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Posts posted by phetpeter

  1. You would be surprised how much English Thai's understand, the problem is that speaking English is the problem. The Thai language is very poetic and uses phrases that relate mainly to metaphors, similes etc. and bares no resemblance to correct translation. So, its easier for them not to try to speak. If you speak Clean Basic English to most Thai's they will understand. But, they will not answer you. Most will understand you if you write down English too!

    • Haha 1
  2. 1 minute ago, ICECOOL said:

    Interesting comments.  My gf is quite the opposite to what I have read here.  She is interested in more than Thailand and infact she talked about the Syrian situation with me yesterday. She has values which are quite western yet incredibly compasionate. She loves her soaps but also watches the news.  Not "educated" having left school at 13 to work in a factory to support her family but obviously intelligent. She is even a planner. 


    I don't think you can generalise about Thai's as you cannot generalise about any country/race.

    I note you stated GF,, there my friend is the difference! A GF game plan is marriage, a commitment and like a car salesman, the rules are the same, once sold, the game changes, you should know how a month after buying the car, how you get treated by the salesman! It normally is still good, but relationship is different.

    • Confused 1
  3. Just now, mauGR1 said:

    Still, there must be some reason why you're married with her :whistling:

    YES! No matter, the moaning and complaining, she has in her Thai ways, taken care of me, and has been there for nearly 20years, I have learn to except that it is the Thai way, and a quick 'shut the <deleted> up' and move on to another subject. puts it out of mind. Like an Elephant she never forgets, brings it up when is is losing an argument. But, in her overall game plan, its doesn't seem to be a plot for bringing our relationship to an end. Perhaps it really is 'Till (natural) death pulls us apart!'   I hope!

    • Like 1
  4. No matter the reasons, right or wrong , My Thai wifey is NEVER wrong, She breaks a glass, it is my fault! Dent on her car ...my fault for not driving her in my car! Tell her about my day at work, I'll get the sack, should keep my mouth shut. The fact I was talking about replacing my office chair, as it had broken! Couldn't care less about the world and whats happening. Her bubble is a radius of about 10kms that moves only with her! perhaps its wise to be like that. Her bubble is her happiness zone, and she can allow in or push out whoever or whatever takes her fancy at any given moment in time.  Perhaps thats the same with all Thai's? and why it can be so easy to get laid and then forgotten?

    • Thanks 1
  5. If you are working for an oversea company teaching students overseas, and are using internet base to do so, is not illegal in Thailand. 1, You are not taking work in Thailand away from a Thai, 2, You are not working in Thailand. 3, You are not working for a Thai based company, and 4, you are not receiving payment in Thailand. If that was the case a man working contracts in the oil fields in Oman, but, lives here in Thailand with his Thai wife. Must also be breaking the law too! Because he contacts and details work to his staff over the net! When at home?

    • Like 1
  6. 11 hours ago, webfact said:

    The junta must revoke all these orders, Pheu Thai insisted, and parties must instead be governed by the organic law on political parties.

    Why, It was because of Pheu Thai the Army stepped in, So why would they listen to anything they said? They are like a drunk thrown out of a bar trying to get back in while still drunk and want a fight! Time the bouncer gave him a slap and send him on his way, in an ambulance if needed

    • Like 1
  7. TAT will be happy with international newspapers reporting Pattaya, It just up's the bookings for holidays, not just the Guys coming but the gals too!, gives them the chance to dress down everyday on holiday unlike just Friday nights, Plus they know they will get to try new things themselves! So, they will be happy has bookings increase, cash comes in. Even the ugliest will get laid, doped up and drunk and most will have a looker rocking their world perhaps for the first time be they male,female or something inbetween!!

    • Like 1
  8. Of the insurance company have to pay if they issued insurance to HIM, then they accepted his policy, but, then as normal there are many unanswered question to this story, 4 am a motorbike , hired or borrowed , If driving , No crash helmet etc, If hired then it comes with insurance and the question is never asked in claims for licences, it is for 3rd party and medical cover.  Cat scans are not expensive in government hospitals and so call brain surgery is only to relieve pressure and is normal and simple, as is induced coma to allow the swelling on brain to settle. But then as normal off every body rushes to the private hospitals, who spend more time on a calculator than bedside.. Still reading the injuries list it sounds like he was run over and dragged underneath not just hit. So maybe be a pick up or similar, I hope the Police find them and hopefully he has a good chance. Just read the latest, and he seemed to lose control at speed and hit a barrier. Drink drive claims another!

    • Sad 2
  9. Honestly this is what make TV so stupid, the same stupid request for information that is very common knowledge, and would you not ask immigration that question as you leave the country or at least when you go and get your exit permit?, The same as the request about  money in the bank, late/forgot my 90 days etc., Don't you think its time to stop replying to these questions, surly TV as pages with these details on?

    • Confused 2
  10. The main point is you are allowed to teach, most online teaching is not for Thai students, it is for Chinese students, You are working under contract as a freelance tutor. It is your responsibility to declare if required under the law of the country you are in. You are not breaking any Thai laws unless the money is paid to you direct to Thailand, which it is not. Money you transfer into Thailand is legal and should be declare in the country bank account you keep it. Transferring for personal use is not taxable if it is under a certain each month and you then do not have to confirm where your money is coming from as it will be from income from savings. Simple don't teach online to Thai students unless the company is will to fulfill the legal requirements for teaching Thai's

  11. I tend to agree the Filipinos, are encouraged to leave their country to get work, many are very religious, and their degrees seem to all come from religious universities, Like false , but, government approved! and most seem to be qualified mainly for kindergarten as their ages show, those who older seem to be married with a another qualified teacher and have child, and like the fleas on my dog once one is established there are more waiting to join, even to the point that they go to different schools near each other, and all the others that come are related, and then the noose is tighten, they stop talking to the western teachers, start gossip and telling tales. Has their all families together, they know how to always be there, as the life is religion and community, But ask them to work Saturdays! or go away with students for the weekend Na! 

  12. The subjects format may change, what should be seen is can you as the teacher change? Can you sit down read up a subject, and then walk into a classroom and pass that knowledge on to different groups of student while taking into account the groups abilities, and in ways that help the students retain the information you are giving them? You may well be able to handle a scooter to get to work, and you have the basic knowledge to jump on 750 cc sports bike and make it move, But without restudying and updating your knowledge on it and the effect of conditions to use it, you are likely to come off sooner rather than later! 

  13. I think that if you are knownly teaching online to Thai students while based in Thailand you could fall foul of something, But, only if you are trying to get a visa to stay in Thailand, There are several,visas.. B visa for work, O married which entitles you to work, and business visa, all would be requiring certain-restrictions etc to to be permitted for visa. and work permit. The easier one is the married Visa, but funds may be required and the correct legal paperwork. Now if you are teaching on line for a company registered in another country and teaching students not in Thailand, plus payment is made in another country and those funds are then transferred to your account yourself in Thailand, You should declare income on your tax return here,  and then you will stay illegal,  I earn extra 150 to 300,000 per year online teaching, and by the time I declare for wife, child, grandparents and self 2000 baht tax ...not a problem.

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