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Hog Head

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Posts posted by Hog Head

  1. The Chiangmai ToyRide is Jan 6/08 in aid of disadvantaged children on Childrens Day


    We need voulenteers and pickup trucks to help mob & de-mob tents, direct traffic, pick up and return a generator, pick up ice and man the beer tent, carry toys from HTT Lake, etc.

    Please PM myself, or stop by Tuskers, or Richo Motorsports


  2. I turned down the blaring speakers in Tesco one day and the dumbfounded look from the staff was worth the wrath of my wife. All the same once I bought my deli items back up it went and I have never returned to Tesco again.

    same experience at Watsons with a blaring TV

    I now have a TV-Be-Gone which is a blessing for those who live here. It is a 20.00 USD, key ring sized device, that will turn off virtually any TV made. Great for airport lounges, and restaurants where the TV is blaring and the staff all watching football.

    Wife is not impressed, but as you can imagine I love it and in fact have a spare.

    If my neighbour has another party, its off in the dark with my snippers.

  3. @Hog head, Thats the first time I have heard this 50% thing.. And not for the want of asking either !!! So does that mean you cant make a bug into a beach buggy ??? Means a baja bug is easier tho..

    Most importantly you need a legal registration book, with all in order. You must base the new car on this VIN, and not change the chassis other than "rust repair". Bugs are priced out of sight for a POS, but TIT

    Baja bug no problem. Chop fenders, hood, and deck and be on your merry way.

    Note the book states body type, and the change to convert is the biggest deal in the process. This will involve getting an Engineer to sign off on the body mod, sending to BKK for approval, then getting your local office to change the body style in the book. It still looks like a Bug convert at this stage so so problem with the 50% rule.

    You can chop the fenders and drive it as a beach bug this way, however if you want the traditional fibreglass body the next step is to pay excise tax on the "replacement body" You have paid your due taxes, and are now around the 50% rule.

    Engine change, and colour are easily done and the local office does this all the time.

    Do this as the last step so as not to confuse them all at once.

    There is a Thai guy doing this with Merc replicas on a Merc chassis.

    I am building a Speedster right now on a Bug chassis, and own the moulds to produce a body. If you would rather have a Speedster let me know

  4. Changing the engine is allowed, and as noted the engine number must be changed in the registration book. There is no engineering certification involved and you can do basically whatever you want. Motor Vehicles is used to this and is done all the time. They will want to see that you paid tax on the motor, and take a rubbing off the engine serial number in order to change the book.

    Body mods are a bit different and you are supposed to retain 50% of the body, and the vehicle must resemble the original. Having said that, it is possible for example to change a Beetle to a Speedster. It involves several small steps to arrive at the final destination, but can be done.

  5. Chiang Mai ToyRide 2008

    In Aid of Disadvantaged Children


    January 6th Event Summary

    On Sunday January 6th, hundreds of riders on motorcycles of all types and sizes, laden with toys, games and stuffed animals, will parade through Chiang Mai and then create a massive pile of toys to be given to needy boys, girls and babies. Following the success and popularity of similar events in other parts of the world the Chiang Mai motorbike community has come together to organise the first Chiang Mai ToyRide for disadvantaged children: a ride around Chiang Mai, an optional loop to Samoeng and a festive charity party at Huai Tung Tao Lake with toy presentations to kids.

    All Chiang Mai motorcyclists are invited to join the event whether their bikes are large or small.

    No admission charge: just bring along a new toy to warm a needy child’s heart.

    The toys will be distributed by the non-profit organization Give and Live. www.giveandlive.org

    It is expected that the event will create a great deal of media interest and that it will become an annual event. It is our aim to make the Chiang Mai ToyRide the biggest event of its kind in Asia.

    Objectives of the Event

    1. To collect toys to give to disadvantaged Thai children and bring a smile to their faces

    2. To promote goodwill between the Thai and overseas motorbike riding community and the people of Chiang Mai

    3. To have fun!

    Event Timetable

    Sunday January 6th

    1, Buy a toy and meet at the Tesco Khamtien at 10:00 am

    2. Motorcycle parade through the city (see accompanying map for the proposed route)

    3. Road ride to Samoeng, those not wishing to ride as far can go directly to Huai Tung Tao Lake

    4. Afternoon/evening party at Huai Tung Tao Lake, including food and drink vendors, fun and games and most importantly, a presentation of toys to local needy children with the help of Give and Live.

    Saturday January 12th – Children’s Day

    There will be presentations of toys to different groups of hospitalized and disadvantaged children throughout the city. Interested riders are welcome to come along.

    Come as a rider, or a sponsor, or just come!

