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Posts posted by hugocnx

  1. 5 minutes ago, sirineou said:

    So what was the reason for not calling him? to save time????? Risk the credibility of the whole process to save time??? Risk the acquittal being questioned to save a day??

    ARE YOU KIDDING ME? or are you kidding yourself because you are afraid of what you will find out?


    It was about Senator Alexander right? I don't understand who you wanna call.

  2. 11 hours ago, BobBKK said:

    This circus and this "House" will stick to the Dems like a bad nightmare for decades to come. Weaponising impeachment, deluded conspiracy theories plus defending VP's QPQ. Disgusting!!!

    Days of the Dems are over anyways. Socialist commie Sanders seems the new deal, green or not. Get in the socialists and subordinate to the almighty globalist government that deprives you of ALL.


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  3. 13 hours ago, sirineou said:

    I dont understand you.

    Most republican senators openly admit they believe he did it. Why don't you and you ask nonsensical questions? 



    Yes and he also stated that it was not enough for putting Trump out of office for.

    If you tell something, tell it all and not like the Schiff Club did. 

    • Like 2
  4. 13 hours ago, Tippaporn said:

    Where's the testimony from the hidden 18th House witness, Michael Atkinson?  Why has Schiff refused to release it?  Why has no one on the left here requested to know what Atkinson's testimony was?  Are you folks really interested in the truth?

    Off course they are not. It's all Trump OUT that counts as they cannot stand having lost the elections. The serpent here is in the so called whistle blower that would finally blow up in Schiffty's face. He's been bending in all directions to avoid anything to come out about the whistle blower that might as well be the military man insisting to be named by his rank. (I suppose you all followed the hearings? Mwah) Many don't talk about the moment in the hearings that Schiff interrupted this man when he was almost about to reveal a secret under oath. I think that was a crucial moment that showed how afraid Schiff is for the truth to come out.

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  5. On 1/27/2020 at 6:51 PM, hugocnx said:

    Rudy is off topic, but I feel the need to answer. Have you seen the Judge Jeanine interview? First of all Rudy didn't pull a face like (fake) Newsweek showed. Wait till after Rudy relays his blog on Tuesday and following days and see if he has the real proof as he claims. He's probably 'keeping the best for last' (?)

    Answer to self. I think Rudy is in deep brown porridge. He didn't deliver. Shame on him.

  6. 1 hour ago, bristolboy said:

    But he claimed that he already has revealed it. So is he lying or just confused?

    He revealed already bits and pieces like on Fox & Friends. On Janine Pirro's show he said to wait till Tuesday. He's probably doing it in his own sort of stage.

    He said he had the proof, so if he comes out with nothing he fails terribly and I don't think he's about to fail. 

    • Like 1
  7. 20 minutes ago, earlinclaifornia said:

    Rudy is off topic, but I feel the need to answer. Have you seen the Judge Jeanine interview? First of all Rudy didn't pull a face like (fake) Newsweek showed. Wait till after Rudy relays his blog on Tuesday and following days and see if he has the real proof as he claims. He's probably 'keeping the best for last' (?)

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  8. 1 hour ago, rabas said:

    I could consider him if he fully guaranteed 2 uncompromisable points:


    1. The US takes full control of its borders and who enters the country, like all civilized nations.

    2. The US  guarantees, alone or with allies, that Iran is never able to acquire nuclear weapons. None of this silly "OK, today we promise not to refine too much." political nonsense.


    Do you think he can do that? Or is he just another politician willing to sell out the nation for votes?


    If I am not mistaken Bloomberg himself said that he will do everything in his power ($) to prevent Trump from winning 2020. What a strategy; I do not trust this man therefor.

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  9. 5 hours ago, Baerboxer said:


    Are you really that uninformed or just pretending? All the <deleted> about Russia, nothing came of it. Now jumped on this and clutching at any other straws that can be grasped.


    Pelosi was Shakespearean in "the lady doth protest too much" when driveling on about being a good Catholic (whatever that is) in reply to being asked if she hated Trump. Whereas when she read the impeachment vote results she could hardly contain her pleasure. The contempt for Trump shown by Schiff is even greater than his contempt for justice.


    What facts of you got - none as usual?

    A good catholic (whatever that is). Great statement! Roflpimp.

  10. 4 minutes ago, SAFETY FIRST said:

    Why are you being Hostile. 


    Maybe you should be asking yourself some questions. 


    Grow up. 

    I am hostile because you are belittling a large group of so called elderly who are perfectly able to drive. 1 or 2 procent; where did you get that knowledge? 

    Maybe you are grown up, but not very contemporary. I suggest you look up some facts about 71 year old people of today. They, and that includes me, are not old farts that belong behind the geraniums. Nuff said.

    • Like 1
  11. 18 hours ago, emptypockets said:

    It's not possibly just the Thais. I've never been one for coffee or wine either for that matter. Too many snobs in both camps for me.

    Give me the occasional instant Nescafe for the odd early morning heart starter. Chateaux cardboard for the hiso events.

    Everyone their own taste, but a red cup even in the odd early morning? That's not for a heart starter, that's for a heart burn ????

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