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Posts posted by phetpeter

  1. Nok air have been operating Phits to Phetchabun (khao) for a while now) My wife was told 4 years ago by the bank manager that we shouldn't sell for at least 5 years. In that time Hotels have been popping up all the time, the airport is to be refurnished. Nok announced that flight will starts on the 2nd of June this year or it could be 2nd July. The main reason is the Thai tourism is played out in many areas, but, its still growing in Phet. Thai's want clean, cool air , fun and low prices, this is still available here. But, they now wanna get here quicker. If the flights connect with transport then it could be successful. We have also been told that surveying is happening, on a direct route to connect the railway, but, we will see...Never understood why it turns sharply right over the mountains just before the boundary of Phetchabun. when you consider that the state was going to be the new Bangkok many years ago due to it defenses of mountains and only one flat way in. Must have upset the wrong people!

  2. I have just received a 500 baht fine for speeding Its not in my province, plus on the GPS map it showed the speed limit to be 110kph, but then along the way was a small sign showing 80 kph. That in UK would be illegal as it is not registered. plus its a clear straight road, (well known as a speed trap in the pass officers just stopping out of province cars and stating excuses for fines, ...too long in outside lane...speeding, etc,).. The our local police officer stated, just ignore it their warnings to increase the fine to 1000baht and block renewal of road tax wouldn't happen has each province won't follow these types of requests from another as it doesn't benefit them nor cover the extra paperwork. In the UK I would take it to court, for the police to prove they have the right to change the speed limit only in emergency or safety concerns due to repairs or accidents and not for the purposes of entrapment. I know its only 500 baht and would only increase to 1000, plus no points system but, then I wont be going to Kong anytime soon within the next 6 month! So here in TITs its OK to play cat and mouse.

  3. All this talk, she is in hospital or was, and the fault lies with the driver or drivers, if not insured which is unlikely, they have to have minimum 3rd party which covers up to 5 million. If they haven't the police will take their vehicles/homes and sell them to recover costs. The one thing overlooked is lying on her hospital bed. She managed to arrange a 'Go fund me page'. unlike what I hear about US hospitals, she is being treated and cared by the hospital, so it must be that they have already been assured by the insurance that costs are going to be covered! If I were the insurance companies and found that you had started  such a deal, I wouldn't pay, has it would seem that some form of deception was occurring.  

  4. I agree , Contact Suzuki. The responded very quickly, when we had a problem with the Bonnet as the are not dipped painted but sprayed. The contacted the dealer within 24hrs to sort it correctly, with a deep polish and if that didn't work, change the bonnet...it worked. We had sent them photos. The seem to be good if a problem occurs. I would be certain they would like to know about the problem and must be aware as they had a spare at the service center. You should get credit for that!

  5. 2 minutes ago, mlmcleod said:

    When I say that accident insurance in Thailand is a scam.

    Of course its not, even if you hire a scooter for a couple of days , and are uncertain as to the cover, you can go to any insurance office and purchase for about 350 baht a full years medical cover, if you come off it will cover most government basic hospital medical costs. If you are hit by someone else and they are at fault insured or not They have to pay. Involve the police and they will make sure that happens, unless you stink of beer. Just be careful wear a bone dome, give noone a reason to find fault. The law is pretty good, if in any vehicle that is involved in an accident, it has to have basic 3rd party cover for passengers. or the owner will have to pay. It is Black and white, sure, people will try to buy you off, create paperwork etc., but, stay cool. As for hospital, go first to government hospital, they are good, even if you have to pay, its not going to cost big money.  I have first hand knowledge, A drunk employee drove his truck into us, the police came, The owner of the truck, paid my hospital bill, gave me compensation(20K) paid the repairs of scooter and the police also made driver pay me (5K), plus all bills at the government hospital when presented with receipts were again paid back to me from the scooter insurance. (still didn't help with the pain I suffered for a whole month!)

  6. Just now, KittenKong said:

    People interested in doing this either do not have the time available to season the deposit correctly, or do not have anyone who will lend them 800kB.

    Obviously, anyone with the time and the cash would just do the extension himself in the normal way for 1900B. Like I do. Contrary to some comments in this topic, this is a very easy and simple procedure and I have never had the slightest trouble doing it many times.

    Me too! 12 years have been doing it myself, this year the first time I had to borrow some of it! A few situations over the years mainly changing office, with one year having to travel to NAN, got there and missing one document, but, officer changed me to a 'B' Visa save travelling the distance, and to cover for the time to another change of office to Phitsanulok, followed by a 3 month row with them, and then a few years of immigration deciding their own rules of 90 day deposit. The last few years (since Junta) normal rules and 60 days isn't a long time, to reduce spending and waiting, no excuses to try and 'bend' the system. Knowing I don't have to grease the system, makes me feel safer! plus now the whole service never takes more than an hour. Last year was also the first time I was given finance in my own name without wife having to sign to buy a car, so borrowing should become easier for many!

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  7. Why would it need a payment for the Immigration officer? If you borrow the money to put in your account for the 60 days. you show the office you have full filled their requirements. and you return the money to lender plus interest payment...job done.  Have house or land or car that will do as a deposit ..the papers. Or if you have a wife and family they can get the money from several legal sources including banks and deposit her gold. for 3 or 4 months. I know, had a short fall and have just done exactly that last month. or perhaps you have a friend who would be willing to do that at? Monthly interest rate for 50,000 is around 345 baht per month for pawn shop. the 'green' bank less.

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  8. I think those men who have married a Thai and moved on to another Thai woman have already proved that their decision making isn't very good. For them paying sin-sod is part of their bad decision making. For most of us who marry continue in the relationship through many problems. That doesn't mean we haven't sampled the other fruits of Thailand, but, the commitment we made to love and care for a partner for ever, is something we remind each other all the time when the pot is boiling. and a few days or longer and life continues. We don't pack up and leave. The grass isn't any greener, elsewhere as you will find when the green grass turns just as brown and worn after its been trampled on for a short while! Its stays greenish when you you give it time and care, plus the greener grass is just for laying on for a short while to be enjoyed now and then! 

    • Thanks 1
  9. Personally, if the main thing on your wife to be's mind is dowry, perhaps it would be best to extend the courtship for another 6 to 12 months. Just to be certain that she really does care for you and not just the cash!

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