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Hog Head

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Posts posted by Hog Head

  1. I have the local BIB come by several times a day to keep an eye on my house and fil in their little book in the red box on my gate. The Cop is a nice young guy and has taken an intrest in my bikes and workshop goings on.

    Yesterday he showed up on a brand new Tiger 250 as I was pulling in on my BMW-1150RT. I asked him about the Tiger and next thing he offered me to take it for a ride. Only 650 km on the clock so I thrashed it gently up the road and gave the brakes a bit of a try. Not impressed with the buzzy engine, lack of power, middling brakes and suspension. The cop was less enthuastic and deemed it a POS. More intresting was his comment that the choice of Tiger for the Cop's ride was a result of corruption, but between my poor Thai and his poor English I could not make out the entire story.

    Only in Thailand would a Cop let you take his bike for a ride. Today I am going to see if I can play with his gun

  2. Richie Wilson of Richco Motorsports is a stand up guy, knows his stuff, is a Rep for Thai Siri Insurance, and does insurance claims every week.

    Harley parts are expensive, as are aftermarket custom parts. Labour here is cheap and quality work can be had if you know where to go. For example I saw a VERY expensive tank repair at Richco yesterday that is so perfect you would never know it had been damaged.

    Stop speculating on what the real cost is. Since you are considering paying (an other entire issue) go see Richie on Whulai Rd., deal with him directly, and review the damage and cost to repair. Richie will advise you on what can be fixed, what local work can be done, what is genuine HD, and what is aftermarket. You are the self insured Customer and I do not see why the bike Owner would have a problem with this.

  3. Sold my CBR and still have a week old PWK 28mmm flat slide carb, jets, aircleaner, the required throttle assembly, and aluminium can Endurance pipe. The carb is a genuine PWK and not the cheap PE round slide, or worse yet a copy

    less than 1/2 price at 6000 B for the lot

    Still for sale in CM

  4. Sold my CBR and still have a week old PWK 28mmm flat slide carb, jets, aircleaner, the required throttle assembly, and aluminium can Endurance pipe. The carb is a genuine PWK and not the cheap PE round slide, or worse yet a copy

    less than 1/2 price at 6000 B for the lot


    I just pumped in "barking dog" into the TV search engine and read all the stuff you guys printed on this thread in response to Bunta71's prob. No disrespect but no f*cking decent ideas either!

    Some of you guys know me and I am pretty easy-going, keep myself to myself, love my family and my dog. BUT, I DO NOT LOVE THE 5 DOGS ON ONE SIDE OR THE 5 ON THE OTHER of my house due to the same incessant almost 24/7 pack mentality barking.

    I'm not in a moo baan, I own my house so my options are limited. We have complained to the por-luang but as he has <deleted> the size of grapes, nothing has been done. I have tried the Viateck Barkstop and am now using another ultrasound (Lentek Super Barkfree) and both have no effect. On one side the owner has tried a bit and things have quietened somewhat, but on the otherside, the b*stard owners are out between 10am - 8pm and their 5 abominations just yap and yap and yap. Yes, we (me and my Thai wife) have tried talking to them but they just don't give a sh*t - why would they? The dogs only bark because naturally, they want something the owners are not there to give them - comfort, food, attention e.t.c. When the owners are there then they are quiet.

    Does anyone have any concrete info about laws on the max number of dogs allowed in a residence or powers that the ampur may have or do I have to starve my 2 year old Bull Terrier for a few days then chuck him over the fence? :o

    BTW, All Along the Watchtower with a directional speaker may be a good idea - anyone fancy coming to mine for a party? Proposed start time approx 2am any monday morning :D

    With thanks in advance,



    I will come over and drink your beer and bring my bagpipe music for a bit of fun. Let me know

  6. [

    with plenty left over for next weeks event for 200 kids in Samoeng ?


    thanks ..... dave2

    After giving the 100 kids at the ride event a toy, plus more toy giveaways for game prizes, we have about 280 toys left over.

    The Childrens day ride on Saturday is to support 200 Karen kids from small villages behind Samoung. We will be providing lunch for the kids, giving away the majority of the toys collected on ToyRide Day, plus blankets that we bought with cash donations.

    There will be several other give away rides during this upcoming year, supported by cash donations from our Sponsors and individuals.

    Thanks to our Sponsors and to the riders that came out and supported this event. Please continue to help children in need and come on the Childrens Day ride on Saturday.

    BTW, there are event T-shirts still available at 200B. PM me and I will bring some along on Saturday

  7. Richco Motorsports in Chiangmai had the Michelin Sport Pilots for me the next day from BKK.

    I have a polished (but noisy) Endurance pipe and 28mm Kehin PE28 flat slide carb with the necessary throttle, and air filter for sale. Both used about 2 hours until the obnoxious noise got to me.

    5500 B

    Correction that is a genuine, made in Japan, PWK flat slide not the cheaper PE round slide.

  8. Richco Motorsports in Chiangmai had the Michelin Sport Pilots for me the next day from BKK.

    I have a polished (but noisy) Endurance pipe and 28mm Kehin PE28 flat slide carb with the necessary throttle, and air filter for sale. Both used about 2 hours until the obnoxious noise got to me.

