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Everything posted by Slip

  1. The U.S. has gone mad. Other western countries are on the same track. Thank Mr Putin in Moscow, and his useful MAGA, ERG, shills who have taken over our governments. Biden will have an uphill battle to get this genie back in the bottle, but the alternative is dismal.
  2. Are you referring to the 'revelations' from Jim Jordan that he has now been shown to have lied about?
  3. It's so fun to see the MAGA straw clutching that always happens on these threads. https://www.politicususa.com/2023/04/21/jim-jordan-just-got-busted-with-evidence-of-his-hunter-biden-lies.html
  4. Why is this lunatic being allowed to do this? Note I don't say 'that lunacy'.
  5. Murdoch is an influence for evil in the US, UK and Aus at least. I hope he ends his days rotting in prison, whilst Fox, the mail, the express and all are made to pay reparations for the disgusting lies they tell and damage they have done. To be honest they deserve a modern day revolution and the end that entails.
  6. I called him out on this last Thursday on this thread. He responded with some nonsense and accused me of not being able to read. He has been trolling the thread ever since and has nothing.
  7. Way back when, I asked you what evidence you had for your claim, and wondered if you pulled it from 'where the sun don't shine'. All of your responses since then validate my original query.
  8. Posters are allowed to comment on rules, but not moderation. Proving a negative is impossible. We are enjoying the collective melt-down of Trump and his cult. Let's hope the cult don't decide to approach violence as they will be met with righteous retribution to the cheers of actual patriots.
  9. That isn't what happened. If it is show some proof. In the obvious absence of such proof, stop telling lies.
  10. Boo hoo hoo, the Clintons. Quick look over there. The rest of your blah is poorly founded opinion. "six in ten americans don't want trump to be president again"- You ain't seen nuthin yet.
  11. Any source other than your proverbial?
  12. "Irregularity" is a murky term which is the only reason you originally and are now using it.
  13. The problem is that the evil-doers use the hierarchy of the religion to hide behind, and the religion does nothing about it.
  14. Thanks Sheryl, and to add to the databank my dose is amlopine 10 and anapril 5 daily. As far as I know the only side effect is perhaps the dry cough, but may be unrelated. Oh, and not sure on price, but not expensive by the box from the pharmacy.
  15. Well that's worrying, but apparently not to my hospital. I'm on a prescription to lower my bp and they treat 130/90 as just fine. I have always been lead to believe that it the lower number that you really have to worry about, is that the case Sheryl?
  16. Fair enough, but you should define 'woke' or your comments lack context.
  17. Pierre, Jacques, Fabian; We the Brits thank you for your work and apologise for being spineless lickspittles.
  18. Yes, yes of course. I remember, you are a centrist and "neutral". In fact I think we all remember that amusing claim. However the situation in the US closely resembles the UK and globally. If the far-right in America fails are you confident in their ability to prevail back home?
  19. ///Deleted post edited out/// Right wing tears, while a little bitter at first, are delicious. Jump in and enjoy everyone.
  20. I can't see it happening, but what if Ukraine opened a front against Belarus?
  21. Lol. Follow the post links history of the post I replied to a little further back to understand my comment.
  22. You need to replenish your arsenal (of rhetorical devices). Truly worthy of pity.
  23. So you responded to a quoted comment, without bothering to look at the original comment/ comments it was responding to? No wonder you post so much confusing nonsense.
  24. Oh dear Frank, no one is moving any goal posts. You tried to conflate visitors with population which is obvious nonsense. Then when called out on it you go straight for ad hominem. For what it's worth, unlike you, I don't have a strong opinion on the matter, but I do agree with those that suggest the number of deaths in terms of the actual population of the island (as opposed to visitors who are by their nature transient) suggest something fishy may be afoot and a decent investigation should be done. I further noted you have been doing what you are doing now for years, which is absolutely true. So a fail all round for you here I'm afraid. Enjoy the cool sea breezes.
  25. Well said Mac. Not to mention that the death rate has nothing to do with visitors per year but average population to even arrive at figures on which to comment. Also not to mention frank has been on here doing the same thing as he does now since the time of the gruesome beach ripper incident.
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