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Bangkok Barry

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Everything posted by Bangkok Barry

  1. I'm curious. How often do we read of child sex abuse by teachers in our own country? Very rarely. Yet here we read of it pretty much every week. And very often it only comes to light after the teacher has failed to pay the 'compensation' demanded by the parents. Police involvement? Often none., and often no point anyway as they only negotiate their percentage of the compensation.
  2. How about, in view of what appears to be damning evidence, withholding pay until proved innocent, instead of the other way around.
  3. I've said before that Thailand must be one of the most dangerous countries in the world outside of a war zone. We all know to never, ever get into an argument with a Thai as the consequences could be catastrophic. And this week it hit close to home as some relatives came by on their way to seek help from my brother-in-law policeman after their son was savagely beaten by their neighbour. Why? Because smoke from burning some leaves in their garden drifted over to the neighbour's house. That was enough to arouse the neanderthal in him so round he came to express his displeasure with his fists. There is a very, very nasty undertone in this country with violence, often extreme, just below the surface of the land of smiles.
  4. Thais call themselves Buddhist but display little to back it up. They are entirely undisciplined in everything they do. Not every single Thai, before the Thai apologists get excited. But many, in all walks of life and in everything they do.
  5. I am considering using my UK credit card for most purchases and no longer bringing any money at all into Thailand. They can't tax nothing. Of course there will be bank charges, but they would be gradual and I doubt they would come close to the Thai tax I would have to pay.
  6. Come on! Imagine the paperwork involved. Give the police a break. Do Not Disturb.
  7. I'd say that the woman might do well to leave the relationship. It obviously has no future, with him not trusting her. We know that in Thailand such 'misunderstandings' can sometimes have extremely serious consequences.
  8. The feasibility study will be as far as it gets, as those who control the taxi mafia won't let it happen. What happened to the idea of a monorail in Pattaya, and wasn't there supposed t be a regular bus service introduced there? Did it happen? Does it still? I haven't been to that particular family paradise for some years so am out of touch.
  9. I'm not qualified to say. Different rules often apply to people from different countries. Others may be better able to advise.
  10. And they are everywhere. I tried to get a taxi in Bangkok this week and not one, none at all, wanted to use the meter for a 5-10 minute trip. Another image that tourists receive when they come to Thailand.
  11. There might be different rules and a different attitude depending on what country you are from. As you bizarrely want to keep that a secret from us there is only limited advice that can be given.
  12. Because maybe, just maybe, they want a decent burial attended by family and friends back in his home country? Seems you have had an empathy bypass.
  13. What would you do? He was a healthy middle-aged man who died suddenly and unexpectedly. The chance of that happening is very slim, so I'd guess he didn't consider the possibility that he might need insurance cover to bring his body back to the UK.
  14. Since when does anyone in Thailand consider anything, think about the danger of what they are doing? They don't care. I've been to these rocket festivals, and the size and ferocity of these rockets are impressive for home-made devices. Also frightening, because we all know that safety is rarely a consideration here. Wasn't someone killed a few days ago? But it's always sanuk first, safety second.
  15. Just more proof that in the Land of Smiles you can be murdered over anything at all, no matter how trivial. There are a lot of savages in this country, with absolutely no self control.
  16. And it took them only five months. Bravo.
  17. Why not read it first, before commenting.
  18. He didn't complain. He asked a question. Some people, such as you, are unable to tell the difference.
  19. AI can't handle such technicalities
  20. Fair argument, but it thar kind of case they'd have to prove the rape took place. At least they would in most places. And that is why, I've read, many women don't report it. Unfortunately.
  21. Maybe the day will come when there are cash-only tills and those with an eternity to spare can use the card-only tills.
  22. I stopped reading after the first paragraph. I refuse to read AI-generated nonsense.
  23. This is called progress. Those who use a system called cash that works instantly and which has existed throughout history are called dinosaurs.
  24. I don't understand this statute of limitations nonsense. If a crime has been committed then keep going until a verdict is reached. Why do cases have an expiry date? Suddenly the alleged crime doesn't count anymore? Time's up. Nothing to see here. Move on. Red Bull guy next, only one more charge against him to go before he can arrive back in Thailand with a huge grin on his face., free as a bird after allegedly killing a cop. No court necessary. On your way, son.
  25. I've PM'd you. This site does not encourager such services, and banned one member from promoting it. Even though the Mod who did so actually used his service.
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