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Posts posted by hugocnx

  1. So the Bengazzi attack happened at 3:00 in the afternoon and Hillary was not in bed sleeping, as Trump keeps saying.

    Which begs the question, what the **** was she doing?

    All these bad life & death decisions being made while Americans are under attack and where was the Secretary of State?

    Where was the President?

    They were either making the decisions their positions demand of them or they weren't.

    If the President and Secretary of State were not involved with the bad decisions that led to the deaths of 4 Americans WHY NOT? WHO WAS?

    Who was making decisions like should any rescuers where civilian clothes or uniforms so as not to offend locals? (Oh, never mind, just don't send anyone).

    There does not need to be a "smoking gun". It was Hillary's job as Secretary of State, her main, #1 priority on that day.

    If no help came over a 13 hour period there is only one person who could have over-ruled Secretary of State Clinton, and that is President Obama.

    So which one of them will accept the responsibility? Somebody needs to take responsibility for those 13 hours of in action.

    Harry Truman (Democrat) famously had a sign on his desk, "the Buck stops here". Those were the days...


    Well then, write your Senator & Congressman and demand a 9th inquiry.

    When funny things happen, like false flags, presidents are doing something unharmfull. Bush jr was in 'hiding' in a school during 9/11 and Obama was gone golfing.

    Herodes washed his hands in innocense.

  2. finally FREEDOM, ,it s historical day for all nations, thank you all Brits, bye bye massive immigration, bye bye Turkey with its 90 million people, bye bye the criminal gangs of eastern Europe, if EU leaders wanted peace in the world they should have supported Assad and Russia and not side with the terrorists.

    GREAT BRITAIN will survive and become stronger it sets the example for the rest of us, time for a change.

    Hope you'r right, possibly this is the best thing that has happened since the worst thing that happened to the world , THE EU.

    Next off the mark could be Spain and Greece, the whole thing might unwind but not before more economic terrorism about leaving is mongered.

    NZ scare mongering was rife in the media saying exports would suffer--- BS, the only thing that will change is the exchange, the money will be money.

    Things might be the same as the status quo never loose,however without the EU bullies in charge of the world economy it may be a slight improvement.

    Watch out for a property bubble burst as the bookies and stock exchange insiders traders make money by wreaking havoc.

    After this settles down some will be more filthy rich and life will go on in their favour as usual.

    The bookies are very happy with a result they called the wrong way, isn't that strange.

    It was a close call, I as very happy and a little sad to see Cameron go, he was a very bad actor,but to pick the best bad actor out of world leaders would be quite hard as they are all very good bad actors.

    I like Boris to be next PM certainly the world does not deserve George Osbore the psycopath , I wonder if Boris will comb his hair for the job.

    Well done Britain.

    Why would Spain and Greece want to leave?

    I could be wrong but I always thought that these two were net gainers

    The only gain Greece got from staying in the EU was bankers taking the bail out money, the people got Austerity, suicide, unemployment , economic bullyism, pension cuts, mysery for the poor and riots.

    Spain got the same , the whole thing is a mess.

    Terrorists can move all through the schengen zone without using passports.

    This economic maddness has sread throughout the world including most other countries in the world, Thailand a good example, where Burmese labor work for a pittance ,creating unemployment for Thais who now think they are above being a builder or builders laborer or house keeper and instead have no future or jobs and turn to Methamphetamene use , and drug dealing, gangs and viloence.

    This is also a pattern in NZ and Australia, leaving the EU might be a chance for some salvation, but we can only hope.

    You hit a point. The goal is destabalization of all world economies. Once countries go to their knees financially, the only benefitters are the banks. Remember that Greece had a massive loan from Goldman Sachs (if I remember correctly) and when it came to paying down the massive interest and debt itself and Greece begged for relentment or revising the contracts, the bank didn't blink an eye and let the EU pay for it. The cabal operate from the top down. Get the tough guys (capitalist countries) first and the already fulnerable will follow.

  3. finally FREEDOM, ,it s historical day for all nations, thank you all Brits, bye bye massive immigration, bye bye Turkey with its 90 million people, bye bye the criminal gangs of eastern Europe, if EU leaders wanted peace in the world they should have supported Assad and Russia and not side with the terrorists.

    GREAT BRITAIN will survive and become stronger it sets the example for the rest of us, time for a change.

    Marco, indeed you are funny.

    What would you do without your immigrants, eg. Polish???

    And 90 millions Turkish means 90 millions new customers.

    And so you would have supported Assad who killed his own people...?

