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Posts posted by rubl

  1. What did the Cambodians do ? ( from )
    You mean apart from killing about 20 - 25% of their own population in the 1975 - 1979 time frame ? ( )

    Not relevant. That was genocide by KR against a section of it's own people. The above part of this thread is about what Thais did to others. Somebody suggested a balance by quoting what the the Cambodians did to 'others' - I am waiting to learn about that.

    Not relevant. The posts got off topic when well known Khmer supporter Oberkommando mentioned 'Preah Vihear Massacre of Cambodian civilians by the Thai Army'. That prompted a few replies including mine and mrparanoids 'The Thais do have a long history of violent and heartless massacres of unarmed civilians, protesters and refugees.. as it's off topic in this thread I will not post details (unless anyone specifically asks for it).'

    So let's return to the OP.

    The OP is "Cambodia appeals to World Court over border temple" with regard to the request "for the interpretation of the Court's judgment... concerning the temple of Preah Vihear" was prompted by "Thailand's repeated armed aggression to exert its claims to Cambodian territory", the foreign ministry said."

    (edit: the two quoted texts had no reference anymore, I added the link for each)

  2. Thaksin buries differences with Mingkwan, Snoh

    By Piayanart Srivalo,

    Somchit Roongchamrasrasami,

    Samrit Jiamcharoenpornkul

    The Nation on Sunday

    Published on May 1, 2011

    Former PM Thaksin Shinawatra has succeeded in convincing Mingkwan Sangsuwan, Supol Fongngam and Snoh Thienthong to stay with Pheu Thai Party in the upcoming election, a party source said.

    After reports of conflicts, and plans by a group of key members, including General Chavalit Yongchaiyudh, to join hands and form a new party, a source who asked not to be named said that a well-respected key member of Pheu Thai had succeeded in mediating between Mingkwan and Thaksin.

    In March, Mingkwan led the opposition's censure debate against the government and announced he was ready to be a prime minister candidate. However, there has been no clear answer from Thaksin, the de-facto leader of the party, as to whom to propose for the post. Amid reports of conflicts in the party, Mingkwan in the meantime has kept a low profile and did not join the party meeting.

    Through Uraiwan Thienthong, wife of Pracharaj Party leader Snoh, Thaksin agreed to accept all of Snoh's children into the Pheu Thai Party. The Pracharaj Party, in the meantime, would be kept as an alternative party in case Pheu Thai is dissolved, the source said.

    Snoh early last month announced that he was joining hands with Pheu Thai but later said he had changed his mind.

    In the first interview after the reports of the new party-forming plan, Supol - former Pheu Thai secretary-general and Mingkwan's close aide - denied the reports, saying internal conflicts are normal for members of a big party.

    He denied reports that the Pheu Thai Party would not field him as a constituency MP candidate but it was up to his own decision.

    The party's special meeting on Tuesday - when the new party executive will be selected - should give more clarity about the party's candidate lists, he said.

    Pheu Thai spokesman Prompong Nopparit said Thaksin would this evening speak through video link at the party's two rallies in Phitsanulok and Ayutthaya.

    Party MPs such as Jatuporn Promphan, Apiwan Wiriyachai and Chinnicha Wongsawat yesterday joined a mass rally in Chiang Mai attended by thousands of people attended.

    In a separate development, Industry Minister and Tak MP Chaiwuti Bannawat of the Democrat Party said he would again run in the constituency MP election as it was gave him a chance to be closer to people than being on the party list.

    In Ayutthaya, Matubhum Party leader General Sonthi Boonyaratglin yesterday visited Muslim people to promote the party. He said he did not hope to get constituency MPs but expected to get party-list MPs, especially with support from Muslims.[thenation][/thenation]

  3. BTW, The Thais do have a long history of violent and heartless massacres of unarmed civilians, protesters and refugees.. as it's off topic in this thread I will not post details (unless anyone specifically asks for it).

    Oh, go on then - don't be a tease.

    Better not, but if mrparanoid is undeterred, he should include details on some of the stuff the Cambodians did as well. Just to create a balanced view :ermm:

    What did the Cambodians do ?

    You mean apart from killing about 20 - 25% of their own population in the 1975 - 1979 time frame ?

  4. BTW, The Thais do have a long history of violent and heartless massacres of unarmed civilians, protesters and refugees.. as it's off topic in this thread I will not post details (unless anyone specifically asks for it).

    Oh, go on then - don't be a tease.

    Better not, but if mrparanoid is undeterred, he should include details on some of the stuff the Cambodians did as well. Just to create a balanced view :ermm:

  5. So this is a true statement then?

    Red-shirts, grass-roots, the poor in the North / North-East of Thailand, spending 30,000 to personally ask k. Thaksin 'please come back'. We need you to elevate us from our poor and dire situation

    Since the quoted text is mine ( )

    I guess I should answer the question posed by phiphidon.

