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Posts posted by hugocnx

  1. Maybe some water expert might be of help here.

    If I look at that picture (probably wet season) I believe 2000 cubic meters is just a splash.

    That is only 44.5 * 44.5 meters by 1 meter high. Would that mean a warning for downstream residents? Raising levels at 3 to 5 meters?

    The water release will last till april 10, but no mentioning how many cubic meters per hour/day.

    Anyone have experience on this?

  2. Alright, let me go at this too biggrin.png

    Going with the casino instant example....we got...

    500g pack/36g portions = 13.8 servings@267g, let's just make that 14 servings and get a yield of roughly 3.7kg. Not sure if you want to add in milk after that or substitute some water for milk, butter and whatever, and let's go with a generous assuption of 4kg end result of instant mashed.

    115B per pack, some milk, butter and flavor stuff, I'd guestimate a total cost of ~135B (randomly assigning 200ml milk and 100g butter into the mixture for 8 and 12 baht respectively).

    135/4000 = 33.75B/Kg or about 2.4B per each 14 servings.


    And because I just did mashed with reglar potatoes, here are my numbers.

    3800 peeled potatoes (wasn't around for the total amount, assuming around 4.2k worth of unpeeled), with milk, butter and whatever, ending up with 3.9kg worth of mashed potatoes.

    Going with 30-32B/kg potatoes and using 4.2kg as baseline, I'm starting with 126-135B for the potatoes, adding the above mentioned randomly assigned 200ml milk and 100g into it with 8 and 12 baht, that puts us to 146-155B total cost.

    146-155/3900 = 37.4-39.7B/kg or about 2.6-2.83B per each 14 servings.


    I think I did my math right, but someone may want to double check just in case.

    All values are....were, subjective to mild roundups and some guesswork, as I'm not too into the detail about trivial stuff like that.

    With that said, I haven't eaten instant mashed in ages and have no idea if I can tell the difference between instant and fresh anymore and therefore abstain from a comment on that, besides the obligatory "instant sucks tongue.png "

    If we are looking at the workload, instant is by far less time consuming and way faster to make than using fresh potatoes.


    Instant cost 33.75B/Kg

    Fresh potato cost 37.4-39.7B/Kg

    Mileage may vary.

    200 ml milk for 8 Baht; 100 g., butter for 12 Baht???

    So that means 40 Baht per liter of milk. Very cheap, but possible. Bottles are mostly 880 g at a price somewhere at 42 Baht or over.

    So that means 120 Baht per kilo of butter. Not possible. Can not buy butter at that price. Butter blend replacement yes. I suppose you mean that kind of margarine.

    Tell me where to buy butter for 120 Baht per kilo and you would really make me rich.

    Your comparison goes limp as you didn't calculate the cost for an extra hour or more to peel, cook and mash the potatoes. Add at least a hundred baht for that as the discussion was mainly about cost for restaurants.

    However, another poster mentioned that Casino potatoe mash is no longer for sale. The alternatives are far more expensive.

  3. Imagine the absolute outrage if the tourists happened to be Chinese...

    Chinese don't eat Thai food. They bring their own as well.

    Not strictly accurate. I've seen them descend on a 7/11 shop to buy pot-noodles, soon after arriving back at their hotel from a day out sightseeing.

    Yes, there are 7/11's in China as well, so must be Chinese food they think. Besides you talk about noodles which is almost (South) Asia's first priority right?

  4. Trouble is that good 'old' potatoes - the ones that make good chips are like rocking horse $hit in Thailand. Standard supermarket ones are too waxy for the job.

    [Oh boy. what have you gone and started now sabang.

    After the mash wars, nobody expects .... the fries fracas!]

    Dunno what region you are from and what potatoes you buy. I always have good potatoes for cooking and frying. No complaints here.

    Even Tesco has good enough potatoes..

    Waxy, do you mean when making mash, do you use a mixer or blender? Wrong.

    Good old potatoes, yes I know what you mean. The old farts you can buy till new harvest. Excellent for mash and chips though.

    Thailand doesn't have to stock up as there can be harvest year round. Maybe you can stock 'm up, see if you can get some chemicals to preserve and then see what you get.

    No other way to prevent potatoes from sprouting.

  5. Having said the above, let me answer to your post.

    So you have been in the biss forum already. Seen all the lobbying there? You might at least not consider a bar or bar/bistro or the likes.

    Wanna loose your money and your wife, up to you to start any of these.

    If you or your wife have no special skills it will make your choice only narrower.

    If you consider a low investment you might start a hair shop or a laundry, but it is all 13 in a dozen.

    Invest in something valuable that can give you some joy and some income. It should be a lasting thing for a Thai as I know from experience that if support falls back (you leaving this planet e.g.) then it will soon be over.

    If the wife is good on a specific food item, she can make good money selling in the markets. There is alot of trash sold and still Thai are keen on real tasty food.


  6. Read any of the international press media about Super Tuesday and about Trump?

    Haha, you should, what a load of political correct bull. From China to Bolivia.

    Problem is both democrats and republicans have butter on the head. You might expect alot of wrong from the democrats as they are not trying to break lethal Hilly down.

