial creativity,’ and we have specific instances of fabrication and manipulation of the data,” he added.
  11. So happy you have been able to inject your own voyeuristic tendencies and bigotry into this thread as so many others.
  12. I don't understand what all the fuss is about. In my opinion The Sun, like the other dreadful tabloid rags do, are muck-raking and persecuting their perceived enemies while protecting their journalistic 'clients' from other similar (or not) scandals. The police will no doubt fully investigate and commence criminal proceedings if necessary: It's not like the alleged perp is a tory mp/ peer of the realm.
  13. It seems you are entirely correct. The BBC should have immediately referred the matter to the police. Of course the Sun had to get involved. Their editors/ bosses deserve to be in the dock too. In fact I wish one of the countries Murdoch has ruined would make him face the death penalty, Never forget the Hillsborough lies told by the Scum.
  14. It seems he is negotiating Putin's proxy war rather well all considered. I imagine he endeavours to try and down play the rhetoric he applies to the situation for the sake of not inflaming it any further. It's a tough line he is walking.
  15. I didn't post the reaction, so I can't claim to know but I imagine it was at you managing to shoe-horn in this gem: Of general note Ukraine has put in place guidelines for the use of these weapons that include 'not in civilian areas', 'all usage documented', and 'priority clearing of usage areas' when the invaders are driven out.
  16. I feel so bad for the trumpies and the alt-right on AN right now. They are variously clutching straws and pearls feverishly, but ultimately still drowning in a sludge of their own nonsense. Sad but glorious.
  17. Sorry to quote myself, but more of the same:
  18. 555. Not sure they will be able to avoid that. Tick tock.
  19. Really? There have been a number of posts on twitter today from tories who were absent from parliament pursuing personal pursuits while they should have been doing the work for which they are paid. "Watching the cricket" sticks in my mind for some reason.
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