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Posts posted by hugocnx

  1. On 2/19/2020 at 3:25 PM, phuketrichard said:

    Pardon me but ur the first i have ever heard of to ever get a 9 month extension

    and as u didn't even know if u had an O or an O-A visa

    i don't take u as a reliable source   LoL

    I got in on a 90 days OA visa and got it extended by 9 month to make  my permission to stay 1 year altogether.

    Same as you get in visa exempt. You obtain 90 days first.

    • Haha 1
  2. 6 minutes ago, Eric Loh said:

    You crack me up with this continuous insinuation of Sanders as communist. Frankly I don’t think you know the difference between communism and socialism. 

    Is there a real difference then?

    According to almighty Google:

    "The main difference is that under communism, most property and economic resources are owned and controlled by the state (rather than individual citizens); under socialism, all citizens share equally in economic resources as allocated by a democratically-elected government."

    Socialism meaning all citizens are equal slaves who have a so called vote for a government who will treat them as slaves and take away all they have. Socialism then is the front door for communism.

    Communism where the state owns it all makes the citizens slaves as well. There is no reason to perform.

    So I see no real difference between the two. Just makes the slaves poor sods.

    But of course with everything FREE at a low quality, this seems to be very attractive for the younger generations.

    In the 70th and onward those folks were called lazy long haired, but it seems time are changing and that this becomes the new norm. 

    • Like 2
  3. 5 hours ago, Berkshire said:

    You guys will never get a reasonable or coherent answer from these Trump supporters, especially the hardcore ones.  The Trump party has pretty much become a cult.  Trump could decide to give Alaska to the Russians and his supporters will find a way to justify it.  But I do believe that the majority of Americans are smarter than that and will send Trump packing in November.




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  4. 4 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

    The GOP will pay a heavy price for the disloyalty and irrational behavior they have shown toward the American people. 75% wanted witnesses and documents. That includes tens of millions of republics, who are decent people, and simply wanted to know the truth. But, instead they went lockstep with the guilty Master. Not a smart strategy. I expect the dems to pick up at least 10 more seats in the house, and there is a possibility of a majority in the Senate. There is a distinct possibility that Trump will be humiliated come November, and kicked out of Washington permanently, to return to a nearly bankrupted empire. His name is so radioactive, that nobody will want to touch his name anymore.


    He did this to himself. Hopefully, once he loses the election, the SDNY will pursue him vigorously for bank fraud. He is a career criminal. It is only a matter of time before the law catches up to him.



    Subtract 50% of it for the never Trumpers. What is left is that half of the Trump voters had an interest in the witnesses. Nothing really worrying and not worth your doom scenario or that of other doom prophets. What would be really doom for many dems is that 2020 elections will result in conservative house and senate.

    • Like 2
  5. 9 hours ago, JerseytoBKK said:

    I doubt it. They know they have no chance in Nov and will continue their attempt to prevent the people of the US from voting for the candidate of their choice.


    Here is Shumer scolding Kamala Harris at his press conference. She can't keep a straight face while he spins his BS.


    I'd post the direct twitter link but that might get deleted. Look at the twitter gif that's halfway down the article.




    Warning, this is funny and addictive. Hard to stop watching  and laughing at the clown show.


    Goes to show how Harris understands the gravity of the situation. Yes, the clown show.

    The other clown show is that Nadler steals the final statement from Schiff. Never had a better time for days. Schiff and Nadler are not really the 'two' amigo's you might hope to be in an investigation like this. Nadler was openly humiliated by Schiff earlier; say in a Schumer like way. Shut up, I am the nepotist in charge.

    That Nadler did not show up on Friday for reason of his sick wife. Benefit of the doubt and I hope all gets well for the Nadlers, but I strongly believe he absented because he got fried by Schiffty Schiff. 

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