    5500 B

  9. Good shop, and I bought a jammed full truckload there last year on behalf of the ToyRide Committee.

    While they have a load of stuffed toys, there will be children of all ages and educational toys, games, footballs, badminton, dolls, colouring books, puzzles, etc are also greatly appreciated on the main Jan 4th ride day. We are bringing 100 orphaned kids this day and besides a toy for each kid, we will be providing them with lunch, ice cream, clown, magician, and games. Adult music and refreshments are available for those so inclined.

    Last year was the first for this event and we had about 200 bikes, and expecting double that this year. 400 bikes @ an average of 2 toys per bike = 800+ kids helped that need a break in life. We need your participation to make this a success, so please pass on the word to your riding buddies. All bikes are welcome from Aprillas to Zundapps

    Childrens day is the next weekend and interested riders are welcome to come on a ride to Samong to participate in giving away some of the toys collected on Jan 4th ride day to local hill tribe kids living under the radar.

    I will post details later.

  10. A reminder for the Chiangmai Toy Ride Jan 4th, in aid of needy children. This years ride departs from Tesco on the Superhighway and is a parade around CM city, ending up at the X-Centre in Mae Rim. Details are on our website.


    Members of the organizing committee will be donating toys to sick kids in the hospital Dec 24th afternoon, and we hope to have TV (television not ThaiVisa) coverage of this and the main Jan 4th ride event on NBT.

    Bikes and Bikers of all sizes are welcome on the ride and we hope to see you at this worthwhile event. If you don't ride, drop off a toy at one of our Committee members businesses - Richco Motorsports, Tuskers, or the X-Centre

  11. Nana Screw is very good and make it clear that you want his best quality. If he does not have it, he will bring tools in from BKK in a couple of days.

    Sata brand are excellent quality hand tools and while difficult to believe, are made in China with a lifetime guarantee. Several of the big NA tool brands use Sata and rebrand. I have seen Sata both at Nana, global, and a couple of other small shops around town. Check out the Sata website, and get Nana to order for you.


  12. " For example a body and subframe from Rusty Tubs at 5000 + 2500 freight = approx 476,685 THB plus brokerage, storage while you argue with Customs, fees, graft, local freight, etc. "

    Correction - the Rusty Tub body is the cheapest body I know of and costs 6000 USD with the required steel subframe.


    Landed this is a staggering 540,243 THB plus plus plus plus.....

    Plus excise tax when you change the body style in the book.

    Now just wait until someone on an uninsured POS, with no ability to pay and no social responsibility hits you.

    Not on for me, hence made in Thailand

  13. I know 2 beach buggys down this way that have come a cropper on body work modification issues.. Both had books but at later sale time the books were questioned, I guess they didnt pay the tax or get the right stamp or pass in old pre history..

    Most likely that is the case. Getting the Engineers stamp is not so difficult if one builds it right, and does not get out of hand with the chassis mods at the beginning. Do the simple body swap, get it approved, then modify away to your hearts content with suspension, brakes etc.

    Paying the excise tax is a biggie, and if you ever want to sell the car this is the key. The govt want the dosh.

    It has been done so this is not new ground to plow.

    Registering a kit car is a whole different kettle of fish.

  14. While all this has been is pending over the last couple of years, I have decided that the only way to legally do it, at a reasonable cost, is to use a donor car c/w book and rebody it. I am now well down that road.

    The body change has been done already, does not require emissions testing, but does require that an Engineer sign off on the body swap, and you pay excise tax on the new body. The inspection and most importantly paying the tax is the key to a legal book.

    The problem is that there is a big lack of suitable donors in the LOS, and they are mostly clapped out expensive crap.

    The easiest car to rebody is a VW Beetle as the body comes off with about 13 bolts, and VIN is on the chassis not the body. Expect to pay however as Beetles have a cult following and while nice on the outside are a POS under and inside. I would buy the cheapest one I could find and rebuild the entire thing the right way (as opposed to the Sonchai way)

    There are lots of replacement bodies and my choice is a 356 Speedster.

    Change the engine and paint it all you want and Motor Vehicles does this book change everyday. Perhaps best not to confuse them and do the engine at a different time than the body swap.

    Importing the body is a big expense at 80% duty + 7% VAT on the CIF cost - yes they charge duty and VAT on freight and they all compound upon each other. Remember you need to pay excise tax when changing the book on this now very expensive body. For example a body and subframe from Rusty Tubs at 5000 + 2500 freight = approx 476,685 THB plus brokerage, storage while you argue with Customs, fees, graft, local freight, etc. Excise tax must be paid on the body swap and is HP/displacement dependent but lets say 25% on CIF cost plus duty

    When someone hits you with this nice expensive imported, one piece fibreglass body, you are knackered.

    This cost and risk was unacceptable to me so I now have a mould to make Speedster bodies in Chiangmai. The test body is installed over the bar in Number 1 Pub, and the second body is for my personal car. I have also made myself a patio chair using the rear clip, with a beer cooler under the deck lid. When I get hit by some uninsured cretin, I at least can make another body.

    I am not in this for a business and it is simply a car related hobby for me. I would however, make a body and related parts if anyone is interested. A lot of the parts to complete the transformation from a POS into a Speedster can be cloned here from my NOS parts, but some things still need to be imported at 30% + 7%. In the end expect to pay 700 - 1 million for a really nice completely rebuilt car with all new parts. It can be done cheaper by recycling what comes in the donor, doing the interior locally, local standard paint job, and a 200K local body.

    Excise tax is paid on the 200,000 body

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