    Go on drinking laddie

    I think you are so funny too NOT

  4. The voters had very little to do with the outcome, this is the result that the "cabal" wanted, I don't know how these sub-human trash work, but in this result they will manufacture some blame mechanism aimed at at the UK leaving. That's why Cameron was featured in the Panama Papers. Good riddance to Europe, and your currency which was bound to failure from day one.

    The cabal didn't want this referendum. It was not their idea and they did not put up a special false flag. They have miscalculated the people. There is a silent awakening and people are beginning to understand what is going to be inflicted upon them. Who asked for this tsunami migration? It is not a normal proces; it is planned long time ahead and the provocation was Merkel. Since all Eu country leaders are already 'posessed' by the cabal, they all went along and accepted it without any objection. Of course they did for the blame of stigmatizing and being called the stupid trendy word RACIST.

    I am not discriminizing people in general, many countries have their migration, but the people who want to gome (read invade) into your country and then act as if they are boss...yes those people I will discriminate. They don't even have to say "thank you", but they can come and annoy our women and the police stay politically correct at home.

  5. I'm really enjoying watching the TV news and reading the establishment online press. They are Furious!!!! that all those poor deluded lunatics refused to listen to their betters (those same TV and press people) and vote the way they were being harangued into voting for. The CNNers literally look like they want to spit on their own viewers! And the smug little wretches on BBC can't figure out the size of the Mack truck that just hit them. This is fun!

    And you are probably happy to benefit off said establishment. Perhaps you are so in deep with said establishment that nothing can financially harm you. Do you seriously take joy out of hard working pensioners possibly having their retirement ruined by a referendum?

    The referendum isn't responsible - a democratic process has decided that we should leave. More people are celebrating than commiserating the decision as they wake up to the news.

    The Tories took us in and after a massive gamble to stop the in-fighting within their party, it is the Tories taking us out!!

    I have always voted Labour, but Nigel Farage impresses me a lot and if I was in the UK I would consider breaking a 40 year 'grass roots' tradition of voting Labour to vote for UKIP (I can't believe I just wrote that), it must be post-referendum hysteria!!

    Don't be shy, you are most welcome. I would say Farage is a brilliant politician and following his rage at Juncker and following John Cleese I would say hang the EU, not only Juncker.

    Farage excluded of course LOL

  6. Some posters commented on the "slim" winning margin.

    I wonder, if Scotland and Ireland were taken out of the equation and the votes for England only were counted, what would have been the winning margin?

    Remain = 13,266,996, 46.6%

    Leave = 15,188,406, 53.4%

    A win for leave, but hardly a decisive one.

    You obviously didn't read enough of the foregoing posts and not even the post you are referring to. LOL

  7. Some posters commented on the "slim" winning margin.

    I wonder, if Scotland and Ireland were taken out of the equation and the votes for England only were counted, what would have been the winning margin?

    Give Ireland back to the Irish and Scotland back to the Scottish. Can't understand them anyways and I am a European (by passport)

    Yes you are so true; the English voted massively for the Exit. English people get my higher esteem

  8. I'll raise a glass or two tonight.

    Time to put the great back into Great Britain.

    When was the last time Britain was great? The Empire? Faintly remember Rhodesia being handed over. The past is long gone for "Great" Britain.

    And now it's time for Australia to get Britain out of its flag and Britain's monarch off its coins.

    But the majority of us want to keep the Queen & the Union Jack on our flag as past referenda have shown.

    Do you want force the majority to your will?

    Wouldn't you call that undemocratic?

    Please, not the queen, she is part of what you don't actually want to know. Those who know will understand.

  9. I'm really enjoying watching the TV news and reading the establishment online press. They are Furious!!!! that all those poor deluded lunatics refused to listen to their betters (those same TV and press people) and vote the way they were being harangued into voting for. The CNNers literally look like they want to spit on their own viewers! And the smug little wretches on BBC can't figure out the size of the Mack truck that just hit them. This is fun!

    Yeah, MSM, what a great knowing nothing sort of a kind.


  10. Not good for Brit expats living in Thailand on a pension.

    1 pound = only 47 baht now and they say the pound will sink further. Good luck with that.

    Share markets are crashing too, those with shares will suffer too.

    And this is good?

    The stock markets and currencies are already flying back towards normalcy so the scare mongering that took place pre-Brexit proved to be baseless.

    I think that it is brilliant that the Brexit was cemented by those living in the North of England being the influential factor in this momentous decision!!

    I hope that all of the money men in London were weeping into their cornflakes this morning!!

    I used to live in the prosperous South East before moving to Thailand (just in case you ask).

    Yes, situation will normalize, but just in the nick of time some shrude people have already taken their profit.

    You know, the same as the fear mongering guys. Ok, I am not discriminizing. Gals too.

