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Posts posted by Slip

  1. 2 minutes ago, MRToMRT said:

    BUT BUT BUT .... we did get a blue colour passport, we did get control of our own borders (ooops but we are not capable of that), we did get rid of the EU laws (errr but reinstated most of them as our laws), we did get an extra 350 million pounds a week to pay for the NHS (so why is it still struggling?), we did make the UK stronger (ooops Scotland wants out and the Northern Irish are in turmoil), we did get our trade deal with the USA (ooops not yet), we did get to cut out all the EU beurocracy and paper work (tell that to the importers and exporters who have gone out of business), we did get rid of an unelected pseudo government (but replaced it with a bunch of rabble in power and opposition that are both efffing useless).


    What did we get? It continues to confuse me.


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  2. 7 hours ago, Captain Monday said:

    Maybe try to conceal it better. Who would ship a cheap "waterkoker" to Thailand that probably costs minimum 20 Euros in Rotterdam when you could get same from Lazada for 200 baht?

    You refer to a very common problem with minor criminals.  To commit  a crime you must be in control of most (if not all) factors, else you will be consigned to the slammer.

  3. 1 hour ago, mrfill said:

    Scally is just a Scouse shortening of the word scallywag, defined as "a person, typically a child, who behaves badly but in an amusingly mischievous rather than harmful way; a rascal."

    Thank you.  That perfectly explains why the rest of us refer to you jolly rascals as scallys.  It makes sense it is derived from scallywag, but interesting that the language use has defined the users in this case,

  4. 32 minutes ago, Scouse123 said:

    A Magaluf Scally is typical of Blue collar/ Factory/ Supermarket, generally low skilled and low paid workers that work all year to go get slaughtered for two weeks.


     They misbehave in Benidorm or Magaluf, which are hot spots for young guys 18-30,  whose sole intention is to get drunk or drugged out of their mind, walk around generally annoying people, loud and obnoxious etc and just not good people to be around.




    But wait- a 'scally' is a scouser, meaning no offence on your name of course.


    Other than that I think the OP was being a bit liberal with his language in order express his utter abhorrence of these dreadful louts.

  5. 2 hours ago, Hanaguma said:

    Good for Ol' Joe getting this passed. As he said at the signing ceremony,


     "When a person can be married in the morning and thrown out of a restaurant for being gay in the afternoon, this is still wrong."


    Uh......what? Where in the U S of A does that happen? Or is Joe just maundering on in a nostalgic haze, as usual...

    It's probably a bit figurative for you, but I believe he is referring to the habit of our least tolerant fellows refusing to serve minorities whose lifestyles they don't like.

    • Thanks 2
  6. 4 hours ago, DrJoy said:

    An "Apostile" is accepted by 100 + countries.

    Only the highly respected Thailand does not recognize it.

    Thanks for that info Dr Joy.  While not something I knew about, I'm not surprised by our hosts being a bit behind the curve on this or anything else.  That was kind of my point too about exactly who is asking.  The OP may think that he has to get this, but when it comes down to it, perhaps he has already been misguided.  Both the Dept of Education and TCT have wanted me to show proof of degree, but I have never been asked for this in all my dealings as a teacher over 20 years.  

  7. 11 hours ago, JonnyF said:


    Yes. Evidence.


    I have no interest in Musk fanboys, but thanks for the offer.

    Really? I find that most surprising.  They like you are "unbiased".


    Elon has shown himself to be a hypocrite of note and so horribly fragile it hurts.  That 'only 10% were booing' followed up some time later on by blaming it on a fight breaking out in the audience was particularly cringe inducing.  

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