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Posts posted by phetpeter

  1. And how and with who would you suggest will give fair elections? or is your is wifey annoyed that she has been getting to make her promises of who to vote for thousand baht lately!. The people you should be going after are Tesco Lotus, CP, Big C, , who are milking every penny earned from people, who are being short changed by the middlemen offering prices for goods farmed that hardly cover the costs, but manage to command such high prices when required to buy to feed themselves. Better to have the man with the army take out the Fat pigs, but, it doesn't happen overnight when the country has grown up with it ingrained in every part of government, and business, And if you read from the parties they have no desired but to reboard the money train, for their own self gain.

  2. I have seen the vdo and photos of the boy. In it he has a drip tube already in place, and possibly had received some pain killer drugs or antibiotic's and was in the waiting room to see if the treatment would work assuming it was believed one of a number of problems that occur around the rainy season, food poisoning, flu etc. In the vdos you can see him being a normal restless teen sitting , standing, walking because he has a pain. His factual expression show no emotions, than normal, his colour and attitude look normal. There is no reason for anyone to believe it is more life threating. Sadly, There no reason to blame anyone. On his first collapse he was attended to quickly, The doctor had no reason to believe something so rare and extreme was happening, If he had had a car , motorbike accident or was involved in a serious fight, then maybe the doctor would have been looking for more serious problems and maybe a early Xray. and if spotted a CAT scan. Alas by then after the first collapse, the countdown was nearing the end! 

  3. Strange place, Thai's are now able to get the hands on some of the newest, advanced trucks and cars on the roads today, and don't get me started on the big bikes. 0-60 in the blink of an eye! I sat on the right turn filter today, and 2 ton pick-ups where flying past me on an 80kph road rocking my car. and so close together that my little MGGS felt like It was at sea! The white spay man must be making a huge profit from the police has this 10 kilometer stretch of highway in Phetchabun looks like an art gallery of motorcycle and car and pickup symbol's Plus my wife thinks all them reg numbers next to them are lotto numbers. The law should have put a law in place to make the manufacturers lock down the speeds these vehicle's can do. because Thai eyes cannot focus very well over 90kph, and their brake foot cannot move very well over 80kph. as for direction control and lane observation plus turning corners seem to have a big problem over 10kph. and that's just the vehicles with 4 wheels!

  4. The sad thing is that when a large blood vessel ruptures in the body, there may be no oblivious signs, blood pressure would not necessarily show that something was wrong in a young male, has his heart would continue to preform its role. Stomach pains are common due to poor food hygiene. and a serious flu situation is present in Thailand at the moment which includes stomach cramps. He was probably putting the brave Thai face, and the nurses at first had no reason to think differently. You can see from the photograph , that they are in attendance. but, with the large blood vessel ruptured his outlook was probably bleak and it was just the clock ticking. Not everybody can be fixed, so even if he had surgery he may not have survived, we have no knowledge of when the trouble began nor how long it was before he got to hospital. and the body cavity can hold a lot of fluid before it becomes noticeable. RIP

  5. Sorry to say, But at a government hospital you will not be asked to pay first, you will receive treatment in ER quickly. You will be check over and of course move into the line of treatment on the seriousness of the problem. When I had my heart attack, I was in hospital and being treated within 30minutes. and when A stent was required I was given an appointment within a week, spend 2 days in hospital. 5 years later I still have 3 month check ups. 40 mins max in the morning and 40 minutes seeing doctor and getting medicines in late afternoon. and if it wasn't for the social security scheme I am on the bill would only average 8,000baht every 3 months. The ER treatment was free. The stent cost 120,000baht, but would have been free except the school hadn't paid my health insurance. and I laugh at the foreigner's who insist going to the private hospital paying buckets of cash and in some towns then being driven to the government hospital has they don't have the doctors or equipment to do the job. 10,000 baht per night at private hospital,with menu choice 3,500 baht for a 5 night stay in government hospital VIP room, discount if you share the VIP room. decent meals if you don't like hospital food brought in with family. Had a bowel lump spend 5 nights on drip, plus 2 CAT scans X-rays and 3 hourly visit from doctor and 2 visits from surgeon. All clear but have 6 monthly CAT scan and check ups 18months now....FREE

  6. Strange, when you consider in most villages something unusual occurs everybody comes to see what's going on! They love to stick their noses in. But, on this occasion, nobody seems interested, nor no visitors to see the headman? but the large family , not seen cooking, moving and still nobody shows interest, or phones the headman to tell him that people are at his house?