  11. It's weird that the Australian stock market and Asian stock markets plunged by 4% on the news. Trade with the UK is less than 3%, Britain's exit will take years to occur and Australian companies aren't suddenly producing 4% less. I guess the market just hates uncertainty. I hope the crash of the pound doesn't take the Aussie with it (but it probably will).

    Goes to show that the panicing was controlled. Soros c.s. have preached the bad news and all the sick believers fell in his trap. Bet you that he (Soros) will again gain big out of this.

  12. It is interesting that it's pro-business that voted Remain while more agricultural and older people went the other way. Reminds me of when Switzerland had a similar referendum (to join or not). Zurich and main business cantons said yes, French speaking, Bern Basel etc said no and the no's won it.

    There was then talk of doomsday for Switzerland as well. Didn't happen though. The CHF is practically on par with the Euro (1.08, last I checked, last week)

    This is part of the reason why I point to the Muslim invasion as motivation for the "leave" voters. The "ordinary working man" neither fully understands nor cares about macro economics. He cares about the safety of his family, and the preservation of his way of life. While intellectuals preach the philosophy of "open borders" and "one world", the realists who work for a living see the injustice of Sharia Law and absolute suppression of freedom of religion (as well as so many other freedoms suppressed by Islamic rulers).

    So, while the article atop this thread, as well as most of the posters here, have focused primarily on the economic issues and impact of the Brexit vote; I must ask again, if the deciding factor in the outcome wasn't the Muslim invasion!

    You sir are a racist and therefore your views and comments are not welcome in a civilized debate. There is no Sharia law in the Uk and there never will be. This illusion of a muslim invasion is exactly that; an illusion and fortunately sane people with a proper and respectful perspective on matters are here to tell you where to get off.

    Social Justice Warrior? bah.gif

  13. EU was conceived to prevent the far-right from taking over - now "England" has welcomed them with open arms - reminiscent of 1930s Germany - and we know where that went.

    I beg your pardon.It is the elites that have continued the EU ideas from the Nazi's. It has nothing to do with the far-right, on the contrary.

    The New World Order is a socialistic Marxistic idea, started already befor Hitler and afterwards blown-in new life by Prins Bernhard (a Nazi) from Holland with the Bilderberg group.

    Reboot please.

  14. The old geezers left a bad inheritance for the Britain's youth. Silly old people.

    (YouGov poll)
    18-24: 75% Remain
    25-49: 56% Remain
    50-64: 44% Remain
    65+: 39% Remain

    Hopefully the EU stand strong and also make needed changes to it's organisation. I'm sure EU will take all the best Britain youth inside, while leaves the elderly to UK. Fortunately there is no need to build a wall between EU and Britain.

    Haha, you think young people are better able than older people to judge on 'remain'?

    Those who have hardly any life experience vote for remain. Nuf said.

  15. Cherio Brits, without your negative contribution the EU has now a lot more money to spend on countries in real need. No more rebates, farm subsidies etc. for leeches. Hurray.

    LOL..in 2015 the UK contributed 12.5% of the EU budget, and is number 3 on the list after France and Germany...so your comment about leeches is hysterical...so unless your french or German...you could in fact be defined as a leech if your European


  16. Shot yourself in the foot here. You are likely ignorent of what these companies require.

    Get some help from the local clinic and take some medicin. Bisoprolol or whatever.

    Get that very high pressure down (don't drink to much; look who's talking facepalm.gif) and apply at another insurance company again.

    At your age blood pressure levels should not exceed 125/85, where best level as they say is 120/80.

    I am 68 and doctor tells me to keep it under 135/90 and older people (can) have higher scores normally

    You might have some special problem to have such high rates, so better go see the doctor.

  17. Good for you. Funny though you now have to use double yeast to get the same results as befor. Picture shows you still have a problem with the breads top or is that normal with bread machines?

    I did not use double yeast.

    I used 50 percent more.

    Also, I do not think it was a yeast problem.

    It is either not enough sugar, or related to the old flour I was using, or as someone has already mentioned, some sort of glitch in the programming of the machine, which did not give the bread adequate time to rise.

    I guess next loaf I will use normal amount of yeast, and 50 percent more sugar, 3 tablespoons per 0.6kg of flour, and see what happens.

    I will also try the yeast at Makro that someone here mentioned. Thanks for that info, because I, too, like the foil packets of yeast.

    Yeah, sorry, didn't read that well enough.

    20 g sugar and 10 g yeast will do the trick for bread (0.6 kg flower) made traditionally.

    Indeed as mentioned, ambient temperature and temp of ingredients play a big part in making bread.

    Final dough temp should not excede 27 degrees C and that means you have to use (very) cold ingredients.

    Anyways, you make your own bread with succes now.

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