    Look what the republican party now wants to do (longer time presumably). Openly being against Trump!! Yes, of course, The elite is in both parties and beware my friends.

    many say Trump is going to ruin America and damage the international order. Hahaha, what international order; disorder I believe and democracy everywhere on it's return. Again, what a load of bull. Look at what has happened sofar. Everything has to be destroyed first to finally being able to realise the New World Order.

    Go to bed y'all, sleep well, there is nothing to worry about. That's what the government said to their Dutch citizens and shortly after were smashed by Hitler's blitzkrieg.

    Cheers, I'll have another one.

  7. Yes, expensive. How many servings you think a Chef can make out of that 115 Baht pack and considering a kilo of potatoes in Thailand cost only 30 Baht.

    With standard gross margin calculations your cheap pack will do about 100 Baht per person on the menu, depending on class of restaurant. That is way to expensive.

    Imagine two people eat 115 baht potatoes, that's almost the price of one kilo of pork. Bit out of balance wouldn't you say so?

    Besides, quality is not even close to home made mashed potatoes.

    That 115 Baht pack will make me about 4 - 5kg of firm mashed potato.

    A serving in a restaurant is about 200 gram, that means 20 -25 servings, or about 5 Baht per serving, instead of 100 Baht.

    That Casino stuff must be great. Sold out of course.

    Left with the McGarreth and Pfanni brands. They both come around 100 Baht per kilo yield. Now that was what I meant the expensive stuff.

    If Casino yields as you say 4 to 5 kg, then that is quite attractive, average 25 Baht per kilo.

    Nice as binder for gulyash soup and the likes.

    Casino brand will not be available anymore in big C

    Bummer...>If no Casino potato mash powder available; return to post #2<

  8. Yes, expensive. How many servings you think a Chef can make out of that 115 Baht pack and considering a kilo of potatoes in Thailand cost only 30 Baht.

    With standard gross margin calculations your cheap pack will do about 100 Baht per person on the menu, depending on class of restaurant. That is way to expensive.

    Imagine two people eat 115 baht potatoes, that's almost the price of one kilo of pork. Bit out of balance wouldn't you say so?

    Besides, quality is not even close to home made mashed potatoes.

    That 115 Baht pack will make me about 4 - 5kg of firm mashed potato.

    A serving in a restaurant is about 200 gram, that means 20 -25 servings, or about 5 Baht per serving, instead of 100 Baht.

    That Casino stuff must be great. Sold out of course.

    Left with the McGarreth and Pfanni brands. They both come around 100 Baht per kilo yield. Now that was what I meant the expensive stuff.

    If Casino yields as you say 4 to 5 kg, then that is quite attractive, average 25 Baht per kilo.

    Nice as binder for gulyash soup and the likes.

  9. Damn!

    Where does Thailand get off expecting foreigners to follow the rules and laws?

    Haven't the learned that we are better than them and don't need to follow their silly rules?giggle.gif

    Yes, it is not the Thai themselves that are in the picture. It's the foreigners that do all the bad things.

    My advice to Thai government could be: Put all that effort and money in Thai education. Teach them how NOT to make an accident or not to cheat.

    Oh, maybe also to have them abide by some simple laws which really won't hurt their individualism. After that... come and get me.

  10. Here is what I think is the only, albeit tiny, chance, for the republicans to stop Trump from defecating all over their party (and being nominated).

    Cruz stays in and siphons off fundamentalist far right wing fanatics from Trump. Cruz has no chance, don't worry about that creepy WEIRDO.

    Of course sleepy man Carson is just one big joke. He should stay in too.

    Rubio loses in Florida, effectively dooming his dim chance.

    Kasich goes on North and wins Ohio and Michigan.

    Then Kasich and Rubio have a pow wow, Rubio drops out and agrees to be Kasich's running mate if Trump can be stopped. Kasich runs as the savior of the party, managing to never dirty himself with the idiotic schoolyard fighting, and Rubio stays on as the VP pick apparent to be the fighting monkey ... shouting TRUMP IS A CON MAN, TRUMP IS A FASCIST 24/7.

    If all that happened, I think Trump can be stopped from the nomination.

    Will it? Not bloody likely, but that's the only path I see.

    Of course, personally, I have no problem with Trump being nominated and losing in the general. But I think that would be a disaster for the nation for Trump to actually be president. Kasich or Rubio would be less bad. If Trump is nominated, even though arguably that's who the democrats want to run against (rather than Rubio) yes he really COULD win.

    I see no real path for Cruz or Carson so no comment on them as presidents. I know most have already written off Kasich and logically that makes sense, but I still see him as the ONLY slim chance of blocking Trump's nomination now. It's probably too late.

    OMG, stop your nagging about Trump.

  11. A muslima and a scandalous jew, that makes a nice couple. So the muslima is not a muslima or she would have been slaughter already for going with a jew. The jew is lucky that his kind is not so murderous, but he will probably serve a good cause for the elite. Always handy a circus couple like this.

    It's actually quite painful to read rubbish like this.


    Everything goes into the same bin at the end of the day.

    1 browny point for you.

  12. A muslima and a scandalous jew, that makes a nice couple. So the muslima is not a muslima or she would have been slaughter already for going with a jew. The jew is lucky that his kind is not so murderous, but he will probably serve a good cause for the elite. Always handy a circus couple like this.

    It's actually quite painful to read rubbish like this.

    Whatever mom, see you woke up. Print it out and use it in the toilet.

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