  7. contained two iPhones, a half baht weight gold ring (worth about 10,000 baht) and a further 10,000 baht in cash.  Why would you want to carry to 2 Iphones and a gold ring in your bag? My Thai wife gets quite unhappy and never carries more that 5000 baht and ATM card, and her gold is securely locked away or on her finger.  The ATM card can be cancelled at any branch and a new one purchased. As she states her days of showing off are gone, its loses her friends and helps her decide who are her friends, and she cares little about what people think her husband and her have. Her bag has changed to a small backpack style which she wear in front.

  8. I am amazed about the number of slain infants littering the roadside after being shot through the windscreens of uncaring parents driving their 2.8 ltr 4x4 deluxe esan pickup, that if its got a windscreen. Lets get it right most car owners are struggling to pay the loans, most buyers of new cars are young single people with careers. Not young families with a baby in the car. The young ones with babies are altogether on their only motorbike, struggling due to bad family planning and very low paid jobs. Perhaps the women with a new baby in the car are the wives of husband from aboard.

  9. I love all this baby sir will save your life etc. but, when I was born in1957, there was no seat belts or baby seats. The baby wrap up snug in there cocoon wrapping probably has a better chance of survival than in the seat! plus just in case the new mum drops the baby! Oh! I am still here and kicking. Sure some people have accidents, and some people die. But today in my town nobody crashed, nobody died and certainly no babies died from motor accidents. Sure a few motorbike idiots when down, banged up a bit, but no deaths.and no young children on the bikes that went down because most had a caring parent driving carefully.

  10. Its a pointless discussion, motorbikes are the norm due to very low wages, transporting people here is more important, They will sit in the bed of the pickup rather than fit a baby seat. Most only travel short distance within the district they live 90 per cent of the time. Time is not right to try and force them into the ways of first world countries, as in 3rd world countries they have much more freedom of life and how they live it. and that is talking about day to day living. In 1st world countries the people do not have such freedom, you are told what you can do and when, because its the 'best' way.

  11. Just remember you can ignore the back, put your passport in the safe, and the card does it all, bank, hotel, police checks etc.. The card is good as it assures people that you should be completely legal, and the fact you have this ID, that Thailand has accepted you and your right to be here. :shock1: Remember, I am talking about the day to day Thai people, not those who think you are not worthy! Get one, flash it and watch the wheels turn! 70-80 baht a pop, 10mins to do, but, she will have to go to the storeroom to get a blank, yellow book and passport plus copies.

  12. In the UK it has to be said, that the police do their job, fair dos the get a fair salary also, but, the best thing is most police are not locals, they serve within the system, and when older they will stay in a station for years, but they are still not locals. This stops abuse and bribes. But overall the police do the job to make a difference and protect and serve the public. The police in Thailand, you get to see the same officer at the same location, if you see them at all! very rarely doing their job, only stopping motorbikes in purges. If they were to be seen working outside their boxes pulling wrongdoers all the time, things would change. But, the public know that's never going to happen any time soon. But then we have to lay the blame at their officers, not leading their men.

  13. Of course his running from the scene wouldn't have anything to do with some of the writers here on TV? Saying how they would get the blame, be beaten up, thrown in jail, cut, shot murder etc. It could be out of panic from this type of hype, he drove away, only his panic and misjudgement ending badly. If he is insured (I hope), and not a wino who thinks he is above the law when it comes to the legal requirements, Then he should just have to live with his bad decisions. I know not the actual facts just the reporting facts, and I am sad that life has been lost, could or would their illegal behaviour have saved their lives, Crash helmet, overloaded motorbike, Who was controlling the motorbike, and position on road etc. We will never learn from the way the Thai police investigate traffic accidents.

  14. What! Not a satang for armoured vehicles for the patrols, nothing for each to be equipped with mobile phone signal blockers. No helitelly fitted to helicopter?


    6 hours ago, webfact said:

    Bt11.236 million to establish a central online database for security agencies


    6 hours ago, webfact said:

    Bt25.54 million for operating expenses of Prawit’s committee and its southern offices.

    How have they been doing so far? Well protected troops with the equipment needed to combat all illegal activities works, rewards only for big results. Talking and love didn't work in Northern Ireland, but strong troops and honest police officers and action did wear them down and now peace is there.

  15. Parents wishing to give a donation to the school, should only do so through an approved bank account and only in connection to an ongoing project, such as equipping a classroom with IT and it should be publicly noticed. Why would any parent just donate money to a school for no reason than kindness? It is bribing, or a kick back for special treatment. Directors of schools are nobodies and move on to other schools that open up with better grazing, only doing the job for the extras, most have never been teachers and spend most of their time, going to 'meetings' lunch and drinks. This one has a red plated merc! how did he afford that? Maybe registered for tax purposes as essential school transporter.

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