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Posts posted by phetpeter

  1. Agree, the School teacher will have full insurance, she or her insurance company will have to pay full compensation , new motorbike and all medical expenses, now and in the future. They only option is to double the payment and try for a one off payment. The teachers dealing are secondly to stop going to court, and should not effect the insurance company legal duty

  2. If 16 he can get a restricted licence to ride 110cc to travel to school. But many things wrong in the video. He was driving without crash helmet, driving on the hard shoulder, driving fast, And too close to other vehicles, Me I would have pull back and allow the mass of vehicles to move along, and give myself space. But in Thailand its go or stop. nothing in between. The biker coming out did so with due care, another Thai situation as they seem to only be able to do one thing at a time when riding,  Turn but cannot brake. How many times have you had a biker pull out when stopping would be better! They would rather keep going even if it meant travel on the dirt? So sad RIP

  3. I believe the word, is used to generalize two different types of men. Gay means happy. Two men who are in a happy relationship is different completely to men who just engage in random sex with each other. I have had many male friends and still do who we are not interested in having sex with each other, We are one step high than best mates, we care for each other and share parts of out lives together. I also have friends who would spend every evening at clubs and bars who would and do at the drop of a zipper will engage in sex with other men, and strangers. We would call a woman who does that a whore or slut. But a man is gay. perhaps they are just insecure about relationship, and perhaps cannot find a relationship with a women because of it, so casual sex with each other is the way of having sex without the problems of relationship building. True gays are soul mates and live as man and woman because of hormonal changes from birth and they are GAY (happy with life). The others just playing the field and are SLUTS (maybe a new name is required...GLUTS?)

  4. I would love it if his ex would report him for publishing the video, and sue, then his career would shrink quicker then his pecker when blown by a breeze...His 5 mins of fame would go down in flames! Actor Na! look gay, stand and make faces , and listen to someone singing to cover up the lack of dialogue  while doing it and you too can be famous for 3 months on a Thai soap!

  5. The idea has come from aircraft cover tags, you know the ones that say remove before flight. It looks cool on your aircraft and I bet as the motorbiker slides under you truck, he's thinking how the crossover to under your car looks cool too! Better than the hanging monkey of the back windscreen wiper!

    • Thanks 1
  6. I can understand why the men would think this might help, Not all men are comfortable, or sure of how to become 'animals' in the bedroom. But, I must admit if I was going to fleece a large group of men out of 20K. 3 k each would be paid to a group of Thai gals to show them .What gals 'Like" in the bedroom, plus a couple of live girl on girl action to the group for them to try out on their "teachers pets" later. and the rest a very nice profit to bank, and wait for the bookings to pile in for the next course. Of course all this would be run (fronted) by Thai wifey. ( hmm! she could also save me a bit more money too! by using some of her past experiences too!) ( maybe?)

    • Like 1
  7. Its a Thai auction! She is bidding herself to one who offers a better future with love...marriage . from what you are offering is words, you are in her home, her life, she is refusing you to buy anything, reason you are only offering, the new fridge should have been there without offer! You sound  weak! she has told you that you are kind and sweet, but not wanting a full commitment, being strong (sweeping her off her feet!) You will have to up your biddin in this Thai auction. It not money she wants but, long term relationship...Are you ready to commit to that? If not, then drop out.

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  8. For my wife we applied for a fiance visa which gave her 6 months if we didn't get married within 6 months she had to return, if we married , which we did, she was given a one year extension and then right to abode indefinably, we gave the reason for the visa to see if she and I would be happy together in the UK and the different lifestyle and cultural.I also showed I would support her for the whole trip and flight tickets including a return ticket (flexible) for 6 months. Maybe changed 'cause it was 14 years ago! But I would assume the same rulings, Plenty of emails showing regular contact, and stamps showing my trips over. No Money transactions was shown, as it shows that money is playing a big part in the relationship. ( that was advice from an agent we spoke to for advice) Emails showing contact every day for several months. She was stamp out in one day with interviews for her, she answered everything correctly, knew everything about me and remembered my name in full, and where and what I did for a living and my address she would be living, and that within six months if she wasn't still happy or in love which was the reason for going that she would return!

  9. One very good reason not to accept land from the family to build your dream hse, firstly no one in the village is going to buy it! Secondly its on the their land and charges for ground rent will rise if you spit, Unless it has been split and land deeds issued, plus if that is the case you have your name added as the legal spouse and acquired in marriage, (in fact the amphur told my wife to bring me along and have that done)  Plus she is unable to borrow on the the house or land without your consent in writing)and your life will be a living/deadly hell staying put. Buy/build on a housing estate, then it can be sold at a profit if the need arises.

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