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Posts posted by phetpeter

  1. Just now, KittenKong said:

    People interested in doing this either do not have the time available to season the deposit correctly, or do not have anyone who will lend them 800kB.

    Obviously, anyone with the time and the cash would just do the extension himself in the normal way for 1900B. Like I do. Contrary to some comments in this topic, this is a very easy and simple procedure and I have never had the slightest trouble doing it many times.

    Me too! 12 years have been doing it myself, this year the first time I had to borrow some of it! A few situations over the years mainly changing office, with one year having to travel to NAN, got there and missing one document, but, officer changed me to a 'B' Visa save travelling the distance, and to cover for the time to another change of office to Phitsanulok, followed by a 3 month row with them, and then a few years of immigration deciding their own rules of 90 day deposit. The last few years (since Junta) normal rules and 60 days isn't a long time, to reduce spending and waiting, no excuses to try and 'bend' the system. Knowing I don't have to grease the system, makes me feel safer! plus now the whole service never takes more than an hour. Last year was also the first time I was given finance in my own name without wife having to sign to buy a car, so borrowing should become easier for many!

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  2. Why would it need a payment for the Immigration officer? If you borrow the money to put in your account for the 60 days. you show the office you have full filled their requirements. and you return the money to lender plus interest payment...job done.  Have house or land or car that will do as a deposit ..the papers. Or if you have a wife and family they can get the money from several legal sources including banks and deposit her gold. for 3 or 4 months. I know, had a short fall and have just done exactly that last month. or perhaps you have a friend who would be willing to do that at? Monthly interest rate for 50,000 is around 345 baht per month for pawn shop. the 'green' bank less.

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  3. I think those men who have married a Thai and moved on to another Thai woman have already proved that their decision making isn't very good. For them paying sin-sod is part of their bad decision making. For most of us who marry continue in the relationship through many problems. That doesn't mean we haven't sampled the other fruits of Thailand, but, the commitment we made to love and care for a partner for ever, is something we remind each other all the time when the pot is boiling. and a few days or longer and life continues. We don't pack up and leave. The grass isn't any greener, elsewhere as you will find when the green grass turns just as brown and worn after its been trampled on for a short while! Its stays greenish when you you give it time and care, plus the greener grass is just for laying on for a short while to be enjoyed now and then! 

    • Thanks 1
  4. Personally, if the main thing on your wife to be's mind is dowry, perhaps it would be best to extend the courtship for another 6 to 12 months. Just to be certain that she really does care for you and not just the cash!

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  5. My wife of 16 years, told me I wasn't to pay sin sot, as she had been married before and had a child, so, she is a free gift! and you know its rude to return gifts, so, no refunds for the return of faulty goods!:sad:

  6. I have been teaching in Thailand for 1 5years, you only have to look at the need a teacher sites (no names) to see the salaries offered haven't changed for over a decade, but the fees to students have! They wouldn't look at coloured teachers back then, but, greed at keeping the true worth for teachers low means they will accept them now. and still not keep honest educators who actually come here to teach, and try to help improve students, and have a better life for themselves as well. But, directors and senior Thai staff have more cash than they can spend, and increase their outside interests and businesses. So sad. Perhaps because they are normally connected, its cheaper to get your supplies up country and perhaps also recruit or deal too! in whatever they are doing!

  7. Firstly the ambulance driving is driving a Toyota or Nissan van , if you haven't driven one of these vans, you would know you don't wanna try any flash moves, they are unstable, empty, and with 5 people in them. Plus these waterfall areas with wardens , should all be trained and carry the emergency resuc kits, They are easy to use and even the thickest of Thai's should be able to do something. In fact it should be mandatory to have first aid training in all school for all students. What the point of my daughter wearing a red cross uniform once a week in school if she isn't even given first aid training , which she is not!

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  8. The problem isn't that in the sticks hospitals , they can manage major traumas, such as heart attacks etc, They can and do, the main reason for DOA is quite simply the education of Thai's that all situations require smelling salts and a shake! or a stand around and discuss. meaning your dead before you are dead. The human body will do everything it can to survive, but, you need to make sure the people living around you are aware of what they need to do if you have a medical condition, plus you should train them in between waiting for your next delivery of ice cold 'Chang'. Plus before you go to the private hospital and cough up 30-40,000baht, go to your local clinic see if they have a defib machine, if not spent the money and buy them one. They will put a gold label on it and you will be remembered when you are gone!

    • Confused 1
  9. On 4/20/2018 at 11:29 AM, trainman34014 said:

    You're not comparing apples with apples.  The Emergency Services in Britain are operated by the Government and regulated but in Thailand they are either Private Company run Services or Volunteer Services with Charity Funding and all are unregulated with regard to what Vehicles they use and the standards that apply to those Vehicles.

    You are getting confused, all government hospital have a fleet (a few!) government ambulances fitted out. They are issued by the government. Volunteer services run by Charities, are not real volunteer services, they have full time members who are paid. Their main tasks are to recover the dead, and clean up as per Buddhist customs. These are becoming standard ambulances The other small group are commission chasers, who are slowly being pushed out as they have no training which is now becoming a requirement. These are the ones that shouldn't have lights or sirens. But, these are the ones that have caused the attitude of drivers, education on TV, and newspapers should be a regular thing and like dressing up as an old Thai would then become a move over for the ambulance...Takes about 3 months of education for it to stick in minds if the soap is anything to go by!

  10. On 2/29/2016 at 12:10 AM, thehelmsman said:

    Had private room where myself and her mother slept. Cost was 35,000baht. Vs. having unknown doctor deliver, open ward, family having to sleep hallways or get a hotel room.

    This isn't a jungle! They certainly don't pop out babies in front of every one. Babies are born in private and cared for the same as any other civilized country. and the doctor isn't unknown, and isn't a open ward. That 35,000 baht could have been used by you to purchase medical equipment for a poorer district, so others could benefit, and give other mums and babies a better start in life!

  11. I will have to be careful next time wifey asks me to go to Tesco! and pick up shopping for the neighbour, I am working, I will have to tell her I will sit in the coffee shop while she does the shopping, as I don't have a WP, plus its a job that Thai's can do! plus no more housework, ironing or cooking. I have to obey the laws of the land!

    • Haha 1
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