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Posts posted by hugocnx

  1. Good for you. Funny though you now have to use double yeast to get the same results as befor. Picture shows you still have a problem with the breads top or is that normal with bread machines?

    I did not use double yeast.

    I used 50 percent more.

    Also, I do not think it was a yeast problem.

    It is either not enough sugar, or related to the old flour I was using, or as someone has already mentioned, some sort of glitch in the programming of the machine, which did not give the bread adequate time to rise.

    I guess next loaf I will use normal amount of yeast, and 50 percent more sugar, 3 tablespoons per 0.6kg of flour, and see what happens.

    I will also try the yeast at Makro that someone here mentioned. Thanks for that info, because I, too, like the foil packets of yeast.

    Yeah, sorry, didn't read that well enough.

    20 g sugar and 10 g yeast will do the trick for bread (0.6 kg flower) made traditionally.

    Indeed as mentioned, ambient temparature and temp of ingredients play a big part in making bread.

    Final dough temp should not excede 27 degrees C and that means you have to use (very) cold ingredients.

    Anyways, you make your own bread with succes now.

  2. The loaf looks over risen, but is probably not as the whole structure is wrong. You have doubts about the yeast (might be a bad batch), but you have no doubts about the bread maker.

    It is possible that it skips a step in the programming. Looks like you have a one time rise only. This causes big air pockets and at the top bigger bubbles can be formed due to less resistance which will collapse the top when baking.

  3. It's no secret that Putin prefers the vile monster (because he knows what moron he is and will leave Russia alone on Ukraine, etc.) so this news helps the vile monster.

    Okay, you call Trump a moron since you don't agree or like the guy.

    Well. allow me to call you a moron too as I don't agree with you.

  4. If it is about a small website without online shopping and you do have a bit of 'computer' feel, why not use a site like Wix.com and make your own free website. It is not that hard, I did it at 65 of age and the nice part is, you have control over your own website and not having to pay anytime you need some changes.

    Oh, they offer great support too.

    Different story if you need a website in Thai language.

  5. If it is about a small website without online shopping and you do have a bit of 'computer' feel, why not use a site like Wix.com and make your own free website. It is not that hard, I did it at 65 of age and the nice part is, you have control over your own website and not having to pay anytime you need some changes.

  6. "According to a United Nations convention, there is no distinction between the terms "racial" and "ethnic" discrimination." (Google it up)

    Because they (UN) say so doesn't mean it's got to be true (NOT), but racism is about a race, so false in this case. Better call it discrimination.

    It is so popular these days to call anyone a racist, be it for stopping radical immigrants or pulling up a fence. Ok, might as well call me a racist then.

    What about calling a black person from Africa a negro. What!! you damm racist, shame on you.

    Errrrr, isn't that person from the negroid race or what? No no this is 2016 and there is no free speech any longer. You are a hate mongerer and Trump is too, so he must hang and therefor we use a racist judge.

    It's inevitable.

    By this kind of logic, Arabs can't be anti-semites because Arabs are semites.

    And as for your ridiculous about Africans and Negro. If you were to say that a black person from Africa is a negro, fine (I won't go into the question if there really are separate races of humans. Scientific consensus says not). But if you were to say that a negro can't judge Donald Trump fairly, then that is racist. And that's the comparable example.

    Horses used to have blinds for not getting scared of left/right traffic in the 'old' days. They don't use those blinds anymore (no horses in traffic), but I can feel you still have yours on.

    There was no mentioning of Arabs, they aren't a race, and if you say Arabs cannot be anti-semites, why not? You can hate your white neighbor to can't you?

    As far as negro's go, they are a race because of distinct characteristics and as far as your blinds again, sorry man, I never said anything wrong about negro's judgement. It is maybe the leftist in you that puts words in my mouth.


    The point of the anti-semite/semite example was to show that you can't use etymology to derive the meaning of words. Arabs are semites and yet they can be anti-semites, too. Because anti-semite has a developed, if illogical meaning.

    Even if race has a scientific basis, it doesn't matter that the use of "racism" to describe Trump's anti-Mexican diatribes, is illogical. That's how the word is used all over the world now. That's just the way it is. Usage defines words, not etymology.

    As for your opinion about race, well, that's all it is: your opinion. This link sums up the consensus of physical anthropologists on the race question. https://www.jstor.org/stable/682043?seq=1#page_scan_tab_contents

    Thank you for that link. I read the contents and it made me again realize why there is such a gap between regular folks and elite's, specialists or scientists. The use of alot of bull moulded in high so language as to be certain simple folks like me can never understand it. That is probably (at least IMO) what makes Trump popular. Sorry for the side jump, but he speaks the language of the common people and not the secretive political correct language of the so called (left) political elite. Why can't one become a president if one speaks out what the people think?

    So what I understood from the link is that races actually (better) not excist. So what's the fuss all about then.

    America is awaiting a similar tsunami of migrants as in Europe, especially Germany and Sweden. Where will YOU be if the migrants openly state that they want to rape your wife and daughter(s) and that they are out to destroy you. No matter if you are political left or right, a commie or whatever. It is not racist to close your borders for these maniacs, but a matter of self defence. But, never mind, this is all a setup for the coming NWO if you want it or not. A world without democracy, but we already got used to this, right?

