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Posts posted by hugocnx

  1. 2 hours ago, Autonuaq said:

    Thailand is so cheap that one spent more money in Thailand for the same as in europe. Food, drink, rent alle is the same costs or even more expensive. And the smole you got in the past has be lost a long time ago.


    Also the production in Thailand is now the same ormore expensive then the european plant does we have exluding the transportation costs which made us as well that our competion also move production back to the west.


    Pitty to conclude that Thailand could be today like South Korea, soon will by overtaken by vietnam or cambodja

    China will overtake them all. Not to far future. Sorry, off topic

  2. 1 hour ago, DrJack54 said:

    Leave the country, kill current permission of stay. Re-enter visa exempt. 

    Do conversion to non o based on retirement at immigration. Then apply for annual extensions of stay. No need for insurance.

    Or obtain the non o outside of Los. Simple.

    But, you cannot foresee if Imm will close that loophole. Why actually are there two visa foptions for retirement.

    • Like 2
  3. 11 hours ago, Skallywag said:

    Hope none of the posters here are climate change deniers! 

    cli·mate change
    1. a change in global or regional climate patterns, in particular a change apparent from the mid to late 20th century onwards and attributed largely to the increased levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide produced by the use of fossil fuels.


      Monkeys hit hard as temperature drops

      By The Nation


    Globalists have infiltrated all of the web, including all the *****pedia's. 

  4. 8 hours ago, Sheryl said:


    It is, but a second "throw-away" policy just to meet Imm requirement will cost even more and be of no use whereas you can get at least some use out of ATENA OPD cover.


    Which AETNA plan is this? If Platinum there is no maximum per visit which greatly increases the likelihood if actually using much of it.

    Sorry Sheryl, I didn't get want you meant in first paragraph.


    For 30K I can travel to many holiday destinations. I would never pay that extortion amount for a 40K OPD coverage.


    I have a simple plan with Aetna since I had exclusion for heart & vessels. Why pay for an extensive coverage if the highest costs are not covered.

  5. 4 hours ago, ubonjoe said:

    I don't think insurance is required for for extensions of stay. But there some immigration offices that are saying it rs required. 

    We are still waiting for there to be a official clarification from the immigration bureau.

    It has been clarified it is only required when entering the country with OA visa issued after on or after October 361st. 


    Thank you. Feels a bit better. No posters either who had experiences lately. Seems at Aetna OPD cost me an extra >30K baht per year. Rediculous for 40K coverage, even being 71.

  6. Ubonjoe please, give me some assurance pos or neg. Now I've read too many stories.

    If one already had multiple extensions of stay based on retirement and initially entered on an O-A visa, is a health insurance with OPD required or not. First there was talk about only needed for first entry on O-A. Sorry, confused. Bit off topic, but don't want to start a new one.


  7. 17 hours ago, Thian said:

    This cheese is in a ziplocked bag which i close of course before putting it in the fridge. I hate dried out cheese/butter/bread.

    Your opening statement "This cheese was in our fridge for 6 months, an opened bag....." After opening ziplocked. Got it.

    A ziplock bag is just to give you the idea that you kind of packed it again like original or sort of airtight. It is not. And at least not for 6 months.

    Why you bought it in the first place and then store it in your fridge for 6 months.


  8. If the cheese was in an opened pack in the fridge for six month, probably the cheese dried out before it could get molded.

    Mold grows on foods containing water. And, since the cheese was shredded, the exposed surface is far greater so the drying process is also far quicker.

  9. 4 hours ago, Chomper Higgot said:

    As has been explained to you more than once, the Impeachment hearings are in process, witnesses have only just started to present their evidence and the courts have yet to rule on witnesses being withheld by Trump’s instructions.


    The Impeachment hearings are where the evidence is presented, once the hearings are complete the house will vote on impeachment.


    Now sit back, pay attention to the hearings and give the witnesses time to present their testimony.


    As I said earlier, if you didn’t like the behind closed doors investigations, you are just going to love the public testimonies.



    When I read between your lines, you didn't watch the LIVE inquiry.

    • Confused 3
  10. 7 hours ago, MRToMRT said:

    I do hope this is the end of him. I know some of you will hound me for that but the man is simply a self serving liar, he is snake oil through and through,  though gifted with an incredible ability to handle interviewers and push his narrative, I concede.


    I am shocked at how many times he has shot himself in the foot since the election was touted. But he is not alone, Swinson is as bad as him, Corbyn is trying to win an election based on old fashioned spin and silly improbable catch phrases. And as for Mop Head, a stupid habitual liar trying hard to follow what his puppeteers tell him should be but he just keeps reverting back to character. And Sturgeon and SNP make my ears bleed I swear. 

    It time for a mass vote for the Monster Raving Loony Party. God bless Screaming Lord Sutch and all who sail in him. Our saviors?





    Maybe it's a time for you to step in then?

  11. 8 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

    Does anybody check if anybody out there changes his or her mind about Trump?

    For many of us it's obvious since forever that he is lying all the time, enriching himself, and ignoring all the rules.

    If the president co

    uld be prosecuted like anybody else he would probably be already in jail - with not much chance of coming out anytime soon.

    But then there are those people who ignore any evidence. They still support Trump and it seems there is nothing that would convince them that Trump should be removed.

    More evidence for what? If people didn't get it until now why would they change their mind with new evidence? They believe in Trump like a religion. It's impossible to convince them with facts. 

    You said it just wrong: "For many of us it's obvious......." Yeah man, that's the real evidence. Trump phobia.

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