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Posts posted by hugocnx

  1. 24 minutes ago, Thingamabob said:

    If you take on a big house and garden just remember the large amount of care, time and maintenance involved, doubly so if you have animals. If you are prepared for this, fine. If you have any doubts, better not.

    Doesn't have to be large altogether and some work might keep you away from an early water hole visit.

  2. I once lived in the Chiang Mai Riverside. Man, what a prison that felt, not that I have been in a real one, but just saying. 

    For safety's sake I would say that nowhere is safe. Not a condo and not a gated community. Get yourself a nice rental and have a dog for the barking (please not a poodle) if you like. A good security system is not that expensive and can even be connected to the web.

    I once had a guy at my house dressed up in True company outfit, claiming that the system in our Moo Ban was going to be upgraded. He asked me if he could see my modem and I, as dumb as I could get, let him in the house to let him look around what valuables there were inside. Never saw or heard from him again.

    Probably there were no valuables in the house, LOL

    Was a good trick though.

    • Haha 1
  3. Why having a poll on curfew? Ridiculous attempt to affect peoples opinion? Agreeing with MrWhisper that Thais cannot be supposed to have that information or maybe the poll was taken in Bangkok among the so called better educated.

    All this stupid panicking over this virus and some official even talking about a 24/7 curfew.

    After keeping borders wide open to Chinese, now suddenly there should be maximum protection?

    Now with 2170 cases and 23 dead, the Thai percentage of deaths is 1.06% on cases. That is about the lowest in the world. Those 23 would have died anyway from a severe cold or influenza.

    If the data has not been manipulated........then there is just no need for panic measures other then the measures advised by most countries. Well, you know those by now.

    I am smelling bad policies.

    • Like 1
  4. 18 hours ago, Yom said:

    Good idea, but ...?

    No, sorry. - Have a look at   



      19 hours ago, hugocnx said:

    Fine the local headmen or the landowner for the fires on their controlled land. Grab them by the wallet.

    Good idea, but ...?

      19 hours ago, hugocnx said:

    Will be over soon.

    No, sorry. - Have a look at   





    Please do not partially quote as if you are US MSM.

    'Will be over soon' wasn't directly coupled to the present fires as if these fires would be soon extinguished. It was meant in context with a governor's special order. 



  5. 4 hours ago, Russell17au said:

    Only the drinkers. It is a proven fact in Australia that domestic violence is 95% caused by drunken males 

    That may be correct. It goes for drunken males.  No need to punish the others who can behave.

    I am a regular drinker myself and by times I try to be all sober for a couple of days. In that time I believe myself to be okay, but the wife says I'd better take a couple as I seem to be getting grumpy. ????

    A Thai man with a short fuse without alcohol can be as violent. Proof will probably show up.

  6. 9 hours ago, darksidedog said:

    I absolutely agree. In the last week three of the places I eat at in Pattaya have gone under and that is only going to be the tip of the iceberg. Very tough times coming for many businesses across the country. I can sympathise with many, though those like taxi drivers and other price gougers who have ripped their customers off as hard as they could for years rank right down near the bottom of the list.

    Agreed, but if you have a company you should be able to cope with setbacks. If not you had a miserable biss anyway. (Or maybe exchanged your reserves for fun stuff) I say this as the misery is just starting and already biss is falling apart.

    • Like 1
  7. 9 hours ago, ChipButty said:

    500 Baht a day is better than nothing which is exactly what they will get now it's the same in Phuket if they dropped their prices Im sure people would use them it's the biggest complaint we get about the price of taxi's

    Not this time. Demand dropped for another reason than price.If you cannot cover your fixed cost, you're gone.

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  8. 20 hours ago, phuketrichard said:


    Visa exempt is 30 days>

    you come in on a 90 day Non Imm ( B, O, O-A etc) stay, you than extend it for another year ( 12 months) .????????

    ONLY way you would get a 9 month extension, is if your passport expires in 9 months as they cannot issue you an extension longer than ur passport is valid.

    You seem to have missed all the topics on mandatory health insurance among which is discussed by Peter Dennis how to obtain a Non-O. This can be done by exiting Thailand and re entering on visa exempt and obtaining a following 90 days Non-O. But of course ignorance is bliss and so I am wrong ????????

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