    Hundred of motorcycles adorned with toys riding through Chiang Mai will create an amazing

    spectacle and generate tremendous interest. The 2008 Chiang Mai ToyRide will be a major charity event that is set to become an important part of the city’s calendar. Everyone is invited to participate and join the fun.

    For more Information please contact:

    Email: [email protected]

    English Charles Begley

    Telephone: 087 180 4665

    Thai Sirirat Straghan

    Telephone 086 919 6285

  6. Chiang Mai ToyRide 2008

    In Aid of Disadvantaged Children

    www.chiangmaitoyride.com (Under Construction)

    January 6th Event Summary

    On Sunday January 6th, hundreds of riders on motorcycles of all types and sizes, laden with toys, games and stuffed animals, will parade through Chiang Mai and then create a massive pile of toys to be given to needy boys, girls and babies. Following the success and popularity of similar events in other parts of the world the Chiang Mai motorbike community has come together to organise the first Chiang Mai ToyRide for disadvantaged children: a ride around Chiang Mai, an optional loop to Samoeng and a festive charity party at Huai Tung Tao Lake with toy presentations to kids.

    All Chiang Mai motorcyclists are invited to join the event whether their bikes are large or small.

    No admission charge: just bring along a new toy to warm a needy child’s heart.

    The toys will be distributed by the non-profit organization Give and Live. www.giveandlive.org

    It is expected that the event will create a great deal of media interest and that it will become an annual event. It is our aim to make the Chiang Mai ToyRide the biggest event of its kind in Asia.

    Objectives of the Event

    1. To collect toys to give to disadvantaged Thai children and bring a smile to their faces

    2. To promote goodwill between the Thai and overseas motorbike riding community and the people of Chiang Mai

    3. To have fun!

    Event Timetable

    Sunday January 6th

    1, Buy a toy and meet at the Tesco Khamtien at 10:00 am

    2. Motorcycle parade through the city (see accompanying map for the proposed route)

    3. Road ride to Samoeng, those not wishing to ride as far can go directly to Huai Tung Tao Lake

    4. Afternoon/evening party at Huai Tung Tao Lake, including food and drink vendors, fun and games and most importantly, a presentation of toys to local needy children with the help of Give and Live.

    Saturday January 12th – Children’s Day

    There will be presentations of toys to different groups of hospitalized and disadvantaged children throughout the city. Interested riders are welcome to come along.

    Come as a rider, or a sponsor, or just come!

    Hundred of motorcycles adorned with toys riding through Chiang Mai will create an amazing

    spectacle and generate tremendous interest. The 2008 Chiang Mai ToyRide will be a major charity event that is set to become an important part of the city’s calendar. Everyone is invited to participate and join the fun.

    For more Information please contact:

    Email: [email protected]

    English Charles Begley

    Telephone: 087 180 4665

    Thai Sirirat Straghan

    Telephone 086 919 6285

  7. There is a commercial baking shop called Shmidt on the CM - Mer Rim Rd. that will sell you the mix. I prefer to do it myself, and brought a bread machine cookbook from Canada.

    Can you be a bit more detailed in the description - CM to Mae Rim is a fair distance to look for a shop :o


    On the right when heading towards Mae Rim, just past the canal Rd, where the military base begins.

    Small white sign, and off the main Rd.

  8. Interesting points, Robert,

    I did a search on "Energy Minister is deceitful" (actuall "Energy Minister deceitful") and could only come up with this thread:


    Would you mind pointing us to the thread you want us to see? :o

    Here is the toned down version:


    The Ministry of Energy is using the Oil Fund Levy to get the oil traders to do their dirty work for them in eliminating petrol 95 from the market.

    As of Nov 5. 07 , with the exception of petrol 95, the levy for all fuels was reduced by 40 stang per litre. The pump price to the Consumer remains the same, and this 40 stang goes right into the pockets of the oil traders. Margins on oil trading have become very thin, and this move means that the oil companies earn 40 stang per litre less on petrol 95. This is a very strong economic incentive, and as stated by the President of Bangkok Petroleum, will force oil traders to drop petrol 95 from the market. .

    The government has had a long standing policy to remove petrol 95 from the market and backed off on this policy after the car manufacturers would not certify that their vehicles are 100% gasohol compliant. The fact that there are vehicles in use that cannot use gasohol is undisputable, While I take exception to the governments position that this numbers 500,00 vehicles, the fact remains that a considerable number of Thais simply cannot use gasohol.

    Energy Minister, Piysavasti Amranand, promised to make petrol 95 available as long as vehicles incapable of using gasohol were in operation. The Energy Minister is fully aware of the economic squeeze he has put the oil traders in. His current economic disincentive is simply a well thought through means to achieve the governments goal of removing petrol 95, while he can claim to keep his hands clean and maintain his promise.