  7. The whole incident is a distraction and intended as such. So some students were unhappy with a university course....

    You hope it's just some students with gripes. More realistically, it's many students, perhaps the majority, who feel royally ripped off and cheated. There's another NY City wheeler dealer who comes to mind as possibly Trump's twin, separated at birth: Bernie Madoff. They're about the same age, they both worship money, are slick manipulators (feeding off other peoples' lust for riches) and they're both very slick at what they do. One got nailed, the other is in the process of getting nailed.

    Trump made these students fill out a questionair and captured things on video. Outcome was that more than 90% were satisfied. I think Trump will bring this evidence to court. If not, he was lying about it.

  8. "According to a United Nations convention, there is no distinction between the terms "racial" and "ethnic" discrimination." (Google it up)

    Because they (UN) say so doesn't mean it's got to be true (NOT), but racism is about a race, so false in this case. Better call it discrimination.

    It is so popular these days to call anyone a racist, be it for stopping radical immigrants or pulling up a fence. Ok, might as well call me a racist then.

    What about calling a black person from Africa a negro. What!! you damm racist, shame on you.

    Errrrr, isn't that person from the negroid race or what? No no this is 2016 and there is no free speech any longer. You are a hate mongerer and Trump is too, so he must hang and therefor we use a racist judge.

    It's inevitable.

    By this kind of logic, Arabs can't be anti-semites because Arabs are semites.

    And as for your ridiculous about Africans and Negro. If you were to say that a black person from Africa is a negro, fine (I won't go into the question if there really are separate races of humans. Scientific consensus says not). But if you were to say that a negro can't judge Donald Trump fairly, then that is racist. And that's the comparable example.

    Horses used to have blinds for not getting scared of left/right traffic in the 'old' days. They don't use those blinds anymore (no horses in traffic), but I can feel you still have yours on.

    There was no mentioning of Arabs, they aren't a race, and if you say Arabs cannot be anti-semites, why not? You can hate your white neighbor to can't you?

    As far as negro's go, they are a race because of distinct characteristics and as far as your blinds again, sorry man, I never said anything wrong about negro's judgement. It is maybe the leftist in you that puts words in my mouth.


  9. "According to a United Nations convention, there is no distinction between the terms "racial" and "ethnic" discrimination." (Google it up)

    Because they (UN) say so doesn't mean it's got to be true (NOT), but racism is about a race, so false in this case. Better call it discrimination.

    It is so popular these days to call anyone a racist, be it for stopping radical immigrants or pulling up a fence. Ok, might as well call me a racist then.

    What about calling a black person from Africa a negro. What!! you damm racist, shame on you.

    Errrrr, isn't that person from the negroid race or what? No no this is 2016 and there is no free speech any longer. You are a hate mongerer and Trump is too, so he must hang and therefor we use a racist judge.

    It's inevitable.

  10. Wind direction. Planes preferably land against the wind to have more air flow over the wings, maintaining stability, less chance of a stall.

    Indeed, you are right about that. However, almost year round planes landing at CNX land from south to north and thus have south-west tail wind as this is the wind direction almost all year.

    Since wind in Chiang Mai hardly excists it must have had to do with a stronger wind than normal (thunderstorms these days) so the landing direction got changed.

    My kingdom for a bottle.

  11. Some work permit offices will want 4 Thai employees while others will still do them with 2 employees. The ministerial regulation was changed sometime in late 2010 or early 2011 and now apparently states 4 employees is needed (I have not seen a copy of the regulation).

    The most important thing is to include a copy of your marriage certificate with the work permit application to prove what the non-o or extension is based upon. If they try to say a non-b is needed firmly disagree with them since the regulations only state a non immigrant visa is needed.

    Yes, Just had such experience when BOI tried to change my visa to NON-B smile.png Which of course I dont need at all, we are married for years and I prefer to stay on NON-O married, most flexible and independent from jobs type of visa

    Generally foreign employees of BOI companies in Bangkok (and surrounds) have both extensions and WP's issued together at the One Stop Service Centre in Chamchuri Square. I'm pretty sure that if you are on a Marriage extension, you can't use that service. So perhaps that is why BOI would encourage you to go the Non-B route.

    Not that I think you're wrong continuing with a marriage extension.. It is perhaps a little less convenient dealing with Immigration and a local Labour office separately but the less you have to deal with Immigration, the better.

    My experience is that Labour Department offices are more reasonable and able to see the bigger picture to some degree. While Immigration is inflexible and blinkered towards written (and sometimes unwritten) regulations.

    OP is married and even if not he has to deal with IM for extensions. And IM is not issuing WP's so I do not understand your last sentence.

  12. Then please provide us with a copy of that copy. We had this discussion befor.

    My wife's company limited was created november 29 2554. 3 shareholders, no further personel required. 1 mill company and officially set up by a lawyer.

    What more 'proof' do you want?

    Labour Department officers have discretion to issue Work Permits in some circumstances when the minimum criteria is not met.

    So because your WP was issued on that basis is not proof that another officer or an office in another location will do the same.

    Sorry, you don't know about my WP and how it was submitted.

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