    The quoted text is not a statement based on fact, just a speculation formed by interpreting previous newsflashes and other titbits; and phrasing the doubt which came in me in a slightly ironic way. Apart from that it's like what most of us write: opinion :)

    As usual for me I'm just wondering about these special 'go and see k. Thaksin' flights. Till now I thought only PTP MPs and UDD leaders were frequent visitors, to wish him 'happy new year', 'happy birthday' and the like. Shows you even I don't know all ;)

  6. ...

    Incidentally, Somsak Jeamteerasakul slammed Giles' academic work and basically called Giles an idiot who 'knows nothing' about either 'Thai society' or 'Marxism' (something like that anyway, was fairly scathing but that's how Somsak rolls), so it's nice to see that GIles is fully behind him despite that. Solidarity.

    Marxist tradition to show solidarity even while standing trial.


  7. The other paper this morning describes how a group of Red Shirt supporters have organized a tour agency that arranges trips to Dubai to meet Thaksin in person in a program called "Vist Thaksin". For B30,000 each, travelers can visit with him at his Dubai mansion. Apparently, sales have been brisk with up to 40 customers on each trip several times a month. A thorough background check of all potential customers is conducted to ensure that only true believers are allowed to go.

    'A thorough background check of all potential customers is conducted

    to ensure that only true DECEIVERS are allowed to go.'

    Red-shirts, grass-roots, the poor in the North / North-East of Thailand, spending 30,000 to personally ask k. Thaksin 'please come back'. We need you to elevate us from our poor and dire situation.

    I'm sure a list of names of all people who already went on thie trip would be really revealing ;)

    (edit: add: on arrival back in Thailand any cash to declare?)

  8. Yep Euros are supposed to be sophisticated aren't they? I can't see how elevating ANY body above yourself or anyone else just because of some birth right that was bestowed upon them by other aristocrats several hundred years ago is sophisticated in any way in the 21st century.. Long past time to get over themselves IMO..

    What's even worse is that the wealth and power they achieved came through less then moral means over the history of numerous questionable monarchs..The plot is lost in this day and age..

    There's some truth in that. On the other hand I rather have some royalty with understanding of 'noblesse oblige' than a few billionairs or movie stars without any manners or sense of obligation. The plot is diminishing maybe, but certainly not lost :ermm:

  9. I forgot that you guys have royalty too. Given the celebrity status of royals these days, I have an idea for a royal version of the TV show "Gladiators". It would be good to see the Brits and Dutch royals pummelling each other with giant cotton buds and so on. I wouldn't like to bet on the winning family but I've learned the hard way never to suggest such an idea to an educated Thai woman - even as a joke!

    As the Dutch Queen was on a State Visit she was a personal guest of H.M. the King. This complete with yellow rolls, security, etc., etc. The Thai security people were really nervous, they weren't used to common people shaking hands with Royalty. Q. Beatric even 'mingled' with the guests, oh horror ;)

    The Dutch Crown Prince Willian has a tall, solid figure. I was joking with some guys that we could take him to soi Cowboy and no-one would recognize him. My wife was impressed though, all of her 155 centimeters. Luckily he's married with three daughters :)

  10. Being Dutch I would almost say I couldn't care less. Dear Maggie had her distractors, just like the Royal Family. I'm not trying to escape from it all though, just offering some well-meaning, unwanted advise as you should count on and are entitled to expect from your local Dutch uncle

    I'm sorry, Dutch uncle, but please forgive your British nephew for ignoring your wonderful "advice". Please feel free to use part of my user-name in your response - I haven't noticed how clever you are yet. Hope you enjoyed the wedding as much as I did.

    P.S. Don't take it personally, I enjoy the cut and thrust!

    I haven't look at any of it. Mind you when H.M. Queen Beatrix came to Thailand on a Royal State Visit in 2004 I jumped to the opportunity given to the Dutch community here to shake hands.

    As for Anglo-Dutch animosity, just like brethren quarreling. When necessary we united to beat the common adversary. Mind you, I'm still proud of William of Orange who was the last to succesfully invade and conquer Britain (even though he was invited to do so) ;)

  11. Freedom of speech is not the same as freedom to insult. Mind you, some seem to like to escape from it all and even make a profession out of it

    The good thing about being "insulted" is that we can be "insulted" whenever someone says something we don't like. It's a simple abuse of politeness etiquette which often closes down dissent. Royal-hating British leftists have been using it for many years now. On that note, given that you appear to have overlooked the cretinous comments pertaining to Margaret Thatcher's death, I take it that you are in the 'dance on Thatcher's grave' brigade too? No wonder you see my reproof as an "insult". Better luck with that antic next time.

