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Posts posted by Slip

  1. 4 hours ago, ozimoron said:

    It's past time to start calling out these conspiracy theory whack jobs for what they are. 

    I think Chomper and Heybruce just did so most successfully, at least the local variety.  A hat tip to you both gents.


    [Edit- Is anyone else starting to feel a bit bad about our resident magats getting schooled so thoroughly and relentlessly on a daily basis?]

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  2. 6 hours ago, proton said:

    It can be argued a feudal society is primitive and Thai society is certainly feudal. Add to that the widespread belief in ghosts, spirits and magic and it's little more than primitive with a veneer of concrete and neon. 

    I disagree, though I can see your comment drew approval from members in the same way as my original one drew emoji condemnation.  Thai society is developing and I don't disagree that some elements of feudalism still exist.  I think you can see feudal elements in some of the societies we would hold up to be 'non-primitive'.  There are also quite primitive individuals in Thailand, but there are plenty who are not, again like any 'non-primitive' culture.  Is Thailand lower on the curve than some other places?  For sure, but isn't that why we love it?  


    It seems to me that the concrete veneer you mention is essential for any country these days to be even considered as non-primitive, but it is there in Thailand- decent roads, water, electricity, some form of social security and health care and so on.

  3. 5 minutes ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

    The issue here is immigration to the UK and this isn't about the current Governments performance as a whole , that is just deflection .

      So what is your opinion ?

    You agree that the UK needs an immigration policy and you also seem to be contradictorily saying that the UK  should allow anyone to enter by boat and avoiding the immigration process of obtaining a visa .

       How the Tories are performing generally is a different issue


    The failure of the present UK government to provide a satisfactory response to the problem at hand is absolutely the issue.  Their other failures simply compound the problem of an incompetent spiteful government lashing out to try and fend off its forthcoming demise.  As for your repeated attempts to put words in my mouth- I have told you to stop already, why would you keep on?

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  4. 22 minutes ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

    OK, so you agree that the UK are correct to clamp down on bogus refugees ?

      Also , I was asking you a question and thus it wasn't a strawman argument .

       12 000 migrants arrived in the UK by boat last year who came from Albania , and Albania is a safe Country and they have no need to flee there and seek asylum in the UK 

    No, I haven't agreed anything.  Stop trying to manipulate what I said.


    You were using rhetorical devices to present a strawman argument.  Unsurprisingly lots of people see when you do that.


    The tories (and you apparently) are trying to leverage immigration to deflect from their dreadful performance and disgusting policies.  


    An election is coming...

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  5. On 3/7/2023 at 12:48 PM, spidermike007 said:

    While it may be hard for a conservative mind to consider, the vast majority of American dems are centrist, and do not relate to the extreme left, nor to the extreme right. I am one of them. As a dem I support the death penalty, when there are eye witnesses, or conclusive evidence, and I do not support abortion after the first trimester. Make up your mind. You want the kid, or not? 

    That Johnny was just doing what he does, namely spreading toxicity and poison.  Most people are relatively centrist, but not to the extremists.

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  6. 7 hours ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

    Now that is a bizarre comparison between Joes trip to Ukraine and Trumps actions at home .

      Joes trip to Ukraine , Trumps actions during a attempted coup

       Where's the connection between the two ?

    Got a link to prove your contention there was an attempted coup or is are you just trolling as usual?

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  7. 48 minutes ago, Fat is a type of crazy said:

    It seems to me in an attempt not to deal with difficult or thorny topics you are throwing it all under the woke blanket.

    To look at no 2, your extreme position allows you to call the gay lifestyle deviant, while you yourself take pride in a self confessed loveless transactional open lifestyle.

    Your lifestyle works for you and hopefully you don't hurt anybody and do some good. Can't you give others the same respect. That's not to say the arguments around say the science of being trans should not be open to debate but debate the issue and don't automatically condemn. 

    It's about balance. Being open to the possibility that the past was not perfect while not throwing out the baby with the bathwater and changing things that work or rewriting history. As I have said it is often young people at the extremes. Same as it ever was. 

    In a minor way I feel Bill Maher is doing the same thing. He has always stood up for logic and common sense, and hopefully I am wrong that he is becoming a bit too black and white, in a possibly subconscious attempt to seem relevant. His covid stuff for example. Not wrong to debate but too one sided in my opinion. His latest special Adulting was a dud too.

    Left comedy can of course be a dud. I find his HBO stablemate John Oliver has got boring.  He sometimes hits the mark but is a bit too far to the left.  Had a show on black women's hair and related discrimination. No thanks. 


    Britmantoo has (perhaps unwittingly) kind of proved your point for you.  That definition which of course is less than complimentary seems to be taken from the web page of the Order of the Knights Templar.  I find it hard to think of too many organisations that would be more anti-"woke", the kkk perhaps?



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