    Mr Energy Minister, be honest in your approach, and think of the Thai consumers that must have petrol 95.

  9. I have voiced my gut reaction that Bangchak Petroleum's decision to drop 95 gasoline is a sign of a new market-driven trend that is independent of the current government policy (though the gov't decision to promote E20 is certainly key here - they just didn't ban 95 gas).

    I'd really like to hear from other readers of this forum about this. Do you have good evidence to agree with me, or do you think this a sort of "isolated case"? :o

    Read my post re the Energy Minister is deceitful in this forum

    The government is steadfastly on the long stated path to remove both petrol 91 and 95 from the market, and by playing with the Oil Fund levy, are just getting the oil companies to do their dirty work. No they did not ban 95, but simply put the oil companies in a position where there is no profit in selling petrol so gasohol only it is.

    The fact that a very large number of Thai motorists cannot use the stuff matters far less than supporting the ethanol industry, that sprang up overnight as a result of the governments gasohol policy. There is a huge ethanol surplus and more coming on line.

    The rub is that the majority know squat about the technical issues and only look at the price, hence the market. Those that are in the know, continue to buy petrol for either technical or economic reasons.

    Lets not forget that the car manufacturers did not kowtow to the government and certify that their cars are E-10 compatible.

    Search the archives for my comments on the technical issues last year.


  10. Well they say so many things.

    The one thing they are saying very loud and clear is that the oil companies do not make any money on petrol 95 and will stop selling it.

    This is due to the Energy Minister reducing the oil fund levy by 40 stang/litre on all fuels but 95

    Stay tuned for the withdrawl of petrol 91.

    What they are not saying is why the unwavering support for ethanol producers, in the face of known incompatibility problems for E-10 and with the exception of the few new Focus models, zero market for E-20. Granted there are new E-20 vehicles coming on line like the Jazz due on Mar. 08, but the number will be very small.

  11. I've had 91 ethnol in my 2004 civic and it's rubbish. Poor consumption and lowered performance. Per km, it worked out more expensive than the regular 91. Will petrol companies fork out millions to compensate drivers for damaged engines due to long term use of ethanol? The push for ethanol us is obviously to feed the pocket or influential persons in that business and has nothing to do with energy conservation. Drivers of sedans don;t have much choice - virtually no diesel driven sedans are here, and only really the ford focus is properly designed to run on e-10/20. Could be a boon for ford in the coming years! Anyway I don;t see 91 being phased out anytime soon (hopefully!), or I might be looking for another car..

    It is official government policy to substitute gasohol for both petrol 91 and 95.

    The Energy Minister backed off and stated that petrol 95 would continue to be available after the car companies would not toe the line and certify that their cars are ethanol safe.

    Last week that same Energy Minister removed the Oil Fund levy from all fuels but petrol 95, getting the oil companies to do the dirty work for him and continue with the policy to withdraw petrol. This put the oil companies in a position where they only make 10 stang a litre on petrol 95, so naturally they will discontinue the sale of 95, and sell more profitable E-10

  12. Bangkok Post reports today that the margin on petrol 95 is 10 stang per litre, and as I suspected, The Nation reports that Bangchak Petroleum will stop selling petrol 95 Dec. 1, 07.

    The Nation links are not online long, so read it now:


    Petrol 91 will be next to be removed from the market. Perhaps the Energy Minister could explain what the owners or the estimated 23 million motorcycles and 500,000 cars that CANNOT run on gasohol are to do?

    The government is expected to begin promotion of E-20 (20%) gasohol in Dec 07 with Bangchak beginning to offer E-20 in January 08.

    It will be very interesting to see the manufacturers compatability statements on E-20 as to my knowledge the Ford Focus is the only car in the Thai market certified to run on E-20. I will research this tomorrow to confirm

    E-20 is a chicken and egg question. The Excise Department refuses to reduce the excise tax on E-20 vehicles so there is no incentive for the manufacturers to offer the cars. Until there are vehicles capable of using the fuel, where is the market, or is it just to be forced upon the consumer?

    This is either utter madness, or blatant corruption.

    The government needs to stop blindly supporting those who own the ethanol companies, and support the Thai consumer. Make petrol 91 and 95 available for those that must have it.

  13. Hi Guys

    I would like to buy a Merc. 200 komp. E or C class, any know about service, good or bad? and if it comes down to finance, anybody know?

    i will have a fortuner for sale, dont really know if trade in is a good idea.


    buy 2 Camrys and give one to me.

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