    Being Dutch I would almost say I couldn't care less. Dear Maggie had her distractors, just like the Royal Family. I'm not trying to escape from it all though, just offering some well-meaning, unwanted advise as you should count on and are entitled to expect from your local Dutch uncle :)

  12. Yes, the economically-illiterate socialists, who made Britain such a hell-hole that some of them exiled to Thailand, will all be out celebrating when Margaret Thatcher dies. Just as well that they stayed away from this great event. Probably sulking over the New Labour PM snubs. Either that or it's signing-on day for most of the work-shy cretins.

    And on such a great day celebrating what you love about your country,you attack your compatriots who do not share your point of veiw.Do you not beleive in freedom of thought and expression,or are these values only applicable when they coincide with yours?

    Does freedom of thought not apply to me too, baboon? Does this freedom not imply my freedom to disagree too? Quite an ironic post, and user-name, if I may say so myself. Unbelievable.

    Freedom of speech is not the same as freedom to insult. Mind you, some seem to like to escape from it all and even make a profession out of it ;)

  13. The late 70's were very trying times in this region. Many massacres, atrocities, bloodshed. 1,700,000 deaths in Cambodia by the hands and actions of fellow Cambodians (including the Khmer Rouge). No offense, but the thousands of Khmer / Khmer Rouge refugees who allegedly died on the forced death march through minefields near Preah Vihear in 1979 seem but a very small drop in a bucket already overflowing. One death is one too many, but after 1,700,000 I do get a bit de-sensitized.

    Rather than saying 'see THEY cannot be trusted' start saying 'see WE should work TOGETHER to make sure this cannot happen anymore' !


  14. Tablet computers in China and India have a price range of Bt3,000-Bt6,000, and Thai schools could get a cheaper price by buying in bulk, he said.

    I wonder if the tablets are the same as the "$10 Tablet PC" the Indian government developed for their students:

    Government Of India Unviels Sakshat $10 Tablet PCs for Students

    Sounds like a decent tool for University Students.

    Unfortunately the PTP proposal calls for 'every primary school student would be given a tablet computer free of charge.' :ermm:

    Do not underestimate the ability of children to investigate, learn, absorb.....and remember......especially if the tasks are fun....

    True, but till now we've only been talking about giving youngsters a tablet. The 'investigate, learn, absorb ... etc.' need some additional planning, setup, ..., ...

    That would require an additional budget, resources, ...

    No details, only 'give them a tablet' :ermm:

  15. Tablet computers in China and India have a price range of Bt3,000-Bt6,000, and Thai schools could get a cheaper price by buying in bulk, he said.

    I wonder if the tablets are the same as the "$10 Tablet PC" the Indian government developed for their students:

    Government Of India Unviels Sakshat $10 Tablet PCs for Students

    Sounds like a decent tool for University Students.

    Unfortunately the PTP proposal calls for 'every primary school student would be given a tablet computer free of charge.' :ermm:

  16. A politician's motto "Promise them every thing, give them nothing"

    AND WHAT IS DIFFERENT WITH THE PARTY WE HAVE ATM? Have they kept ANY of their promises?

    SORRY but I dont understand the Taksin HATERS here....I really dont !!! hope they understand themselfs and Thai Politics :annoyed:

    Which promises do you think the current government didn't keep ?

  17. Almost an exact repeat of events in 1956 albeit in a shorter time-frame.

    Events then of course sparked by Thai Imperialism and settled by the International Court of Justice quite rightly ruling in Cambodia's favour. The Thais have never accepted the decision and have through the years had several petulant outbursts due to it.

    Interestingly, it was through another, earlier Thai military coup that the worst events of Preah Vihear occured; the Preah Vihear Massacre of Cambodian civilians by the Thai Army, killing at least 3,000 and with another 7,000 missing.

    Can't find a link to the 'Preah Vihear Massacre', please provide.

    This one though gives some interesting background info on how the ICJ ruling was seen in Thailand


  18. Would i be stupid in thinking that as the students are getting tablets (should PTP win) then the teachers will be taught how to utilise the tablets in a class room environment. :o

    Don't be daft, the students probably already know very well how to use these tablets to play games, get to facebook / hi5, etc. It's the teacher's who lag behind in this :whistling:

  19. Perhaps the Thai and Cambodian armies can agree on this:

    Mon-Wed-Fri: ceasefire days...

    Tue-Thu-Sat: blast the heck out of each other days...

    Sundays: R&R day with the lady of their choice....

    It really would make things a lot easier on everyone involved, and certainly on ThaiVisa in keeping the latest "breaking news" headline up to date.. :lol:

    Can't we all just get along???

    Just reading 'Retief to the Rescue' from Keith Laumer. Describes the problems the Terran-sponsored Interplanetary Tribunal for the Curtailment of Hostilities (aka ITCH) has just trying that. I can recommend the book, and a few of the other Retief's :)

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